They're All Urging the Great O to Restrict "Assault" Weapons

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5,661 people died in Mexico in 2008 alone as a result of drug-related violence.
They need to go after the drugs not the guns. The drugs are the TRUE problem not the guns.

Yeah, drugs are the problem. :rolleyes: That's it. Let's blame a different inanimate object for violence.
Can't believe Florida made the list...oh wait I can, with all Yankees and Europeans that show up here screaming us Southernners are dangerous with our God and Guns, don't surprise me some traitors, in the democratic party to no surprise, are saying we got to further restrict our rights.

It'd wouldn't be so bad if they went "well you can't import guns but we'll go ahead and relax the restrictions on building them for sale to civilians to balance it out, as long as the AK variants are true 'American Made' [Buy America] we don't have a problem", but they didn't because they know there are plenty of folks with machine shops that could crank out complete AKs far cheaper than what they are selling for now. Heck plenty of regular folks who happen to live and breathe Harbor Freight catalogs (have had the pleasure to meet and become friends with a few) can build semi-auto only AKs, rifle barrels (Broach and Button cutting, but don't ask me to explain them because I'm still learning), and build magazines for them, shoot one guy has an RPK in 8mm and another guy has an AK in .243(he's working on a jump to 6.8 SPC).
Thin Black Line said:
BTW, a month or so ago I cited violence spilling over from Mexico as an
excuse that would be used by our politicians here and a THR mod deleted
the post. Irrelevant...right.... Sorry, I'm just a see the big picture in advance
kind of guy.

I have been "poo poo'd" for saying this too on other forums...
Drugs influence human behavior in ways guns generally do not.

Yes, they can influence behavior but they do not necessarily determine behavior. For one to attribute violence to a person's drug use is to absolve them of any responsibility for their actions.
Guitargod: "Yes, they can influence behavior but they do not necessarily determine behavior. For one to attribute violence to a person's drug use is to absolve them of any responsibility for their actions."

I don't absolve them at all. I support their full prosecution, and the absolution and acquittal of those compelled to kill them in self-defense.

But I do support controls of those substances which influence human bahavior.
But I do support controls of those substances which influence human behavior.
Chief of which is alcohol. Look at the percentage of violent crimes committed under the influence of alcohol vs. cannabinoids, opiates, hallucinogens, and club drugs, or the per-dose likelihood of same; no comparison. Only the hardcore stimulants even come close to the violence facilitation of alcohol. And the cannabinoids actually tend to decrease aggression.

I do not support alcohol prohibition (I have a drink myself on occasion). But I also do not support prohibition of drugs that are both less addictive and more benign in their effects and risk profile than alcohol.

I realize that is a politically difficult position to take (and I used to be as pro-DEA, pro-DARE, anti-decriminalization/legalization as anyone). But having looked into the issue in depth, I believe decriminalization/legalization is the more rational, constitutional, and moral choice, and I believe we'd have far fewer problems with the truly dangerous drugs if the benign ones weren't banned.
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