The Long and Short of it all

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Dec 29, 2002
Los Anchorage
Over the years I've noticed a trend in my firearms. I seem to end up preferring rifles that are long and handguns that are short. So most of my handguns, without any deliberate plan, have ended up being about 3". The longer ones have all been sold off. I find they're too hard to carry around and conceal. The trend of my long rifles has been the reverse. Out of the hundreds I've owned, I end up favoring the longest of them. Right now I have a K1911 Schmidt-Rubin and an M-91 Finn Mosin. Even my favorite .22LR is a rather long in the tooth CZ-452. I find I like the long sight radius and as I only use irons this is a big issue. I also prefer the ballistics and the greatly reduced noise level.

Anyone else notice a trend in their collections or in what they favor?
Yes. I like short handguns, short shotguns, and long rifles. My only 16" barreled rifle is an AR.
It's a matter of utility.

A rifle is supposed to be accurate. Only accurate rifles are really that interesting for me.

For me, a handgun is a defensive item. Ergo, it's a mix of stopping power and portability. Maybe if I shot .22 target matches I'd feel differently, but hey...
I only like C&R rifles, the longer the better, and modern pistols. Pistols have to fall into two categories-carry guns, and range guns.
Pistols must be modern, no C&R there.
Weird, I know.
Cosmo I agree with you. I have semi autos, those are not long but I have a couple of lon guns. All of my pistols are short. No hoglegs for me those type of pistols never made sense. If you are going to get a long pistol get a TC contender.
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