To Move Or Not To Move

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1 old 0311

Jun 26, 2005
Planet Earth
Looks like I will be taking a job in San Diego. I know a California CCW is tough to get but my question is about hi-cap mags. Can I take mine with me and be legal, or is it illegal anytime, anyplace, in California? Money is money but shooting is FUN.

no you cant take your standard capacity magazines with you to california. you had to have them before the ban in 2000 and i think they must have been made before 1994. move to orange county and you have a change of getting a CCW, if you dont mind a commute.
If ya go, you'll be one more vote for sanity in that loony bin of a state. But I doubt the nutbags there, will ever be out numbered.

Best of luck though.

If you're moving there for a job, you just might move again for a job. Don't ditch all your stuff. You might want it again.......
Better check and make sure your pistols are legal in Ca and what you must do after moving their to comply with their Nazi laws. I wouldn't move to that state for a million dollars a year unless I was only required to come their 1 day a year to work. Then I'd call in sick that day. When I worked I used to visit CA couple times a mo for 2 or 3 days at a time. I was always glad to leave. Now that I'm retired I just wait for news it fallen off face of earth.
DId a 10 day TDY network installation job there a few years back in Orange county ..NEVER NEVER NEVER will I do that again . I'd rather be homeless here than working there . It may be all bright and festive looking .. shudders
My advice:

If the job will help your career, take it. San Diego is beautiful. Every place has its price. Enjoy the good. Minimize the bad. You may end up moving to a different state later.
California is indeed run by nutjobs. But San Diego has to be one of the most beautiful places to live on the planet. Also one of the most expensive.

Gun laws are restrictive and absurd. However, once you take a simple written test and obtain your California Handgun Safety Certificate (available at any sporting goods chain or gun shop) you're good to go. But firearms are readily available as are shooting ranges. Especially in San Diego. Ownership isn't really as difficult as some think. The problem is the ever increasing restrictions on what you may BUY and the many guns that are no longer available to import. However, gun shops all have full display cases with a pretty fair variety. At least for now. The future is less bright.

I feel sorry for you because you're trying to bring guns INTO the state.

Good luck.
Ain't enough money, sunshine, or beautiful beaches to get me to move into that state! It' s run by a collection of crazies who were elected by a collection of crazies. But pretty soon, when it's overrun by illegal aliens, and once again the property of Mexico, we won't even have the beautiful weather to dream about. I just hope that all the liberals stay there, and don't re-enter the USA and attempt to destroy whats left of it. Let them take the land, but not our rights.
I hope you're getting a BIG salary increase to move there. BIG BIG BIG.

Everything in San Diego is inflated. The value of homes, the water bill, commute times, their sense of self-worth.

I hope its worth it.
Hey, I'm a native Californian, and I have got to say, this place sucks! I grew up here, and everybody I know is moving back to America. We are over-run with illegal aliens, and they are brazen in hating America. They are racist and criminally minded (they ran the black guys out of my company's warehouse by vandalizing their cars).

We have pot smoking lefty legislators and actors thinking that they are smarter than you, wanting to redistribute your wages. Our real-estate is overpriced, but, thankfully, the bubble is bursting. Our gun laws are just plain stupid, and gun owners have to be careful not to be in violation of some law or another.

Having said everything above, we do have great weather.

If the job is necessary for your career, go ahead and take it, just leave all of your guns in a locker in Arizona or Nevada and drive out to visit them every couple of months. After you get some experience, in a couple of years, move to a more up and coming state. California had it's golden age, and it is over. There are other states with better long term opportunities. As soon as my folks kick off, I'm out-a here.

As another native Californian and a gun owner, I'd also recommend AGAINST moving here.

But if you must, there there are a few things to be aware of:
Handguns must be registered here. When you bring your handguns with you into the state (minus all +10 round magazines, of course) you must send a registration card and pay a fee to register each handgun. On the plus side, you can bring in just about any handgun whether it's on the California Approved list or not, unless it is classfied as an 'assault pistol'. Any handgun with a removable magazine mounted forward of the trigger falls into this category.
List of Handguns Approved for Sale in California

If your non-assaulty-handguns are not on the CA-approved list, you may find yourself in the enviable position of Californians paying exhorbitant prices to you for your non-approved handguns, as face-to-face Private Party Transfers are just about the ONLY way for Californians to legally obtain a non-CA-approved handgun. I'm NOT suggesting you load yourself up with KelTec P11s and P32 to bring into California to sell, because you could get in trouble for importing firearms for resale.

There is no registration requirement for long guns (yet :rolleyes: ), but you may not bring with you any "assault weapons" as defined by California. No ARs, no AKs, no detachable-mag FALs... Basically anything with a detachable mag and a pistol grip. Also, you cannot bring in any .50 BMG rifles.

Oh and no flash hiders or sound suppressors are allowed. And no night-vision scopes allowed either. Also no Class III firearms allowed. Or any Short Barreled Rifles. No "Any Other Weapons". Automatic knives also not allowed. Nor are 'push daggers', nunchakus, throwing stars/shuriken, and blowguns. I'm definitely forgetting more.

I think we can still own pointy sticks :D

If you love shooting, you'll be disappointed to hear that at least in the Los Angeles area, shooting ranges have been closing down or are fighting attempts to close them down. Most ranges have restrictions against "rapid fire"... which means more than one shot per second :rolleyes: Steel-core or even steel-jacketed ammunition is generally not allowed at firing ranges due to fire hazard (outdoor ranges) or damaging to backstops (indoor ranges). Tracer ammunition is illegal.

If you're still hell-bent on moving here, then we California gun owners would welcome you if you'd join us in the fight to restore our 2nd amendment rights. Browse the boards for California CCW and for more.

California CCW forums forums
San Diego is one of the nicest places on earth if you have the funds to enjoy it. Be prepared for a house the size of of your garage to go for 600K!! However, I have spent a good bit of time there and I find it to be an intoxicating place. Yes there are a lot of restrictions (some i have never understood) but the upsides are year round golf. GREAT looking ladies everywhere who all keep them selves in bikini shape, or so it seems! The ocean and boats of all desriptions everywhere. the Coronado golf club, a city owned gulf course that the locals ignore that cost 25 bucks a round right on the water and really pretty.

My one big question has always been if SDC is like 60 % military dependent, why is the local sherriff a Die hard anti?

With what I saw when I was there, I would have to believe a progun candidate would walk all over the status quo.

How long is this job for? You have to make the choice but I would say that you could get sent to a lot worse places on earth.
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Grew up in San Diego County. Left in 92.

It has its charms, but too many negatives, even above and beyond gun rights. It's sad to see it go down the tubes.

Every day I'm glad I'm outta there.

My advice would be to stay out.
I went through a similar thought process a few months back. Even contacted the local Sheriff in San Diego. The gun laws are very restrictive and there is a fee, if memory serves me right, of over $100 per gun for each gun you will transfer to your California license.

Not to mention the fact that the Sheriff I spoke to was rude and obnoxious and definitely made me feel like I was unwanted in the state for being an American.

Not worth it for me, your mileage may vary....
Kevin Quinlan after reading all the replies Ive reconsidered I think you will fit right in So please move on over. Then you will be among friends and across the country for Larry Seecamp. Oh the Seecamp is approved for CA sales I don't think the NAA are. could be wrong on that :D Have a nice trip.:)
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