Test Your True Political Leanings

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We've put together a fine group then.

Although this test never fails to aggravate me with the way it is worded, it's accurate in describing my political stance.

The fun part is being offered such authors as Rand, Hayek and Friedman because their works are compatible with my thinking.

Or is it the other way around...:cool:
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: 3.38
Authoritarian/Libertarian: -1.74

Who was Charles Kennedy in 1996? He was the nearest to me. Some of those questions needed either different wording or other allowable answers.

Libertarian Party's World's Smallest Political Quiz


Almost dead center economically, definite Libertarian politically.
To my defense, I think it "dinged" me a couple times (ie, away from total freedom) because of context or special cases. For example, I think a country may want to retain some ability to produce food, or have some oil stashed away, or have factories that could produce weapons for strategic purposes, i.e.- to retain the ability to wage war, should it have to in self-defense.

This was written in the UK in the 90s. I wonder where some of our Democrats like Gephardt, Daschle, Clintons, etc. would test?
If they answered truthfully -- based on how they vote, they would be right up there with Stalin, if they answer how they campaign, they all sound like Ghandi (have you driven a good Indian car lately?).

I'm thinking most politicians couldn't even take the test since you have to actually take a stand and answer the questions.
Last April, someone started a discussion on this quiz on TFL.

In the intervening 8 months or so, I haven't changed my Econ score noticeably, but I've moved a point and a half toward Libertarian.

Then Now
Econ L/R = -4.88 -4.75
Auth/Lib = -5.69 -7.18

I think it may be time to become a card-carrying Anarchist (...if I can just find where I put that cool anarchist clip-art).
Some of those questions were unanswerable, because they assumed things that I am not willing to stipulate or because the terms were poorly defined or because they required the test taker to rank in importance two things that were not in conflict, or two things neither of which should have been in the equation to begin with.

An illustration:
Controlling inflation is more important than controlling unemployment.
Note that both alternatives start with the word "control." How can I answer that?

Another illustration:
When a person is troubled, it's better not to think about it, but to keep busy with more cheerful things.
What are they 'troubled' by? By the death of a loved one? By a seasonal affective disorder? By schizophrenia? By general malaise? Lest you think I am being nit-picky, let me point out that each one of these has a different cause and thus would have a different solution.

Here's another one:
Sex before marriage is always a sin.
I do believe that sex before marriage is always a sin. So? Apparently, my believing so means that I would pass laws to forbid it. Not only would I not do so, I do not have words strong enough to express my disdain for such a monumentally stupid idea. So how am I supposed to answer that question, in order to make the poll results valid?


Big surprise -- I'm a libertarian. If anyone on this board didn't know that already, it's only because you haven't been paying attention ... :D


But, pardon me, sublime writers, who stop at nothing, not even at contradictions. -- Frédéric Bastiat
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Interesting. Some of the questions needed a none of
the above option.

Economic Left/ Right 0.00
Authoritarian/Libertarian -1.54

I'm more Libertarian on one poll more than the other.
Personal Self Gov't 90%
Economic Self Gov't 90%
Hated exams that asked for "best answer", still do.
i.e. Q: is 5, pick "best" answer
a) 1+4
b) 2+3
c) 2.5 +2.5
d) 6-1
see why I hate this?
I ended up way right on the economic part, somewhere around 5.x and .82 on the Authoritarian/Libertarian. That's pretty much where I expected.
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