Ted Nugent and Paul Helmke on Glen Beck

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did the shooter even have 33rd mags...?


That's what I'm hearing. whether he did or not, to much emphasis is being placed on mag size. 33 or 15 wouldn't have mattered. Let's be honest, how long does it really take to drop a clip and load another one:banghead:

Says on CNN "up to 225 bullets fired during deadly rampage", so it sounds like he probably had at least five G18 magazines, maybe a few more.

Ted Nugent has a good write-up on the front page of CNN, I was really surprised to see that. I found alot of the emailed comments, whether they were supporting or detracting the article somewhat naive though.

Nugent: Gun-free zones are recipe for disaster
And maybe what Nuge is suggesting is something that we should debate in this country. Actually, when most academicians look at it, they conclude that homes that have a gun, communities that have -- I mean, homes that have more guns, communities that have more guns, states that have more guns, and countries that have more guns end up with more violence.

People need to call BS with this guy . If this was the case , my state would be overflowing with gun crime , yet it's not . Like to see him explain away things like this .


But, in real life, what happens is, somebody loses that gun; somebody misuses that gun; somebody gets drunk; somebody gets angry; somebody makes a mistake. And you end up -- and you end up with people that are dead or injured.

Maybe this guy should realize that the woman who ran over her cheating husband(killing him ) and the spurned lover of my aunt that beat her to death with a pipe didn't use or need guns to do the job . And how many people "lose" guns? is there some epidemic of gun owners losing guns that I am unaware of?

Man people like this just make me :barf:
the cnn nugent commentary has a 'counter' commentary from one Tom Plate:

here is the title of the commentary:
Plate: Let's lay down our right to bear arms

:fire: :fire: :fire: :cuss: oh that makes my american blood boil. like nugent touched upon, i was born a free man with inherent rights, one of the self-preservation. i will not give up my rights so that other people may feel safe. we need to draw a line in the sand on this issue.

another great quote:
Our famous Constitution, about which many of us are generally so proud, enshrines -- along with the right to freedom of speech, press, religion and assembly -- the right to own guns. That's an apples and oranges list if there ever was one.

YES tom, when you are drafting a list of necessary items for the birth of a free country odds are you will need the apples and the oranges. are any of the 'apples' (free speech, press, religion, assembly) going to save or defend you against enemies from aboard or within??

another great one:
Because I'm anything but a James Bond type, I quickly complied with all of his requests. Perhaps because of my rapid response (it is called surrender), he chose not to shoot me; but he just as easily could have. What was to stop him?
wishful thinking at best tom.

then you read the little comments below the article and fearfully and regretfully must acknowledge that some people actually agree with him.

from the comments:
I would just add one more thing to Mr. Plate's well thought-out commentary. The constitution stipulates that the right to bear arms is for the purpose of "maintaining a standing militia." Which, in modern terms, outside of Iraq and the Golan Heights, refers to maintaining a national guard. It does not say that every man, woman and child has the right to carry around a handgun, as the NRA would have you believe.

i was literally yelling at the monitor when i read that. how can someone pack so much stupid in so small an area? if they were doing it tongue in cheek i would compliment them on their creativity.
Says on CNN "up to 225 bullets fired during deadly rampage", so it sounds like he probably had at least five G18 magazines, maybe a few more.
They had a report on reuters yahoo news yesterday from the blacksburg PD 17 mags total, 8X10rd p22 mags+1X33rd glock mags+8X17rd glock mags=249 total, of those 80 .22LR, 168 9mm, not all rounds were fired

I belive that anyone who will stand up for our rights ought to be supported no matter how "eloquent" they are. the anti-s dont care if Rosie odonell makes a fool of herself for their cause, they even encourage her, Most of us are very intelligent diverse people, who belive in a cause, some just put a little less sugar on their statements.
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link available ?

Anyone have a link to the interview video with Mssrs. Helmke and Nugent? Would love to post it on the links and poster page below
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