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The High Road Virtual Match - July 2005

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Dec 24, 2002
NY/TX(don't ask!)
For those who may not be familiar with the general rules of the matches please see the rules FAQ .


TARGET DOWNLOAD : http://members.aol.com/way2go4159/JULY_TARGET.pdf

One target per entry/class
Nine rounds per target – one round at each of the 9 target circles.

The standard distances will be 10 yards for Pistol and 25 yrds for Rifle. (plus 50 yrds and 100yrds may be attempted for supported rifle classes.)

Some reminders on match procedures:
You are expected to shoot the match targets only for score and only the approved number of targets for each class. You should not be shooting several match targets and submitting the best score.


Normal scoring conventions apply – shots breaking the line count as scoring shots.
Shots falling outside the ring will count as misses/zero.

Double hits on the same circle do not add to your score. Each circle is either a hit or a miss.

SPECIAL SCORING for this months target.
1) Add the points for all hits on each individual circle target.
2) Then determine if you have three-in-a-row on any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal set of circles. Add the points from all three circles to your score as a bonus.
The maximum total score possible is 99 points if you hit all 9 targets.

See the scoring example illustration for more info: http://members.aol.com/way2go4159/JULY_SCORING.pdf

The final score you report must include :
SCORE ___________
Target Distance (yards)

UNSUPPORTED/FREEHAND CLASSES: 10yrds handgun, 25 yrds rifle
PISTOL STOCK - Standard pistols with barrels 6" or less
PISTOL RIMFIRE - .22LR Pistols *
PISTOL SCOPED/IMPROVED - Any scoped pistol or with significant improvements from out-of-the-box or pistols with barrels more than 6".*
RIFLE STOCK - Standard rifles with iron sights
RIFLE SCOPED - Any scoped rifle
AIRGUN PISTOL- un-scoped airgun
AIRGUN RIFLE – un-scoped air rifle

RIFLE STOCK SUPPORTED – Standard rifles with iron sights at 50yrds and/or 100yrds
RIFLE SCOPED SUPPORED - Any scoped rifle at 50yrds and/or 100yrds

* NOTE: I have made a change to the classes starting this month. Since there is rarely any entries in the Improved Pistol category I have combined this with Scoped Pistol. I have also added seperate classes for Rimfire Pistol and Rifle.

You may enter any of the unsupported classes as ‘supported’ and identify the score as such. However, the only “Official” supported classes will be Rifle Stock Class and Rifle Scoped Class. Based on the low number of entries in the supported classes last month I don’t think this will be an issue.

The target can be found HERE http://members.aol.com/way2go4159/JULY_TARGET.pdf
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OK I guess I'll be the Guinea Pig on this month's shoot.

THR NAME: Mark whiz
CLASS: Air Rifle (un-supported) - Open Sights (Daisy 753)
SCORE: 61 points
Target Distance: 10 meters

I shot at 10 meters as this is only a 10 meter rifle.

I believe I have a grasp on the scoring system, so 61 I believe is the correct score - I hit everything but the most important (smallest) circle.

Here's what it looks like on paper:
July Air Rifle
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It looks like you have the scoring correct.
To everyone else, if you are uncertain about the scoring this month don't worry about it. Just post your results and note which targets are hits by the letter label on the targets (i.e. Hits = A,B,C,D,F). I can calculate your score easily for you.

Are the new rimfire classes for iron sights only? i.e. a scoped rimfire goes into the scoped category, not rimfire?
DR, Yes, the rimfire classes are iron sights only right now. We may try a seperate scoped rimfire category at some point if we have enough demand for it.
I got out to the range yesterday and my primary goal was to try out my new (to me) M1 Garand. I am new to shooting this type of rifle so I started out supported, from rest, for my first outing. I also wasn't up to trying the match at 50 yards so I shot this at 25 yards.

THR NAME: Photo_guy
CLASS: Supported Rifle (M1 Garand)
SCORE: 99 points
Target Distance: 25 yards

I also wanted to try my Kimber after changing out the MSH on it. Works fine.

THR NAME: Photo_guy
CLASS: Pistol Stock (Kimber Pro Elite)
SCORE: 56 points [A,B,C,D,E,F,I]
Target Distance: 10 yards

By the time I got to trying my rimfire I was getting tired and was a bit rushed. The score shows this quite nicely.

THR NAME: Photo_guy
CLASS: Pistol Rimfire (S&W M41)
SCORE: 19 points [A,B,C,G,H]
Target Distance: 10 yards

I hope to get some target images posted soon.

