The 'Militia' Issue: Who's Militia, In The 'Constitutional Right', To Bear Arms?

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A very nice discussion:

Yes - this is a very nice discussion.

"Self evident" means that our discussion on the documents, codes, and history are pointless. Whether we agree or not, the Right stands. It is up to the INDIVIDUAL to either claim it while standing-to-arms and accept the remifications of that choice or meekly stand aside to our "betters"... our kings.

We can argue the subtleties and talk about the history of the documents describing the Rights of Americans (and all humans by the way) but it all comes down to one thing. The 2nd is about killing politicians and anyone who stands against Liberty... period.

Are we whiners, lawyers, and philosophers or are we Patriots?

You decide... but be quick. There is already an ill wind smelling like a National ID card (i.e. internal passport) coming over illegal aliens. One more step towards a totalitarian state. The time is soon to stand up or lye down.
Where is our moderator to chime in with use the search function as this has been discussed many times before.

You know like where we like to wear our holsters.
Or other gun related advice that is sought over and over again???

BTW the militia is all able bodied males between the ages of 14 and 45 like it says in the federalist papers.
If just a few public school educated victims stumble upon true information about our actual Constitutional Rights and the meaning behind them, rather than sheeple taught nonsense (regardless of those rights and meaning of intent being discussed previously on THR) don't you feel it is worth allowing that discussion?
Someone please think of the children. Everyday another semi-literate troll posts a sophmoric interpretation of constituional law on THR. Yet so few of them seem able to spell correctly. While this lack of literacy can surely be forgiven and possibly blamed upon our educational system, forgiving laziness and intellectual dishonesty should be done only rarely.

In this case the crux of the initial poster's argument lies in the phrase "well regulated". The simple act of opening a thesaurus (no Virginia it's not a dinosaur, it's a book) will enlighten one as to the meaning of the term regulated within this context.
Regulated in this case does not equate to regulations.
Rather, it describes the efficacy or ability of the militia.

BTW, I'm not a mod but, use the search function dude.


I can deal with mispelled words.

It is the public school system's practice of deliberately turning out high school graduates totally lacking in ability to read and comprehend a simple twenty seven word sentence that infuriates me.

Especially when you consider each word of that sentence, is supposedly taught to public school victims, at about the fifth or at least the sixth grade level.

We should all be horsewhipped for failing to REQUIRE each and every public school district in this land, to teach kids the understanding of every word, of every phrase in the Constituion, previous to a student being graduated from primary to middle school.

In fact, it should be a standard that must be met previous to a school district receiving funding for the following year.

Possibly that would solve some of the public education "crisis" I continually have to cough up more money for, each emergency legislative session that my state unfortunately calls for our bi-annual "school funding crisis".

Only in such a manner will later generations of "We the People" not be conned out of freedom by the very "Educators" currently brainwashing them to accept the "Global Village/New World Order" thinking constantly pushed on them by the public education system.

The founders believed one of the most important functions of education was for the common man within our country to be capable of understanding first, where his right to freedom comes from, and secondly, EXACTLY how to maintain it. We as a people, get an "F" on that score for certain.

My 15 year old was in her debate class recently, and her teacher was discussing preperation for a debate about gun control. He wrote what he thought, was the 2ND Amendment on the chalk board for debate discussion, thinking it specified a "well armed" milita, rather than a "well regulated" militia.

My daughter told me that afternoon, that when she politely pointed out his error, she was asked derisively by several students in the class, "what difference does it make?"

Well, the teacher made no comment as to why it was important that it be correct, so my daughter explained the fact that it changed the meaning of the sentence. (Both to the kids, and to the teacher himself)

So mispelled words, I can accept much more easily than I can a total mistake in wording of an Amendment to the United States Constitution being accepted as not "making much difference" by not only most of the students, but additionally a debate "teacher" instructing kids how to prepare for a debate on a topic such as gun control.
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