Teams of snipers thin insurgents' ranks.

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Balog, I wasn't talking about the mess ... I'm just talking about seeing a human face in your scope might make it harder to pull the trigger then someone wearing a rag on their head.

I think this is part of the reason many societies have put hoods or blind folds on those to be executed ... not for them, but for the executioner so he didn't have to look upon their face.
If you have never been shot at in anger, the rules are fairly simple. Anyone, man, woman, teenager etc., shooting at or planning to shoot at you or your buddies deserves to die as quickly as possible.

Now I have never been in a combat zone but my the few family members that I have that are combat vets all say the same thing.
IIRC, in the book "Blackhawk Down", a Somali women holding a child walking down the street raised a handgun to shoot a GI in a Humvee. He dispatched her with an M16. Works for me.

Children can be combatants too. There are many child warriors around the world, especially in Africa.

During WWII, an American tank in Germany was knocked out by an 8 year old using a Panzerfaust anti-tank weapon. Tank commander killed the boy with his .50 BMG. Story was in one of Steve Ambrose's history books, IIRC.
I applaud the deployment of snipers over there. As their presence is felt, they decrease the morale of the opposition who must resort to other methods to fight. Just think what will happen if we ever get those thermal devices that can spot weapons beneath their clothes. Badguy with a dynamite/Semtex/C-4 vest is working his way towards a checkpoint and is dropped a couple hundred yards from it by a sniper. Awwww.
O.K, how to say this...

I think snipers are great. They do a patient and skilled work that saves countless American lives (the ones im chiefly concerned about). The article REALLY doesnt go into how they determine who to shoot. They discern threat based upon a wide lattatude.

I have to say I disagree with the practice *IF* they basically shoot everyone carrying an AK47. I support the use of arms for defense, and im sure that place is SHTF to the extreme.

Butttttt. If they zero in on people who wear items that identify themselves as insergents, like those whole head wraps, or arabic writing which (i assume) says something to that effect on their person, then thats great. I think they should shoot down those guys, armed or not. I just hope they're not blasting everyone whos armed... I'm armed, but I'm no arab savage.
This article cannot be right-

The role of the precision rifle is to terminally disrupt individual targets based on a specific demand. Arbitrarily dumping targets based on style of dress or possession of a weapon just does'nt sit right with me, on many different levels. If the decision has been made to not engage specific targets, call in the Spectre's and hose the foes, and fully acknowledge responsibility for slaying non-combatants.. Otherwise, do not send out valuable assets like professional shooters and use them as meatcutters.

Would ANY right or wrong minded individual do business in Baghdad without a rifle? Have we decided that no one there will welcome us as liberators?
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