Things not to do when wearing a bikini: fire a fully auto AK47

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May 9, 2005
Am I the only one who thinks this video of a woman shooting a fully auto AK47 is not only marginally safe (she looks away from the target when unloading a few bursts) but it's also absolutely ridiculous?

I had a band director in high school that loved to watch stuff like this. I never understood the attraction, honestly.

Ummmm....would the attraction have something do with a women in a bikini firing a fully automatic weapon? Just a thought....LOL.:D
No, you're not

A bottle blond with her brains in her bra. :rolleyes:

And whoever gave her the AK is even more stupid. :scrutiny:
Bimbos with guns... :eek: The stupid [unmentionable part of female anatomy since this is the highroad] wasn't even paying attention to where she was shooting - kept looking at the camera.

That's almost enough to turn me into a died in the wool ANTI!

Ahhh... But! I am consoled by the fact that Darwin alwyays WINS!
If I had a blonde who was up for doing stupid things while half-naked, I don't think we'd be going shooting. :)
Notice it looks like she is standing on wet concrete in very high heels. I wonder how many idiots could have been killed or injured if she had slipped down. Video demonstrates extreme stupidity, but I am sure the antis love it!
ok my wife is 5foot 5inches 112 lbs and alot better looking than the um thing in the vid. she knows to shoulder her weapon lean into it wear the correct clothing and shoes for the event and not mug for the camera. she knows how to control her fire look where she is shooting and keep the muzzle downrange at all times. oh thats right my wife has this thing called a brain and she knows how to use it im sorry.
yes much better though a shirt with a colar and long pants would be the best but i am not going to complain at least safety is observed
That video almost gave me a heart attack :eek: :eek: Followed by 10 minutes of laughter. The hair flip/pose at the end is priceless.

Most excellent Hammer. I have a better one I got in email but this is a family channel :p :p
One of my friends learned that some practice at the range and a relatively low cut shirt were not a good combo. But she did give us an improv dance and stripping act that she titled "OW OW OW OW". After she put the weapon down, thankfully. To this day, she still wears turtlenecks to the range.
I have that first video. It's called "Rock and Roll #3 - Sexy Girls and Sexy Guns". It's so much fun to watch. :evil:

The chich in the second video definitely knows how to handle a weapon.

I still vote for Linda Hamilton in Terminator 2. :cool: Can I get an AMEN on that??
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