The Brady's have hatched a new tactic

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Thats it... we need to STOP this madness!
Ban malls and chruches, NOW!
(for the children)

(Makes about as much sense, doesn't it?)
It actually makes more sense. Take away nutjob's targets, and they won't have any place to shoot up people. Makes more sense than taking away one form of tool, they can find other ways of killing people but if there are no targets to kill then they'll just off themselves and call it a day (not likely, because there will always be targets, just like there will always be guns, or bombs, or knives, or baseball bats, or cars, etc)
Banning lead ammunition was previously mentioned. It was actually started during the Clinton years.

They were getting the Army & National Guard to use compressed powdered tungston projectiles rather than lead. It was made law on certain military bases, with the idea that it would be expanded as a later environmental provision nationally. You cannot make tungston bullets at home, and they wear out a barrel after several hundred rounds (so the Clintons would get a twofor).

Anyway, they found out that the powdered tungston was breaking down and leaching into the water table faster than lead, and is more damaging than lead. Once the lead gets a coating of lead oxide on the outside, it's fairly stable and inert.

To check on this, do a Google check on
"tungston ammunition massachusets".
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