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The 642 club

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Welcome. My fiancee and I have two. Sequential serial numbers... aint' it love??

Try a DeSantis Nemisis. You will love it.


BTW the recoil isn't that bad. Anyway the 642 is not a pistol you will want to burn though 150 rds on a range trip. We do 10 to 15.
Thanks for the warm welcome, yall. :)

Chris, you're right: that's a good essay on J grips. Hmmm.

Well, clearly I've got to get out and shoot it at least a couple of times before making any decisions about grips. We'll see how hard this bull bucks for me.

I reread Massad Ayoob's essay on accurate handgun shooting this morning. Grip hard, he says; grip hard enough to make you tremble, then back off. Adds to the contollability.

It works well with my K9. I'll see if it does with the 642.

Nice looking holster, also, Chris. Does it stay in your pocket well? Seems like horsehide might tend to slip out ... ?

Mongo, that Nemesis looks very interesting. Price is right too, and looks like they keep them in stock. (Claims shipping in 4 days.)

I'll confess, I'm going to hold open the option of putting on some larger grips and getting a little high-ride belt holster for it. Yeah, I know, it's a great pocket carry gun, but I'm a thin guy, and things in my pocket are fairly conspicuous. I've never liked bulky things in my pockets. (I keep my wallet very slim for example.)

In colder/cooler weather, I can probably slip it into my coat/vest pocket, but with my Carhartt vest & parka, the pockets are a bit small, so that the handle sticks out unless I lay the gun upside down & backwards into the pocket. (No, I'm not going to replace those Carhartt's; I love them.) I may have a seamstress sew something inside.

Then again, could go with belt or shoulder holster. Up here, even in summer, it's cool enough (at least at night) that I nearly always wear some kind of outer layer: shell, parka, vest.

I'd enjoy hearing how others carry theirs. (Now that I'm an official club members, I also need to reread the entire thread carefully. First time through, I was scanning a bit to make a decision about purchasing it. Now I'll reread for other info.)

Mongo, does your fiance have a sister into 642's? ;)

Also, your comment about limiting practice rounds to 10-15 is well-taken, even if a bit surprizing. A guy at my gun store said the same (for him it's 20-25).

But is that with FMJ non +P rnds, or with hotter carry rnds?

Can one really become proficient with this gun by shooting so few? Like Brian says, BA UU R.

Would enjoy some perspectives on that.

Hey, do I get a baseball hat with "642" on it with club membership? (Oh wait, that'd give away the concealment. How about just a "6"?:D

Get some Wadcutter target loads or some old fashioned LRN loads and shoot them. It will let you shoot quite a few with out hurting then step up to your carry loads for the last few cylinders full.
Nematocyst-870 said:
Mongo, that Nemesis looks very interesting. Price is right too, and looks like they keep them in stock. (Claims shipping in 4 days.)

Mongo, does your fiance have a sister into 642's? ;)

I like the nemesis a lot. Evry day...

Yes she has a sister, but not in to 642s, and kinda married...:D
Brian Williams said:
Get some Wadcutter target loads or some old fashioned LRN loads and shoot them. It will let you shoot quite a few with out hurting then step up to your carry loads for the last few cylinders full.
Excellent idea, Brian. Thanks.
Love the 642.

One caution when you start playing with grip options: make sure the grip you use is cleared for speedloader use. (Probably already mentioned somewhere in this sprawling thread. ;) )

Classic example: the Pachmayr Compac J-frame grip, pictured by DHart up around page 4 supra. This is an uber-comfy checkered rubber grip that lets you get all three lower fingers on the gun, at the cost of some concealability. However, my HKS speedloaders won't work when the Pachmayr's on -- the left side of the grip protrudes too much. I've heard you can abrade away the excess grip material with a tool so that speedloaders will clear and function reliably. For me, though, it was back to the slim, issue boot grip.
Hi there Nemo,

No the horsehide does not slip in your pocket and it is big enough to keep in it place without "printing".

Before you spring anywhere from $39.00 to $79.00 for new grips, and yes I have looked at a good many of them, get in some range time and see how the Uncle Mike's Boot Grips work for you.

After shooting semi-auto's for a long time, it took me awhile to get "reaquainted" with the little snubby.

