The 30-30 assault weapon (image)

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I'm seconding the idea of a reasonably attractive female in proper orange hunting garb. A more traditional bolt gun would be a bonus.
How about a picture that's 100+ years old? Oleg, I know you prefer your own original work, but the juxtaposition you're seeking might be better illustrated using a vintage picture.

The 30-30's been around an awful long time, yet somehow civilization has not succumbed to the carnage predicted by Teddy.
Great poster, Oleg!:) To increase the impact of the statement, I would suggest one small change:

While I think the Steyr Scout is an excellent hunting weapon, and we as shooters and hunters know many hunters do use synthetic stocked rifles and shotguns for hunting (myself included, an 870 with a SpeedFeed III, and a CVA Bobcat M/L), there is a vast untapped asset for the 2A cause. They are the "drag the deer rifle out of the closet the night before" crowd, the guys who will say "They'll never take my guns away, but secretly hope they ban 'AK's and such' because 'nobody hunts with them.'
These are the guys who will vote for Kerry, and believe in their hearts he would never try to take away their guns. I work with several of these types, and I'm sure most of us know some.Even a lot of them would see the Steyr Scout as a 'sniper rifle'. By putting it in context, effengee's suggestion is an excellent way to do this, BTW, It drives the point home to all those fence sitting hunters while simultaniously planting the seed in non-hunting /anti' s minds that " Maybe some hunters do use "that" type of rifle to hunt with.

With this in mind, I suggest using the same model (he has a rugged, outdoorsy look, but not in a polo shirt) and have him wearing a basic plaid shirt with an orange vest over it. The plaid shirt would say he's an ordinary guy, could be a constuction worker, could be a systems administrator (guess he'd need a pocket protector for that...;) ), but it would convey the message more congruently. (FWIW, yes, I've worn polos shooting before....)
I think a bolt-action would be more familiar to most hunters. Why not a 100+ year old Krag? Oh no, wait -- that's one of those rifles designed for the *military*, what with its maximum hip shooting spray fire and ability to mow down a classroom full of bunny rabbits.
Look at the picture people!

The more modern, Evil Sniper Rifle is the subject of the first text block. GrandPa's old lever action is the subjectt of the second text block.

Oleg - Maybe a second visual element should be added - the old lever action in proximity to the second text block, and make the first text block more apparently tied to the newer "sniper" rifle?
First, I like the concept.

Second, though, bring home that the homey-looking thutty-thutty is under attack, here. Put a weathered old traditional one in the shot. Lean it against the wall to the side. You could even find you a "Mountain Man" [tm], suitably dressed, to have the levergun over his shoulder, for a nice juxtaposition.
Keep the Steyr Scout. As Amish Bill has stated, that is the subject of the first text block. However, along with entropy, I believe that your model needs to look more "outdoorsy". I like the idea of the plaid shirt and safety vest, and would stay away from camo since that would look too "tactical".
Since everybody's weighing in as "wannabe artists" (Oleg, I can't come up with an original idea - and my photography STINKS - hats off to you), I'll belly up too. Others have said similar things...

Someone with a scoped bolt action hunting rifle, in blaze orange and in the woods over the first phrase.... Next to it a hunter with a .30-30 (maybe a black & white of Teddy Roosevelt, or a scene that could have come from "The Waltons") with the Kennedy quote. As others have said, give a time & place for the quote.

Oleg, you've given me some of the best ammunition the internet ever provided... thanks.

I love the poster... Have to agree w/ everyone that on 1st looks everyone who DOESN'T know much about the variety of guns are gonna see "synthetic w/ a scope" - and not necesarily "dad's lever action"

Understood the top/bottom text block stuff - just pictures usually make the impact, w/ the words comming into someone's brain secondary.

Also - of course Teddy is leary of any gun w/ a scope that could puncture armour - look at his families history...

If we are doing quotes - doesn't kerry have a good one somewhere about ALL centerfile cartridges?


Been sayin' it for years...They can't get all the guns and they know it. They'll go after the ammo. Ammunition isn't covered under the 2nd Amendment, therefore it's fair game.

Sporting centerfire rifle ammunition will penetrate 3A Kevlar vests...Banned!
Lead is an environmental hazard. Banned! Lead-encapsulated bullets in handgun ammo can still be used in a concealable weapon. Taxed at 1,000% plus fees for the background check!


FWIW, I think the idea of adding a picture of the same model with a wood stocked 30-30 (no scope, IMHO) is a good idea. I might put it in as a background on the right half (or lower right). I might add to the text in the lower right too: "Senator Kennedy, 2004, while trying to ban .30-.30 ammunition"

Nice poster either way.

