Tired of state stereotypes?

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MA has better carry laws than Texas and indeed most of the South,it's the way LTC's are issued at the whim of the local CLEO that make it a pain for many,but my no means all or most.
We have to live with the AWB and have a silly roster of approved handguns but life is far from terrible as a gun owner in MA.So I can't bayonet anyone...I'll take the chance of that one vs having to always worry about going to what might be considered a "public gathering",the movies,Applebees,Sears in a mall...
As far as public perception of gun owners,I like to show the most hand wringing of liberals that they couldn't be more wrong when stereotyping a gun owner-especially a conservative,Southern one :)
I'm about 50% Texan and 100% Okie and as they say about OU's quarterback on ESPN I am a certified Cherokee indian. What gets me is people asking if Indians live in teepee's. No they don't. Some live in shanties, but so does everyone else. I guess I should ask if they live in tenements.
I always thought you were issued a handgun and rifle at birth when you were born in Texas.

Got a handgun along with your Texas residency.

You're telling me it is all just make believe? Dang.

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