The most accurate small pistol you have fired?

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My 45 cal XDs is surprisingly accurate. That's the one for me, though I have little experience shooting small semi autos otherwise.
Sig 230Sl and Colt 1903 - .32

These things are like pocket sniper firearms - freakishly accurate and easy to shoot.

My CZ 83 is really somethin' too.
I have fired some small pistols that I considered to be very accurate, but I guess the most accurate of the smaller pistols would be the HK P7M8. Shooting carefully from a rest at 25 yds., my P7M8 has shot groups as small as with the SIG P210s. The P210s, obviously larger, with black sights,etc, produce small groups, for me,more routinely than any of the other pistol I can recall shooting. It is harder to accomplish with the HK, just due to it's smaller size and white highlighted "combat" style sights, but the intrinsic accuracy is sure there IMHO.....ymmv

BTW, My honorable mention for small accurate pistols would have to go to the little S&W models 3913 and 3914 single stack 9MMs. Really surprising for a super reliable little production CCW type 9MM...
I would have never thought I would say it, but I think I shoot my M&P Bodyguard .380 better than a lot of my full sized pistols:what:

I stopped by the outdoor DNR range today simply because I was in the area and wanted to break in my new pocket pistol some more. The closest distance they have set up is 25 yards. I wasn't looking for accuracy just function as all I had with me was a handful of Federal ball ammo and about 2/3 of a box of Tula steel case that my LCP won't eat.

I didn't want to try to shoot from the bench because that isn't what this gun is designed for and was just checking to make sure it didn't choke on even the crappiest ammo. I simply stapled my 8" hit detection target up to the board and walked back to the bench. I chambered, aimed down my dark little sights at the bullseye and pow. A blip of color in the very upper right. 4 more holes wander around 4" of the first. Not going to win any marksmanship awards, but I was standing 25 yards away shooting a gun with a sub 3" barrel not shooting from the bench:evil: I couldn't see where the 6th shot went and figured I must had shot high.

When I went down to get my target, I'll be danged if there wasn't a hole dead center in the middle of the bullseye:what: I know it was luck, but it is where I was aiming. If nothing else, this little monster hits where you point it.

Solid little gun and a pocket .380 that is actually fun to shoot.
Yes my Glock 26 is accurate and as small really as my other dozen "small pistols" , so is my Colt lightweight Officers model as prepped by Heine and similar to the Glock. My tuned original AMT .45 Backup is not that accurate, about like a Kahr .40 and is heavy for it's small size. Remington 51 .380 is very accurate with good ammo as is the Russian Makarof.All my tiny .22 autos are a little worse and of the .25s only the old Colt 1908 groups tightly to 15 yards. Now the most accurate little pistol I own is the 1961 Walther PP 7.65mm police turn in. It was as new in box with extra mag and test target when I got it . With RWS or Geco ammo it is sighted in at 15 yards dead on top of the crisp front sight and when I sand bagged it will basically shoot one large ragged hole for a magazine full at that range.They were doing a good job the day of it's birth ! :)
Depends on what you mean by "small pistol." But the Walther PPS is one of the most underrated of the new subcompact 9s. It's super thin, so it carries invisible under a t-shirt. Also, it's pocketable (barely) with the 6-rd magazine. But the grip is fairly long from frontstrap to backstrap, so it's easy to hold and to shoot.
Small surprise I picked up a Wlather P22 for my wife ,,, nice small easy to rack the slide Everything she said she wanted .. The price was fantastic . So I bought it laser and 3 mags . took it home to site in that laser for her surprise The sights were way off so I spent a while getting them right . No wonder it was dirt cheep .. but when I got the front sight right I put down a coke can at 100 yards . Who would have ever thought ... I love that little thing .
another vote for the CZ VZ82.

I have seen a lot of 9x18mm rounds fired through a CZ82 and I find that picture very hard to believe.

It has to be faked or staged - I never heard of anyone being able to find that many spent cases after they were ejected from a CZ82!
I don't think my 9x18 cz82 was particularly accurate. Maybe I had a bad barrel? As nice as the trigger was I never could shoot it well. I have a cz duo .25 acp with gutter sights that shoots like a laser beam. If I had the parts to make it run 100% It'd probably find its way into my pocket on occasion.
An ASTRA CUB 22Short. Mine has 6742 rounds through it as we speak and can pick the buttons off your shirt at twenty-five yards. Hit tomato juice cans all day at fifty yards. DEEEElightful !!
And so it goes...
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