I love the poster... Have to agree w/ everyone that on 1st looks everyone who DOESN'T know much about the variety of guns are gonna see "synthetic w/ a scope" - and not necesarily "dad's lever action"
I thought that was the idea when I looked at it. The rifle he is holding is the evil "sniper assault weapon" and now if some freedom grabbers in the senate have their way then even your lever action is going to be classified as such ("Your 30-30 is next!").
But, But, But

But I thought that our hunting senator from Mass, John Kerry, graduated from 22s to a 30-30, just like the rest of us?

Oh, that's right, the whistle stop midwest tours, complete with gun club visits was sooooo 2 weeks ago.

Yup, out to 100, 150 yards the ole thutty-thutty is ballistically superior to that evil warhorse 7.62x39. And if a 7.62 in a 10 shot SKS is dangerous, a 7 shot 336 or 1894 assault lever is just as bad:rolleyes:
I think it should be redone as two pictures. The kennedy quote stands well enough on it's own, and sticking it right along a hunter witha 30-30 would be a useful image for the library.
Look at the picture people!

I did and it does not mesh with the first statement. I found no listing of the Steyr Scout being refered to as an "Sniper Assault Weapon" anywhere on the internet that was not a gaming site. Even there it was never directly called a "Sniper Assualt Weapon". Anyone who can find one please link it.

So if you are sure you want to keep the rifle, at least change the first statement to something that was truely said or can be quoted as the second statement can be.
I did and it does not mesh with the first statement. I found no listing of the Steyr Scout being refered to as an "Sniper Assault Weapon" anywhere on the internet that was not a gaming site. Even there it was never directly called a "Sniper Assualt Weapon". Anyone who can find one please link it.

So if you are sure you want to keep the rifle, at least change the first statement to something that was truely said or can be quoted as the second statement can be.
Just because there is no reference to that particular rifle being called that doesn't mean there are not plenty of hunters that would look at that black/grey rifle and think "what an evil weapon, what would you ever need anything like that for" while at the same time caress their 30-30. The term "Sniper Assault Weapon" is something you would expect a legislator to cram down the publics throat to make them think "evil baby killing gun".
Thing is, your average bambi-blastin' bubba who is gonna vote for Kerry because his grandpappy was a Democrat is gonna look at the Steyr, and think "Well, I wouldn't have me no rifle that looks like that."

Make it the "lowest common denominator" of centerfire rifles - a Winchester 1894 .30-30.
You have a valid point TheOtherOne. I guess I feel something like an SKS would have been a better choice, maybe one in a MC stock.
I like the idea of using an antique print. Perhaps a collage with that and a modern pic, kind of like what Bogie and Richardson were suggesting:
Shot of the case head of an "older" .30-30 round...

"8 point buck, Missouri Ozarks, 1939"

Shot of the case head of a "newer" .30-30 round...

"Kennedy quote"
*Old black and white picture*
"hunting quote or whatever"
*modern picture, probably a shot of a guy with a deer or something*
"Kennedy quote"
I don't like the idea of the "100-years ago" look. You're not trying to sell the idea to ancient dead people. You're trying to sell it to fence riders or people with a doubt in their mind that their anti-gun policy might be too strict/dangerous/immoral/unlawful/idiodic. I'd say, keep it the way it is, but switch from the synthetic to wood stock.

People who don't know apples from oranges aren't going to notice weather it's auto-fed, bolt action, lever action or whatnot. They WILL notice if it LOOKS like a hunting rifle or if it's black (and yes, many people are just that stupid).

Just my two cents - Oleg, keep up the good work... You should send me some poster sized ones so I can plaster them up all over my cubicle... hahah (just kidding, I'd get fired for that, sad, huh?)

The poster's point is obviously to start with the closest "you don't need that" rifle, then point out that "your 'untouchable' hunting rifle is next".

The Steyr Scout serves the first part nicely, by being both ugly/plastic (invoking the "assault weapon" perception), and by being scoped (invoking "sniper"). Being a .308 - the preferred sniper round - helps.

Apparently some confused it with being a .30-30. Showing a lever-action for that might help.
Shave the moustache, grow the beard out longer, toss him in Amish looking clothes and hand him a '94 lever action of some kind. You can't get much more innocent than that!

If'in I'm ever your kneck of the woods I'll volunteer. I'm told I look pretty Amish with my beard grown out :)
I support putting an Winchester 94 on there and saying something about how long .30-30 has been around yet none of the things Teddy says haven't been problems for the decades (maybe a century) that the round has been around.
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