The cute girls at gun shows working some booths.

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The S.A. man wrote the Bible verse that I was thinking of.

I think that a person can LOOK and not LUST. I think that it depends on the INDIVIDUAL - male or female too!

I was expecting Girls n Guns on this thread, so they're going up even if I'm the one who has to put them there.

It may not be as information rich as talking with this guy at the booth, but who cares?

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Thanks Browning! Yeah...I like looking at sue me! I'm going to let you all in on a big secret: Most men are hard-wired to be attracted to healthy, pretty, young females capable of bearing and suckling their young. And - if left to their own devices without societal taboos - to mate with as many of them as possible. It has to do with the biological imperative to propagate the species.

Yes we DO have all kinds of societal taboos that prevent us from mating indiscriminately - and for all kinds of good reasons. These include preventing the spread of disease, wider distribution of the gene pool, and the protection of our young.

Societies can and do create all kinds of laws for all kinds of good reasons. But social contracts and conventions do NOT erase or eliminate the kind of hard-wiring that insured the early survival of the species – and that may serve to continue the species if there is ever a world-wide near extinction of mankind.

I’ve been married and faithful for 33 years and plan to be for another 33 years, God willing. But – I will continue to look...and to enjoy…and not feel even a twinge of guilt while doing so.

And nobody can sell me anything I don’t want to buy.
Yes we DO have all kinds of societal taboos that prevent us from mating indiscriminately - and for all kinds of good reasons. These include preventing the spread of disease, wider distribution of the gene pool, and the protection of our young.

You left out the one about us having evolved past being just simple primates.
Societies can and do create all kinds of laws for all kinds of good reasons. But social contracts and conventions do NOT erase or eliminate the kind of hard-wiring that insured the early survival of the species – and that may serve to continue the species if there is ever a world-wide near extinction of mankind.

I can assure you, we're not on the endangered list, and I feel as though I don't view the world through those eyes, or if I do, I have a socialized filter placed before my eyes which I am incapable of removing.

I’ve been married and faithful for 33 years and plan to be for another 33 years, God willing. But – I will continue to look...and to enjoy…and not feel even a twinge of guilt while doing so.

Well, rainbowbob - that's wonderful to hear. My parents have been married for about 10 years more, maybe slightly yes, but 33 years is nothing to sneeze at (and I mean that sincerely). As Catherine said though, you can look but not lust.

I'm not even dealing with the issue here of whether or not it's ok to look at a woman and either admire her, or at least notice her for her attractiveness. I tend to like to think that it doesn't go as far as lust, but that's just my hopes.

All I'm dealing with here, is specifically, at shows like gun shows, the existence of so called "booth babes" as I now understand the term to be from reading replies to this thread (IMO the fact that it is so prevalent that it has its own term is slightly disturbing). I don't like using sex to sell. It basically demeans us all and tries to convince us that we're not as evolved as we know we are. I've repeated the rest of my spiel on this, so I won't repeat myself, but you get the idea.

I'm not going to lie, down here in South Florida I often see very attractive young women. I will often notice and think to myself, "Oh look, she's very pretty - she has a great smile" or "she has a great figure" or something around those lines. It usually ends there. Back in college, just about every girl was very attractive. If I happened to notice a Growth Economics textbook or a Public Policy Economics textbook, or a textbook around those lines that told me that the girl was an Economics major like I was and very well may be extremely intelligent (Econ isn't an easy major and the kids looking for an easy ride through college don't pick it for that reason) or if I saw something else that indicated that the girl might be quite intelligent and therefore very interesting to talk to, I might go up and try to start a conversation if I wasn't intruding or disrupting her concentration on something.

Noticing, is one thing. It's ok to look or notice.

Lusting, is another. I'm not a fan.

Exploiting for the sake of sale, that's what I really don't like.

ETA: Excuse my poor grammar, it's 3:48 AM, I just woke up and am having mid-onset insomnia again. It happens once every couple weeks lately for some reason. So I'm not totally awake right now and hope to fall asleep again soon. I also want to add that I don't want to give the wrong impression that I only would try to initiate conversations with girls if they were physically attractive and smart. I personally find smart to be very sexy, so my primary interest was in smart girls, not necessarily just the ones that would be deemed Miss America. I feel that physical attributes are wonderful, but with a partner, if you get involved based primarily on physical attributes, what do you have to go on relationship-wise in say, 50 years? Now I'm seriously OT though, so I apologize.
I dunno, but I sure hope this becomes an issue in the Mojave desert in the near future.

Got a show coming up in three weeks...

If only we weren't always 10 years behind the current fashion wave...

Um, anybody know where one of these shows is that is maybe close to Phoenix or Vegas. I can go to those places...

