Thoughts on home defence

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Nov 24, 2010
I`ve been giving home defence some real thought lately. Has anyone given thought to how different calibers react in the darkness of a home at night. Calibers that give a lot of flash could give you a blindness that lasts for some time because of the darkness. This would make it impossible to see anything for a second shot if needed. Secondly without ear protection many calibers shot in confined areas of your house will effect your hearing adversely. If you combine the effect of blindness with the effects on hearing plus the confusion in a situation you find with home invasion, I think it`s beneficial to choose wisely what you use for home defence. I do think it`s of even more importance to get some sort of home defence instruction. I`d like to hear some of your thoughts.
That will depend a lot on the powder used as much as caliber. If the powder uses flash suppressants it will make a big difference. Most, if not all, premium self defense ammo use flash suppressants.

All that being equal it will come down to the powder charge. IE, how much powder is being burned.

Another thing to consider is noise. Some calibers hurt the ears a whole lot worse than others.

I like .45 ACP. Minimal powder burning, pretty much no flash with the right powders, and a boom vs a crack, which is less painful and leaves more hearing intact immediately afterwards. Yes, it still hurts, and no, you can't hear real well, but it will be a lot better than shooting a barn burner 125 Gr .357 load.
That will depend a lot on the powder used as much as caliber. If the powder uses flash suppressants it will make a big difference. Most, if not all, premium self defense ammo use flash suppressants.

That is correct.

Beyond that, take your weapons and intended defensive ammo to your range, turn off the lights and find out for yourself.
If you don't have a private range / club where you can do such a thing, GET ONE. Stationary shooting at stationary targets in good lighting is hardly defensive practice, and is really not good for much beyond testing out a gun's ergonomics and accuracy.

I wouldn't advise shooting without hearing protection, but pay attention while wearing just plugs and you can get a feel for which would be worse on bare ears.
Flash can be controlled with powder, But noise is hard to suppress and anything thats a 9mm and above will be loud in a small room.
My house is never fully dark so i dont worry about flash, Plus i do have a 175 lumens light on my 500SPX 12 gauge.
TBH i could care less about my ears in a situation like this, Sure it may hurt a while but since you wont be shooting your gun in small rooms repeatedly i feel my ears will recover.
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