Thinking about getting a handgun......

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STAR BM / $150.00 (thereabouts).

Having thrown that out there I think for the modest amount of money you intend spending the series of HiPoint pistols might be right for you.

I wouldn't have one of the ugly things in my house with my "real guns", but I keep reading where they are actually well worth the money. Apparently they go "bang" when you pull the trigger, and the lifetime warranty is backed by excellent customer service.

I do have a HiPoint 995 9mm carbine and it has been great....

On the other hand:

If you have limited experience with firearms you will be best served by a revolver.... No doubt..

Try and pick yourself up a used S&W revolver. You will wind up with a quality firearm. Just make sure you take someone w/firearms experience with you on your hunt to make sure of the condition of the revolver. I think generally most were carried a lot, but shot a little.

Choices, choices... "Ain't" America great!

Best Wishes,:D

J Pomeroy
Don't get a Hi-point. Go with one of the cheap commie surplus guns. They're battle proven designs and a great bargain. But you'll need to schedule in a few hours of range time every month to make it worth your while. With any hand gun it's all about shot placement so you need to practice frequently.
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