Tale of The Hog With a Ruptured Belly

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Jul 5, 2007
South Western, OK
Couple weeks ago i shot this 100-110 pound hog while he was standing broadside rubbing against a 2.5 inch sapling. Hog bang flopped at the shot. There was a large entry wound and no exit wound. The animals belly was also split open.


While sitting in the stand a few days later i was scoping around and saw a bullet hole in the sapling about 8-10 inches off the ground. The bullet had exited the sapling.


Looks like shock from being smacked by the sapling busted his belly.
when a bullet goes thru wood and then hits flesh it does weird stuff.

i once shot a squirrel from beneath,thru a 3 or 4 inch thick white oak limb with a sks.. it literally rained squirrel for several seconds..
when a bullet goes thru wood and then hits flesh it does weird stuff.

i once shot a squirrel from beneath,thru a 3 or 4 inch thick white oak limb with a sks.. it literally rained squirrel for several seconds..

I once 'barked' a squirrel which had been giving me hell while I was trying to sit quietly on a deer stand. He wouldn't quit or go away, and I finally got so peeved that I turned around and aimed at the branch he was sitting on - with my .25-06 Ruger #1. At the shot, he went up about 6 feet and came down about 20 feet from me. I went to pick him up: he was 'barked' all right - in fact, he was completely full of bark.

PRD1 - mhb - MIke
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