Practice, practice and practice!!! Keep the range close up and "real".


PS: Mail in the 1852 coupon and you get a really cool "faux" copper keychain, CD, sticker, patch and Safety CD from S&W!
Hey Guys, I'm a cousin too cuz I just picked up my M637-2 (Weeeee!) I haven't gotten to the range yet, but I will report back ASAP. Hope you guys don't mind me hanging around you hammerless guys....
A 649

I got a 649, a stainless shrouded hammer version - the "Bodyguard", back in the late 90's. It was one of the first handguns I bought after I got out of the Marines. I think it mighta been my #2 purchase. I am very glad I got it. It is a bit heavier being all steel, but it fits in the pockets of my slacks just fine.

I'm real happy with Eagle's Secret Service grips. They are small, but have a nice palm swell that gives me as much purchase as I'm gonna be able to get with boot grips. Highly recommended . . . I put 'em on my Model 66, too.
Just got back from "the Range"! I shot Winchester 130gr FMJ about 65 rounds through it (M637). Muzzle flash and recoil were moderate; no biggie. What took a beating was the soft tissue in the web between thumb and index finger of my firing hand. That again is no biggie... I haven't fired in ages... As far as accuracy it was firing high and right; so I compensated low left and I was getting descent shots to the heart and lungs. All in all I am very happy with my 637 and it wiill serve me well.:)
Try a DeSantis Nemisis. You will love it.
I loved mine except for one thing...

After a couple years' use, lubricant from the gun (P32) caused the inner lining of the holster to become sticky, transfering that stickiness to the sides of the gun. Whatever they used to line the holster wasn't impervious to petroleum products.

No, I didn't overlube the gun, this took a couple years to occur.

Just an FYI. Otherwise, I loved the holster.

mtnbkr said:
I loved mine except for one thing...

After a couple years' use, lubricant from the gun (P32) caused the inner lining of the holster to become sticky, transfering that stickiness to the sides of the gun.
Hmmm. :uhoh:

Yesterday, I looked at a Galco leather pocket holster, but it is so stiff (& me so thin) as to cause an abnormal set of creases in my trouser legs. The salesguy at the store said it'd loosen up after time, but until then, I would feel odd.

So, I'm still considering the nemesis, but I'm wondering if I really want to go with a pocket carry, since I have a feeling that I would miss my pocket space for keys, change & stuff. (Vest or coat pocket is different story, but would I really need a holster for that? {Not a rhetorical question; do others use a holster in a coat pocket?})

So, I'm increasingly leaning towards a small OWB holster.

The one I liked yesterday (well, everything but the price @ $90) was a Galco side snap.

I'm going to look around for an alternative, but something like that seems reasonable for my use.

Remember. The 642 and other snubs are "expert" guns and require a good deal of practice to be proficient in shooting.
Chris, I guess we snubby newbies can't be reminded enough about that.

Any tips or training techniques that you experts would like to pass along would be cool and appreciated.

Only problem with IWB/OWB carry is that if you're wearing a holster anyway, it's often easier to just carry a larger gun than to go with the 642. I'd suggest a Barami Hip Grip as an alternative to carry with a holster.

As for practice, my only advice (speaking as a novice 642 user myself) is to practice rapid fire. I started "target shooting" with the revolver and got good groups at 15 yards, but only in slow-fire. A more realistic exercise is close range rapid fire. If you can consistently make controlled pairs into a decent group at 7 yards from concealment, that's a good start. If you can do it on the move, that's even better.
As an alternative, look at the Uncle Mike pocket holster. It's very similar to the Nemisis. For OWB carry, check out the Don Hume JIT slide. I carried a j-frame in one of these for a few years.

Hi there,

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that I also own the DeSantis Nemesis as well for the 642.

It just got bumped to the bottom of the holster box when I got the Galco.

It is a great holster and very inexpensive.

Mulliga said:
I'd suggest a Barami Hip Grip as an alternative to carry with a holster.
Mulliga, I googled the Hip Grip. Looks cool. Do you use one and, if so where do you carry?

Also, any problem with the finish of the 642 after awhile?

I have a nemisis, but the Hip Grip looks like a good alternate for me.

