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The Urban Battle Ax...

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do not discount the sheer power of an axe welded by a large, determined person

Hm. Don't discount the power of an axe wielded by a small determined person, either.

John, like axes :neener:
I would like the traditional "Hawks" more if they were more firmly attached to the handle. I don't see how any one could use them for anything practical!!!

What makes the traditional design so untrustworthy?
The other problem with 'hawks is they don't look like something that you were using in the back 40.

These days, how something looks is very important in the aftermath of a conflict. P.C. is here to stay, want it or not. If I were going to use a hatchet as a self defence tool, I'd pick one from the hammer/hatchet selection at Home Depot. Take it out back at home and chop some stuff with it, get it smeared with sap and leave it alone. Grundgy and used is good. Equal to or even better than a 'hawk, is a roofers hatchet, with a blade on one side and a hammer head on the other side of the poll. Eastwing makes some nice ones with an all steel handle.
I've always believed the larger Estwing axe, campers axe?, would make a great urban battle axe. I've used mine for years for trail clearing, and all kinds of miscellaneous chopping. Light, decent reach, chopping power beyond what you would think to look at it. Only problem is for heavy repeated blows the metal handle will start to bow, just reverse it and give some full power blows with the hammer end to an unforgiving stump or log and keep going. I always keep it within easy reach in the shop or garage. FWIW it throws pretty good too!
They will slip down the handle

I believe the handle is tapered, with the thickest part at the top, and very tight fitting. The ones I've seen didn't seem like they had any likelihood of slipping. The axe head wants to keep going up and getting tighter due to the momentum of the swing.
Gorgeous wood - what is it?
Creature is right, it is curly maple.

Kamagong, is that 'hawk made by Louis Tortorich?

I have a 'hawk like that forged from a farrier's rasp.
You're half right. The head was forged from a farrier's rasp by Ryan Johnson of RMJ Forge. I got it back in 2001 for the princely sum of $95. His prices have gone up a little bit since then.
The tomahawk is a truly formidable weapon when wielded by a person that knows what he is doing. It has pros/cons, but when understood it can be very effective. It is not quite as versatile as a big bowie/dagger, but it has a lot of raw power.

Dionysusigma, I have one of those shovels in each of my vehicles. Much more under the radar in todays world and combat shovels are VERY effective, just ask the Spetznaz!

My friend Ryan at RMJ Forge makes some of the best Combat Hawks being made in my opinion! Here is a link to his site... LINK
He also makes some pretty kick @SS traditional hawks!

They will slip down the handle!!!

Naaah, physics are on your side! And a well made hawk has very good handle to head fit. Even if it does slip down (I've only seen it on cheap ones), just put it back to the top and drive some nails into the top of the handle.
Tar has been declared an enviromental hazzard, and collecting feathers can get you charged with cruelty to animals. Closest we can come now is organic blackberry jam and hemp fibers.
There's almost nobody out there who does NOT know more about edged weapon combat than me, so I defer to anyone who's even THOUGHT about the matter. But I was wondering what folks thought of that "WoodsmansPal" tool that's available. It looks a lot like a short, wide bladed machete, but with a reversed edge toward the top. I assume that the latter feature is for removing smaller limbs from tree trunks and such.
Since we had at least one goofy fantasy weapon in the thread, I just thought I'd add that this is the dumbest thing I own. It was only $35 and my love of all things Final Fantasy demanded one for the wall of my recreation room.
Oh... Jebus... :what:

Joe, you gotta post pics of the rec room. I gotta feeling theres a Lara Croft poster or figure or lifesize cardboard cut-out in there somewhere. If not that, a first edition anime graphic novel (comic book to us old folks) framed on the wall. :D

Kidding of couse Joe. I still got some diecast cars so don't feel like I'm pickin' on ya.

"Growin' up leads to growin' old and then to dyin'.
And dyin', to me, don't sound like all that much fun."

John Mellancamp

Have fun,
Kosh, during World War II, the U.S. government issued a booklet to its troops on how to fight with your machete. That booklet was entitled Fighting With U.S.A. Knife LC-14-B. You may wish to perform an online search for it. I hope this information proves useful.

Kosh, the Woodsman Pal is a very well regarded tool that has been around an awful long time. If your into camping or clearing brush around the house or something along those lines, I suspect that you would be exceptionally happy with it.

Despite it's great reputation, it is still more or less just a machete and I would assume that it would have all the advantages/disadvantages of any other machete when used as a weapon, with the exception of the brush hook.
I have a CS Pole Axe in my room. Something tells me a jury wouldn't be particularily friendly to me if I went all grim-reaper on someone with it.

I don't completely agree that you shouldn't use a hawk for defense- just don't use one that you've modded out with a P-cord handle and green paint job. If it looks more like something out of The Patriot, than out of Rambo, it should be fine. You might want to store it with an old-style hunting knife and buckskin belt.
WWII Woodsman's Pal Booklet set

the U.S. government issued a booklet to its troops on how to fight with your machete. That booklet was entitled Fighting With U.S.A. Knife LC-14-B.
The LC-14-B is the Woodsman's Pal.

Here are the booklets out of one of mine.


Note the very politically incorrect first line!

And the caricature of the Jap solder!

As for fighting with one, it would really be more of a Fairbairn Smatchet then a Machete.
I sure wouldn't want to get smacked, chopped, poked, or hooked with one!

I'm proud to own an old copy of Soldier of Fortune magazine with an article by the late Jeff Cooper entitled 'Secrets of Moderrn Battleaxe Fighting'.
Autographed by Jeff Cooper himself!
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