There IS a difference between our reaction to loss and their reaction

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From the happy kampers at DU-
You are now part of the rebel alliance underground, and perhaps
its time to visit a gun show to take advantage of the second
amendment. I think that the next 4 years will see several political
fringe groups deciding that "talk talk and vote vote" is getting
them nowhere, and direct means are necessary.

They are going to be so shocked when they have to have a background check, fill out a 4473, and still can't get a full-auto AK for $2.99 out the door.:D
Go back over to TFL and browse through the dates surrounding the last presidential election, if you doubt it.

Pax, I just did as you suggest, and frankly while I find frustration and anger in the posts of 4 years ago, I don't see the extent of virulent hatred that DU is showing today. I stand to be corrected, but think you are a bit pessimistic in your judgement.
I can't wait until the people at DU try to go buy guns.

Afterall, it's "easy" and there aren't any background checks, right??

Yeah, suuuuure.....

Imagine this:

"What do you MEAN I have to wait 7 days?!"
"What do you MEAN I didn't pass the check? IT WAS JUST A LITTLE POT!"


They are the ones that yell, scream, harrass rallly go-ers, slash tires, tear down or spray paint Bush signs, and are generally full of hate. They are an intolerant, mean-spirited, name-calling, hateful bunch.

But they're hating us for our own good. Don't you understand? Huh? Maybe if I slash your tires you'll get it? :rolleyes:
But they're hating us for our own good.
You have it wrong. You think far to small. They hate for the good of the human race Comrade! Only when they've crushed all opposition to their rule under an iron fist will the Motherland and it's remaining people be saved!
Most of the folks here at my office that voted for Kerry are dealing with it ok and not giving me a hard time (I'm the stand alone non-Democrat, the rest stay quiet). I have heard the following said in the last two days:

"We need to kill those Republicans."
"Bush will be assassinated before his term is up."
"He never was really president of the US"
"Bush never finished anything in his life"
"All Repubicans are either rich and/or stupid."
"In four more years the country will cease to exist"
"Bush is s dictator."
"The middle class will cease to exist"

and it goes on and on and on........

Meanwhile I am smiling on the inside.:D :neener:
I'm taking THR at work. We are split about 60/40 to the good guys. I got into a lot of intelligent conversation with the liberals here before the election and the mood is pretty good overall. No gloating, smirks, or insults.

The thing to remember about liberals verus conservatives is that we argue with logic, they argue with emotion. Emotion is what leads to the outbursts we are seeing on DU (well, I can't see it, I'm taking your all's word for it) :)

The emotional aspect is what makes the arguments difficult and is why, when they lose, they resort to childish means, while when we lose, we look for a different strategy.

Thankfully my coworkers are all intelligent moderates. This storm will pass, they are just venting.


oh, and if you see anyonee there who is (in the same post) advocating harming the prez -- forward the link to the Secret Service, I'm sure they will appreciate the tip :D
DU is in absolute hair-pulling, bug-eyed, hysterical fits! I would love to read more of thier posts but I don't want to wake my wife up with my laughing.

The great thing about supposedly unschooled Presidents like Reagan and Bush II is their uncanny ability to reduce the Liberal-leftist elitists to absolute gibbering incoherant rage.


Dan Rather, Peter Jennings, etc. would all refer to Bush II as " President shrub, the smirking chimp" if they thought they could get away with it.
They are going to be so shocked when they have to have a background check, fill out a 4473, and still can't get a full-auto AK for $2.99 out the door.

Liberal at gun show table: "which kind of machine gun AK should I get for spray firing from the hip or bringing down airplanes?"

No4Mk1 ~

Remember that TFL is far more moderated against stupidly emotional outbursts than DU ever has been or will be. And remember that the place was shut down for awhile during the worst of the storm.

Destructo66 ~

I was referring to the up-in-the-air-for-weeks election of 2000.

Although, if you wanted to go further back, even without an election season, you could run a search on "Klinton" or "Clintoon" and see how calm and rational and non-emotional our side sounded when their side was in office.


Heaven have mercy on us all -- Presbyterians and Pagans alike -- for we are all somehow dreadfully cracked about the head, and sadly need mending. – Herman Melville
Just up the road from me a fellow had a huge 6"x8" Bush '04 sign that was vandalized last night. HE put a sign over it that says..."vandalized by loser Kerry supporters"
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