Oh, I forgot. I'm an hour from Vegas. I can get full frontal nudity on the cheap there.

I need to go check on the horses. At least I know when I buy the mare shoes that they will be in style for three months.

In the desert we are only allowed to gawk at one cute girl every three months and she has to be a LA starlet frolicking on the Colorado River in front of cameras....
Browning. I like that you posted a photo of Jessie Abbate.

See, now that's an example of a girl I would not mind seeing at a gun show manning a booth. She knows her stuff! Being extremely pretty is just an added bonus.

She's the kind of girl I wish there were more of at the shows. I'll bet you could ask her anything about Glocks and she would know the answer.
wow. i really only joined this site for the gunsmithing section, but now i'm starting to wonder if i even want to do that anymore.

I understand people have their own values, and basis for religion, but i find it morally/ethically WRONG for you to push those beliefs onto me.
I'm discussing my own beliefs on the issue. How is that pushing them onto you?

I'm not allowed to mention my opinion?

I haven't even mentioned religion. I apologize if I'm upset you somehow, it was not my intention to upset anybody.

ETA: Listen guys, if my posting this has upset the bulk of you in the way it seems to have upset arolfsen - I sincerely apologize. If this is the case, the moderators can go ahead and close the thread. I am only stating my opinion and was not meaning to push anything on anyone, nor to personally insult anybody who disagrees with my point of view. I don't like the idea of booth babes at gun shows, or using sex to sell guns (or anything for that matter). If you disagree, you are entitled to your opinion just as much as I am entitled to mine. I don't feel in any way like I'm better than any of you or that I'm right and you're wrong if you disagree. We can agree to disagree, it's one of the freedoms that makes America the great country that it is. If I have upset anybody else, while I am surprised as I didn't feel that this was a heated thread or whatnot, just a casual discussion of the issue, I truly am sorry.
Just in general, all the uses of "sex sells" has been irritating me. At the local hockey games (Florida Panthers) they now have the "Ice Dancers", I think it's ridiculous and don't watch. I came for hockey.
Well at least you don't have to worry about the Ice Dancers til next season :D, and truth be told, I'd rather see Ice Dancers on the ice than a dead octopus. What's with those stupuid Red Wings fans?

But honestly, while I like the idea of sex trying to sell me some things, there are some places I just don't want to see it. I'm SOOO glad the Steelers haven't caved and gotten cheerleaders, and that the Pens don't have Ice Dancers, or Igloo Girls, or whatever they'd call them.

While I look at both the girls AND the guns in the calendars, the video of girls in bikinis shooting FA guns that made the rounds here not long ago, really did nothing for me.

I guess I'm torn. I like looking at girls, because they're just so damn fun to look at, but like you, I really don't see the need to exploit that fact to market a product to me. I guess that's the beauty of porn, beautiful girls with no one trying to sell me anything... except more porn. :evil:
we used to have rats with the Panthers.

It started I believe by a rat being found in the locker room of the players and one of them killing it with his stick.

After that, it caught on. Whenever there was a goal, hundreds if not thousands of plastic rats would be thrown onto the ice.

They banned it a few years later and now it will get you kicked out if you do it. For a while there it was fun.

The Ice Dancers are odd. I just don't get the point of it. They had a bio of them in the programs and most of them were dancers or strippers during their day jobs (if I recall correctly). One intrigued me. She's an attorney! Still pointless, but at least slightly more interesting. (btw - I didn't read the programs - my father did and pointed all of this out to me).

"Sex sells" especially with guns just seems inappropriate. Like the recent Kahr ad for one of their guns (I think it was the PM series). A very attractive woman is holding the gun, and the title is "Slim is sexy" or something like that. What message is it supposed to convey?

1) The PM series is a concealed-carry gun, so "sexy" isn't something that is a quality one looks for in a gun that will never be seen. Reliability, power, accuracy, concealability, etc. are what people look for.

2) How does that add differentiate the product from other guns that are single stack and slim? The new Glock SFs are slim. Most Keltecs are slim. Even the SA EMP 1911 is slim.

3) Is the ad targeting men or women? If it's targeting women, is it trying to send the message, "Buy this gun, and you'll lose weight and look like this model." or something ridiculous like that? Or if it's targeting men is it trying to send the message of "Buy this gun and you'll end up dating a model." ??

The old ad comparing the G26 and PM9 in dimensions was a good ad. It differentiated the product, and had a decent slogan "Why buy a Block, when you can have a Kahr?" and pictured a block of wood. I believe it also said, "The preferred choice of undercover police officers." or something like that. That was the ad that prompted me to look at the PM9 at the time. It had info, it was relevant, it was product related. It directly answered questions about concealability by listing the dimensions. Same caliber as the G26 answered questions about power. The line about being the preferred choice at least got the idea in your head that perhaps this is a reliable gun I should look into.

