Tell me what do you think about Rush's comment today

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News Shooter

Sep 9, 2005
Moonbat Central, MA
He was reading a story about how MA (my wonderful place of residence until I can escape) is going to give out heroin-antidote kits to addicts. He read from the story that heroin overdoes kill more people in MA than shootings.
Then he said:
"How can that be? I thought there were no guns in the state."

I've been puzzling over it all day and wondered what others thought. I know he didn't mean anything anti about it, I just wonder how it came across.

He was probably just being sarcastic. As in... how could there be any gun violence deaths in locations that have strict gun laws? The gun laws prevent people from having guns don't they?

It's a very non-anti statement.
If you don't understand sarcasm it's probably best to avoid Rush.

I think it's a great statement.

His point, for those that didn't get it, is that WHATEVER they (liberals) are talking about at the moment is the "biggest killer".

One day it is guns, one day e.coli, one day heroin, one day alzheimers.

That's their way, selling FUD (fear uncertainty and doubt).
He did on go to say the only people with guns were the police and criminals. So I think it was sarcasm but it could have been better expalined.
Sarcasm, but it really doesn't make any sense anyway.

He read from the story that heroin overdoes kill more people in MA than shootings.
Then he said:
"How can that be? I thought there were no guns in the state."

So if there are no guns in the state, then shooting deaths will be zero. Therefore, ANY cause of death will be higher than shootings. Saying, "How can that be?" does not make any logical sense.
Some of you folks don't listen to Rush very much, do you?

Yes, he was being sarcastic. He was pointing out that gun control does not work. He was saying that guns are (almost) banned in MA. Therefore, there should be no guns in MA. Therefore, there should be no gun deaths in MA.

The fact that there are gun deaths in MA shows that gun control doesn't work.

See, its all real clear to those of us who understand his way of packing so much meaning into a single snide remark.

Rush is my hero. There is no other personality like him, and he's conservative.
Most people have the initial reaction of "wow, what a self righteous, arrogant boob trying to brainwash you." But, that is just part of his shtick. If you would listen for a couple of days, it becomes apparent.
Sarcasm, but it really doesn't make any sense anyway.
It makes perfect sense. How can there be this large number of shooting deaths when there's tight gun control? The antis tell us gun control will save lives, yet there are still shooting deaths in places with tight gun control? How can this be?

Classic Rush.
If you are having a hard time understanding Rush and his brilliance of his statements, then you haven't listened long enough. He reflects exactly the way I and a lot of other Americans think. I am glad we have someone that can articulate the truth the way he does.

Am I a ditto-head, guess so. Wouldn't have it any other way.
What about the irony of a guy with a narcotic addiction taking a swipe at a policy that might keep some narcotics addicts from taking up an ICU bed for a week?

What about the irony of a guy with a narcotic addiction taking a swipe at a policy that might keep some narcotics addicts from taking up an ICU bed for a week?

+1 How can anyone take that addict seriously?

I can take that addict just as seriously as I can any other person who has ever fought or is currently fighting any addiction.

It is not very high road to look down your nose at someone who exhibits human traits.

Even addicts have the right to self defense and express their opinion.

If Rush was not frivously prosecuted for his addiction I am certain you would find some other point to disagree with him on so why not pick on something of substance?

I will listen to what Rush says anyday over pretty much anyone the likes of Imus, Maher, or any other who spouts their type of drivel.

Hi M2Pilot,

I do not listen to Rush, not because of drug use but simply because he tends to reduce very complex matters into a series of catchwords and jingles. Much the same reason I do not listen to CBS, ABC and various other news/opinion outlets.

My Dad tells me that before Vietnam news broadcasters would tell the facts and assume the listener/reader would form her own opinions. Such an outlet I would listen to / read.

My Dad tells me that before Vietnam news broadcasters would tell the facts and assume the listener/reader would form her own opinions. Such an outlet I would listen to / read.

You mean like when Walter Cronkite told people what they should think of the news?

It's a nice thought that once upon a time the media had no bias, but I think you will have to go MUCH further back in time than Vietnam for it to be so.
Hi TexasRifleman

It's a nice thought that once upon a time the media had no bias, but I think you will have to go MUCH further back in time than Vietnam for it to be so.

I wouldn't know, Vietnam is WAY before my time. My point is, if it was like that once, it can be again if the people stop allowing it to happen. Every remote I've ever seen has a button on it marked 'off.'

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