Taser use on dogs

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I recommend mace in one hand and a gun in the other. Mace the dog while simultaneously shooting the owner. Do a quick search for the phrase "if someone did that to my dog" on here, for why.

Somewhere on the web (I'm too rushed to look for it right now) there's a video of a taser being used on a very large bull.

It works really, really well. The bull stiffens up all four legs and topples over. You're sitting there, staring at the screen going, "WOW!"

Then the taser shuts off and the bull gets up. The bull is visibly enraged and slams into the side of the pen in an definite attempt to kill the taser user. Probably would have succeeded if it weren't penned up.

I recommend mace in one hand and a gun in the other. Mace the dog while simultaneously shooting the owner. Do a quick search for the phrase "if someone did that to my dog" on here, for why.

Dude, you made my day!
Tasers would work great against dogs AND keep them down if only the voltage were doubled. 50 kV - 100 kV would also work better on people who are hyped on drugs thinking they're Superman. But I take the side of any officer who decides to shoot an attacking dog using the sidearm.
an attacking dog using the sidearm.

If the dogs learn to use sidearms, we're DOOMED! We'll be nothing more than bipedal can openers.

"All hail our 4-legged masters!"
(Practicing my toadying skills, just in case)
I for one welcome our new canine overlords :)

That video of the bull was pretty instructive though. Was the "shooter" holding it gangsta-style? :scrutiny:
It was a joke. The vision of a Vizula with a Charter Arms Bulldog revolver tickled me.

No harm meant.
Its just a dog, shoot it if it attacks you.

I think the idea is that the Taser might actually stop the animal faster than a firearm. Watching the bull video tells me that it might just be the case. I cant imagine anything short of a CNS hit with a rifle dropping a bull like that.
I'm a certified Law Enforcement Tasar instructor. The bull was shot with a special model only meant for animals (10X more powerfull than human use one). Regular Taser's are good for dogs if both darts go into the dog (dog small target). Dogs are hard targets because they are short and long. When a Taser is fired the top dart goes out flat and the bottom dart goes out at a slite angle. When the darts stick into the target it only effects the area between the darts (I took a full 5 second ride :cuss: DARN THAT HURTS). The further apart the darts are the better the target gets hit. So I would try and use the gangster style shooting stance if aiming for a dog (long dog). We were also told that animals will do only two things when hit by a Taser, run or fight. I guess you know what the bull wanted to do! Anyway I have used the Taser on a violent drug user (crack head) with great effect. It only took three hits to change his attitude (I must be a wimp, DARN THAT ONE FIVE SECOND RIDE HURT :cuss: ). I'm also a certified Law Enforcement OC instructor. I would rather be Tased (OC THIRTY Minutes, Taser five seconds) than sprayed any day (DARN THAT HURTS TOO :cuss: ). I've never had a failure with OC (against drunks, druggies, aceholes, etc.). :evil:
I've never had a failure with OC (against drunks, druggies, aceholes, etc.).
There was a woman in my OC class who was all but immune to the stuff. She basically shook her head, sneezed once, and said with some puzzlement, "That's it??!?"


I've watch one of my Schutzhund dog completely ignore an $1800 Telatac (German) collar, that would knock most dogs right off their feet...He was twitching something fierce, but he kept going (Note that I also once straightened out a prong collar on this same dog...Yanked so hard I bent the prongs out straight...He never flinched)

In short, taser or peper spray may just make the dog angry,..If they weren't ready to fight before...they are now

Also, as mentioned---do you think you can hit a dog coming at you at 30 mph...difficult and you only have one shot
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Right weapon for the job

Let's not forget the role of the Tazer or stun gun. That's to take the fight out of the aggressor and buy you a few seconds to get control of the situation. Animals are different than people in that respect. Once a dog decides to attack, most are only put off by superior strength (I'm not going fisticuffs with something that can eat me) or death. Kinda like crackheads, but you can beat one down and cuff him. Animals are much more resilient (harder to beat down) and then what do you do to stop them from getting back up? Shoot them after you've tazered them? Animals don't reason mid fight like people do. Doggie psychology and pos/neg reinforcement is only useful before an attack. Non-lethal electric shock is just negative reinforcement. My half baked opinion.
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