BTW - I have put together an EXCEL spreadsheet to calculate the scores for this months target. I can use it to easily do the scoring if you provide the hits like I did above. Or, if someone wants to do it themself let me know and I can send the spreadsheet for you to use.
Mark Whiz - Thanks. Keep in mind the score posted was at 25 yards from rest, at an indoor range. That is about as optimal a situation as you can get. Shooting from rest minimizes the effects from the weakest part of the system - that is the part that I see in the mirror each morning. :D
photo_guy said:
BTW - I have put together an EXCEL spreadsheet to calculate the scores for this months target. I can use it to easily do the scoring if you provide the hits like I did above. Or, if someone wants to do it themself let me know and I can send the spreadsheet for you to use.

Can you post a link to the spreadsheet? If not, please do send me a copy. I would love to see how it works! This looks quite interesting.
Shooting from rest minimizes the effects from the weakest part of the system - that is the part that I see in the mirror each morning.

Yeah I know that feelin'.............it's the nut behind the buttplate that is the hardest to get tightened up. :eek:
Scoring spreadsheet

Can you post a link to the spreadsheet? If not, please do send me a copy. I would love to see how it works! This looks quite interesting.

NoBite (and anyone else who wants to play with this) I have put my simple scoring spreadsheet up which can be downloaded at : SCORE SHEET

Have fun!
I think I did this right

THR NAME: Mr. Loud Guns
CLASS: Rifle Scoped Supported

The last really, really tiny target got totally blown apart with my 50 bmg. It was hilarious because most of the target's were gone by the time I was done shooting. :evil:

[Additional information added by moderator]
After discussion with photo_guy, I have to report that unfortunately, due to his apparent dishonesty as exhibited in this thread link and this one, Mr. Loud Guns has been disqualified in this months competition. Since the integrity of the THR Virtual Matches depend solely on the honesty of all competitors, we could not allow this entry to stand.
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Come on now, Mr. LG, you have got to post a picture of that target!

I'd like to see that as well Mr.LG; If you bothered to save the pieces. ;)

I think Mr.LG has set the record at the large end of the caliber spectrum for the match. [I think LittleLoudmouth set the other end of the spectrum a few months ago with his sligshot entry.]

Since you cleaned the target so nicely at 100 yards you might consider another entry at 200 yards (or more). You likely will not have any competition at that range but who knows, someone may try it.

Oh, and welcome to the match!

Sorry if this is a little blurry but I had to compress it down quite abit in order to fit it into tinypic (my picture host-er) I would try to shoot it at 200 yards but tommorow I am leaving on vacation for most of the month to go see out of state family. I am taking my pda with me so I will probably update this forum if the hotel has wireless. Next month I will try it at 200 yards if I get out with the 50 if not I will just do it at 75 feet with something lower powered. (My range can't handle 50 cal and is only 75 feet :mad: ) This was fun guys :p .

PS: If it wasn't for the easily ripped paper and large bullet holes I would nt have cleaned the target so easily.
PS: If it wasn't for the easily ripped paper and large bullet holes I would nt have cleaned the target so easily.

Mr.LG - Nice shooting! It looks like you would have cleaned this target even with a smaller caliber. They all look like good clean hits. The only iffy one is the last one, which you mentioned was a bit off. It still looks like it could have been a good hit with a smaller hole.
Thanks for the compliments but I really don't think I would have done that well if this was on good paper and was shooting say my ruger 10/22 or even my 30/06.
Thanks for the compliments but I really don't think I would have done that well if this was on good paper and was shooting say my ruger 10/22 or even my 30/06.

Perhaps those firearms would not have allowed you to make those hits due to accuracy. But, you seemed to indicate that the paper and size of the hole helped your score. The target doesn't support that.

Again, nice shooting.
I am new to this competition how many members usually post and what are the general rules to the game? Sorry to be a pain in the you know.............
Mr. Loud Guns,

There are hundreds and hundreds of competitors and you almost never have a chance. I wouldn't bother if I was you.

A perfect score at 100 yds. probably won't come close to being in the top 3. :rolleyes:

Otherwise, that was some real good shootin'. :eek:
Mr. LG,
You can find the general rules of the matches in our FAQ. This should answer most of your questions.
The number of members that post varies but it is typically between 10 - 20. I like to think that there are others out there that shoot the match but do not post their scores.
Note that CropCircleWalker is using a heavy dose of sarcasm in his reply. We do tend to have a fair amount of good-natured kidding and comments that goes on during the matches. All in good fun (most of the time).
I thought this was going to be easy, but I really stunk.

RJ McElwain
CLASS: Air Rifle, Iron Sights,
SCORE _12__________
Target Distance 20 yards

RJ McElwain
CLASS: Scoped Pistol
SCORE _26__________
Target Distance 10yards
New member here, thought I'd give it a try.

THR Name: elric
Class: Stock Pistol
Score: 56, all but G+H.
Distance: 10 yrds

Thanks for running these matches ... it was fun. I just need to learn to not choke near the end :)

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