Bought mine this afternoon. $329+tax OTD at Buckeye Outdoors. Can't wait to shoot it. It has already found a home in my pocket; don't even know it's there it's so light. Now I need to find a pocket holster and work up some loads for the little darling.
My wife has a 642 with the factory installed CT laser grips. She likes it a lot and so do I.
I just made my first post on the site to a Kahr thread. Thought I'd add it here too for what it's worth:

New member here. As a matter of fact, this is my 1st post. I've been shooting since I was a young kid growing up in rural Mississippi. Served in the U.S. Army & Coast Guard. I've had my CCW permit for 5+ years but have never felt need to carry outside of the home or automobile.

A recent incident convinced me to carry ALL THE TIME. (See rule #1 of a gunfight - HAVE A GUN)

I wanted something that I would carry without excuse. Holsters and changing the way I dress was just not an option as I knew it could get old, fast. I wanted a gun I could put in my pocket, period.

After a ton of research, mainly on this site, I narrowed it down between a Kahr PM9 and S&W J Frame. I've always been a revolver fan but I do own several semi-autos and count on a "Plastic" gun for HD (HK USP 45 Full Size). After over a thousand rounds with little cleaning, I really trust the HK to do it's job.

Anyway, back on topic, I wanted a Kahr but chose a S&W after shooting a Kahr PM at my local gun range recently. A stranger walked in while I was in the midst of my dilemma and he was carrying a Kahr PM9. I asked if I could shoot it and he said no problem.

He told me that if I did decide to buy one, to expect problems during the first 200 or so rounds but that after that, it should be fine (like his was supposed to be). What a jam-o-matic. He blamed it on the ammo. After shooting his PM9, I borrowed a range rental that was filthy. Probably had not been cleaned in well over a thousand rounds. (S&W / Walther 99 I think)

Same ammo. 50 rounds. Not a hiccup. Made up my mind right away. Told the range to order me a S&W 638 that night. Got it. Put a set of Crimson Trace laser grips on it and couldn't be more tickled!

Never used lasers before. First trip to the range, thought they may be more of a hindrance than a help. Found out later that aiming at a bullseye vs. a point on a silhouette is two totally different things. Must be mental. When aiming the bullseye, you want to hit dead center. When aiming at a part of the body, you just want to get close.

At 21 feet, 5 rounds, rapid fire as fast as I could pull the IMO heavy S&W trigger, all double action...5 out of 5 in the head. Same for center mass. Same for the gut region.

Nothing against the Kahr. Pined over them again at a local gun show today as a matter of fact but, when it's truly a matter of life or death for me and / or others, it's gotta go bang EVERY time PERIOD.

Although I can shoot very well, after all my time in the service I am very aware that when the SHTF everything changes and I'll take any advantage I can get. Besides the reliability, the laser option and actual proving of the concept sealed the deal for me.

Still want a Kahr PM9 and to be a member of yall's club but, just couldn't choose it first over the S&W J Frame and glad I didn't.

Only one humble man's opinion. Take it with a pound of salt as you have no way of knowing what it's worth since you don't know ME. :)
Hey Shaneo, let me be the first to say, welcome to THR (AND the 642 club). :) You'll like it here, as you already know.

As you know since you've been reading for a while, newbies by the drinks. Blue Moon Ale for me, please. Since it's Saturday night (and I've been blowing fiberglass insulation all day {scratches the itchy places}, I'd like a shot of tequila also, por favor.

Good choice IMO on the 638 over the PM9. Don't get me wrong: my other handgun is my beloved K9, but it's a different beast than the PM. I didn't like the PM when I handled it. They may be fine guns, but it wasn't for me.

My 642, OTOH, is great. (Based entirely on handling it so far. I bought it during a major move/build out for my business, so I haven't even shot it yet. :( Ah, business before pleaure. If I don't devote 24/7 to this business project now, I won't eat in January... Worse, when I got the bill from the carpenter & electrician, I realized that my 642 is in jeopardy. Both were considerably more than I expected, so I thought I'd have to sell my new baby to pay them. I think I've figured another way...holding my breath...)

But I digress.

How do we pronounce 'Shaneo'?

Sha Neo or Shan-eo?

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