Tannerite info needed

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Jan 21, 2003
The great state of TEXAS
Got my shipment of 1/2 lb tannerite canisters today. However, there were no instructions that I could find. How does one mix this? I e-mailed the company, but they have not gotten back to me yet. I'll call them tomorrow, but I am on a tight schedule during the day. Thought someone here could help me out. I got the white crystals, a gray powder, a funnel and a measuring spoon, but no idea how much to mix. I want to make boom boom this weekend.
you should have also received a container for mixing the 2 together.

anyway dump the white into the container and one spoon of the grey aluminum powder .. mix well then use funnel to put it back into the original container with the target on it put the cap on and shoot . make sure you are using a high velocity centerfire rifle to do so .
By 1 spoon do you mean 1 of the measuring spoonsful that was included, or 1 teaspoonful or 1 tablespoonful? What is the smallest size that makes a good boom?
Tannerite is made about two miles from where I used to live in Pleasant Hill. A couple co-workers and I split a case last year. It's pretty fun; I'm amazed that it's legal.

If I remember, there should be a little blue measureing spoon (1 tablespoon IIRC) that is the correct amount for one canister. The instructions also say that less is better than more. Do not use more powder thinking it will be better.

One canister is cool, two together is way better; just don't be too close! I was actually slightly disappointed with the first one because it was built up too much and my thought was "that's it?". By the time they were all gone I wished I could afford to buy more.

Be careful how many you put together at once, and especially what you blow up and how close you are. Flying shrapnel is a real concern. My co-worker put one in an old computer somebody else had dumped and shot up (I can't stand slobs who bring junk to shoot and just leave it!). He was about 70 yards away and a big chunk of metal came back like a fastball, landing about ten feet in front of him!
The video does not show the measurements involved- but no worries. I got a quick reply from Daniel at Tannerite.com and he educated me on proper mixing. I hope it's as good as I have heard.
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