The Tale of the Gun

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Gus Dddysgrl

Mar 31, 2003
Lancaster, PA
Saturday I was bored and watching the History Channel. Actually Jon turned it on, but he wasn't watching it. The show was called Tales of the Gun or The Tale of the gun. I forget, but it doesn't matter. It showed the multiple stages guns went through especailly refering to the ones used by gangs and outlaws. It was very interesting.

I noticed they handled the guns well. I didn't pay attention to exactly what they were saying about the calibers of them cause I don't really know and would prefer to try and see what it's like before I believe what someone else says.

The most interesting/thought provoking comment was at the end. When Pretty Boy Floyd was shot down by police ending the era of gangs that had been going for so long. (I'm not saying we don't still have gangs, but they are more now against personal property and not the big government like they used to be.) The interesting thing was the cop that shot him down was carrying the same pistol Pretty Boy Floyd was. Their comment was how it was interesting that the good guy and the bad guy used the same thing for totally different purposes.

It wasn't the gun that was evil it was the person that used it. I thought that was very good.

Sorry if this has been discussed before I thought it was interesting and wanted to share it.
Not unusual in any way.

Most of the weapons that the "gangsters" used were stolen from the police and militree, e.g. John Dillinger's robbery of the Warsaw, Indiana Police Department armoury. As well, the gangsters were cut of a different cloth then. They were not couch sitting mouth-breathing animals on the East or West Coast but men who grew up around firearms and where using your hands was the norm.
Most of the weapons that the "gangsters" used were stolen from the police and militree, e.g. John Dillinger's robbery of the Warsaw, Indiana Police Department armoury.
Which is why the police shouldn't have guns ...

The criminals will just take them away from the cops and use the guns against them.

Their comment was how it was interesting that the good guy and the bad guy used the same thing for totally different purposes.

I remember that. The history channel seems to have been taken over by gun nuts and grease monkeys.

I believe the speaker went on to say:

"The difference between the two men was not the weapons they chose, but in the choices they made in life."

It is interesting that in a time when there were few if any gun controls many of the famous outlaws acquired their "evil machine guns" (and other weapons) not from the commercial market but from the government. It still goes on today, too.
Yeah I wanted a BAR too.

Mark Tyson-that was the line I was looking for and I couldn't remeber what the wording was.

I wanted to tape it, but only caught the last half of it.
Amazing the amount of firepower brought to bear on Bonnie and Clyde. Beatty's movie makes them out to be folk heroes, which they apparently weren't (killing random police officers doesn't seem to be that heroic to me).
"Amazing the amount of firepower brought to bear on Bonnie and Clyde. "

"They were not couch sitting mouth-breathing animals on the East or West Coast but men who grew up around firearms and where using your hands was the norm."

The same was true of the police officers of the day. This was before SWAT teams and all that. They simply went out and set up an ambush complete with BARs. That car is on display in Primm Nevada which is right on I15 at the California/Nevada border. It used to be in Whiskey Pete's Casino, but I believe now it is on display at the outlet mall. Rumor has it that over the years the car got a few more bullet holes to enhance it's gee whiz factor.

"And THR gun nuts will watch it

... over

.. and over

... and over again!"

I have most of them on tape. I bought them from the NRA. NRA used them as a fund raiser. It was a win/win situation. The NRA got more money = I win. I got the tapes = I win again.
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