Why now the scantily clad model with no real relevant info printed in the ad? What is the point? What is the message? Just to get the reader to stay on the page long enough to remember "Kahr"?
I am always amazed at the sad group of gun guys who are just so damned happy to have the attention of an attractive female salesperson at a gunshow booth that they druel, stammer, studder, and even buy stuff just so that they can talk to a pretty woman...apparently thinking that at 60 years of age and 245 lbs, complete with plumber's butt, that they are going to maybe score.
I am always amazed at the sad group of gun guys who are just so damned happy to have the attention of an attractive female salesperson at a gunshow booth that they druel, stammer, studder, and even buy stuff just so that they can talk to a pretty woman...apparently thinking that at 60 years of age and 245 lbs, complete with plumber's butt, that they are going to maybe score.

Talk to a few nurses who work with the elderly and see how many have had 80 and 90+ year old men leer at them and try to cop a feel. They'll tell you that the very last instinct to go is the procreative one. ;)
A good looking women will get guys to stop and look, that's all there is to it.

Here is a good ad with a women in it. (eg one that would motivate a women to get a defense weapon)



  • hknoc.jpg
    52.5 KB · Views: 376
Why now the scantily clad model with no real relevant info printed in the ad? What is the point? What is the message? Just to get the reader to stay on the page long enough to remember "Kahr"?

You nailed it right there cheese. As I said before, men are hard-wired to look - and retailers figured that out eons ago. Advertising is ALL about capturing eyeballs.
Here is a good ad with a women in it. (eg one that would motivate a women to get a defense weapon)

I agree. That ad is appropriate IMO. It isn't using the woman as eye candy, but rather as the subject of a hypothetical yet realistic scenario.

Anyways, I've harped on this issue long enough. I'll give it a rest.
I was expecting Girls n Guns on this thread, so they're going up even if I'm the one who has to put them there.

Thank you Browning! That's all I'm saying...

Okay,what were we talking about?
Are they just the shop owners daughters?
The two I know from local shows are the wife and daughter. They are as nice and as knowledgable as they are pretty. There are a couple of others, but they don't know much. They seem to be there just to keep from being home alone.

This thread has about 70 replies - but about 2100 views! Hmmm...I wonder why?
Duh, were mostly men, duh. :neener:

My wife does not mind my looking. She knows if they light my fire, she gets to put it out. ;)
I agree with rainbowbob it all boils down to what Men all over the world share. Pretty young girls get mens attention period. In no place on earth can you say this is not true. Not even in places where they cover up sexual features on woman, weather it is there neck, hair, breast, whole body, legs, ankles, arms or rear end, face or feet. If any one would like a lecture on world human sexual attraction drop me a line if i can find it i will send you the paper i wrote for school with pictures (work safe) about the extremes that cultures go to to show off woman.

The fact remains that having relations with a pretty woman has a good chance of making pretty babys this means your line goes forward.

If your customer is male or even female having good looking woman helps to sell things, hence why sooo many people/companys do it.

As mentioned some society take certain parts of a female "difference" from men and high light them, this becomes the attraction in that culture. As you grow up society helps you find whats attractive, while the base features never change the extent to which certain features are held above others is determined by society for the most part.


Woman have smaller feet, the Chinese used foot binding to take this to the extreme, smaller feet meant more appeal

Woman have longer hair in most cultures, which mean long health hair is an appeal. It means the person is healthy and ready to go because of this symbal some places require woman to hide there hair before going to church as they should not be flaunting while going to church. This is not a dig on any religion hence why i left out its name and where from.

Woman who are "over weight" by todays standards would of been considered very appealing during other times. If you have "fat" then you must be health and well taken care of.

Woman have longer necks then men in the sense of the proportion in looks, the way there upper body is built gives this apparence. Hence the name of "swan like necks", and why many of womans outfits and dancing out lines this. Such as some cultures that place gold rings around there necks and give them a very long neck as they grow adding more.

Why do you look at the eyes of your new love? Because you get to find out if they like you, people eyes widen when they see something they like. So looking into your lovers eyes is telling you that they like what there seeing.

Weather its ethical or moral is a different story, one that changes with each society as a whole and the personal level:cool: Many people right now dont care if a woman shows her arm in public. But in some places you could be put in jail for showing arm. Yet some people who dont care about that will bak at the fact they see revealing tops or areas of focus on the chest. While in other places going around with no top clothes would not even be thought about. Just as you dont think arms should be hidden.
Are they paid models?
Are they just the shop owners daughters?
Are they really into guns? Or is it an act?
Who cares, enjoy looking at them.
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