Kerry urges Bush to "Get Real" on AWB

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Jul 10, 2003

Kerry Tells Bush to 'Get Real' on Assault Weapons

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By Patricia Wilson

ST. LOUIS (Reuters) - Democratic candidate John Kerry (news - web sites) on Friday said President Bush (news - web sites)'s failure to fight for a renewal of a ban on assault weapons will make it easier for terrorists to get the lethal weapons.

Campaigning in Missouri, where he trails Bush in opinion polls less than two months before the Nov. 2 election, Kerry said as a hunter and outdoorsman he vowed he would never try to change the Second Amendment to the Constitution giving Americans the right to bear arms.

Under a 10-year ban enacted in 1994, weapons such as AK-47s, TEC-9s, and Uzis were outlawed, as were high capacity ammunition magazines holding more than 10 rounds. That law expires on Monday and Congress does not plan to extend it.

Kerry rebuked Bush and others for "talking about the war on terror, trying to scare Americans." Vice President Dick Cheney (news - web sites) said this week that if the Democrat were elected the United States could be hit by another attack like the on one Sept. 11, 2001.

"It's real, we've got a war," Kerry said. "But we should do more than just talk about it and try to scare people about it and make it a political issue."

Citing the 9/11 commission and other reports, Kerry said that al Qaeda, blamed for the attacks on America three years ago, had issued a manual that urged followers to "come to America and buy assault weapons."

"Why is George Bush (news - web sites) making the job of terrorists easier and making the job for America's police officers harder?" he asked in a separate written statement.

The Massachusetts senator told a town hall meeting in St. Louis: "You can't fight a war on terror and you can't make our streets safe ... (by) selling assault weapons in the streets of America.

"But George Bush who says 'Oh, I'm for that' never asked the Congress to pass it, never pushed the Congress to pass it, never stood up, caves into the NRA (National Rifle Association), gives into the special interests and America's streets will not be as safe because of the choice George Bush is making."


Kerry, a New England blueblood who served 20 years in the Senate after two decorated tours in the Vietnam War, has tried to appeal to the more conservative voters in important battleground states by presenting himself as a lifelong outdoorsman.

In the past week, he has been photographed trap shooting in Ohio and holding a gun given to him by a supporter at a rally in Racine, West Virginia.

"I mean, heavens to Betsy folks, we've had that law on the books for the last 10 years and there's not a gun owner in America who can stand up and say they tried to take my guns away," Kerry said. "I mean, let's get real. Let's get real."

He told several hundred supporters of his pheasant hunting trip in Iowa earlier this year when he was trailing in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination.

"I am a hunter and I'm a gun owner and I have hunted since I was about a teenager and I respect it ... and I believe in the Second Amendment," he said. "And I'll tell you this, as a hunter, I've never ever thought about going hunting with an AK-47 or an Uzi or anything else. Never."

Bush has said he would sign an extension of the assault weapons ban but he did not press for its renewal by the Congress. The politically powerful National Rifle Association gun lobby has made killing it a top priority, and some lawmakers are fearful of crossing the NRA weeks before congressional elections. Polls show a majority of Americans support renewing the ban.

The NRA has not yet formally endorsed Bush's re-election bid. A Kerry aide said the senator had never been a member of the NRA because he did not agree with its policies.
"I mean, heavens to Betsy folks, we've had that law on the books for the last 10 years and there's not a gun owner in America who can stand up and say they tried to take my guns away," Kerry said. "I mean, let's get real. Let's get real."

:barf: :barf: :barf:
So he has finally confirmed what we already knew, his senate voting record didn't leave me in any doubt where he stood on this issue.

Probably the first non lie in his disinformation campaign.
"And I'll tell you this, as a hunter, I've never ever thought about going hunting with an AK-47 or an Uzi or anything else. Never."

Guess it just goes to show that besides being an extreme liberal and, by all indications, a liar, Kerry is also extremely unimaginative. Speaking as someone who has wiled away a few minutes considering the possibilities of deer hunting w/ a knife or a mokgum (wood sword )...
Hey Kerry has finally taken a position on something! :p

Oh...looks like its too late. Dan "Rather biased" has just killed any chance of him becoming President. Way to go, Dan! :)
Why are AK-47s and Uzis always brought up by people in favor of the AWB, when in fact the AWB has nothing to do with them?

If you want to talk about a semiautomatic version of one, then by all means, do so. But to refer to the automatic variant is incredibly misleading.
G. W. Bush and the Republican Party could make Senator Kerry look really stupid right now, but that would take principles and guts, so they won’t do it.

~G. Fink

"Why are AK-47s and Uzis always brought up by people in favor of the AWB, when in fact the AWB has nothing to do with them?

If you want to talk about a semiautomatic version of one, then by all means, do so. But to refer to the automatic variant is incredibly misleading."

Now you get it. As I understand it, this tactic was the brainchild of Josh Sugarman of VPC. If you confuse the semi-automatic firearms with their fully automatic cousins, it makes the AWB easier to sell to the uninformed.
Hate to disillusion anyone but GWB's website only discusses the RKBA in terms of sportsmen and hunting.

While Kerry is worse on the RKBA, Bush's luke warm support for the RKBA and buying into the sportsmen crap cannot be denied.

I'm still waiting for a clean RKBA candidate. Not some schmuck who goes out with an expensive shotgun to demonstrate the RKBA. Bush, Clinton and Kerry all did the shotgun, hunter photo-op.
Hate to disillusion anyone but GWB's website only discusses the RKBA in terms of sportsmen and hunting.

Not to be a wiseguy here but I really think that taking my FN FAL, that I put together myself, out and running 5 or 6 mags through it at some distant target rather sporting. I feel that taking my G-35 race gun with 30 round mags out and banging on some steel sporting. Do my sporting impliments have other uses why yes they do as do the Ruger 77's, Browning BAR's and Remington 700 ADL's. If the term "Sporting" can be used how ever is convinient to the speaker then, yes I agree with the term.
Bush and Kerry are both doing what they have to do to win the election-- work the middle. Kerry is doing it by pretending to be pro-gun and Bush is doing it by pretending to support AWB. If Bush had truly wanted to extend the AWB, he could have gotten it through Congress. Instead, through his actions or calculated inaction, he made sure that it didn't hit his desk. I'd say it was shrewd, and give him credit for it. A "clean RKBA" candidate can win the local/state contests in the right places, but you don't get to the White House that way.
"And I'll tell you this, as a hunter, I've never ever thought about going hunting with an AK-47 or an Uzi or anything else. Never."

Used to have a boss who hunted feral hogs with an SKS, proving that sportsmen/hunters do need "assault weapons". HA! Take that John Kerry.

make it easier for terrorists to get the lethal weapons
Hey, is he calling me a terrorist? I've (we've) already been called death merchants and drug lords. :D And you're right, WYO. That's why Hollywood and politics go so well together: it's about pretending.
Hate to disillusion anyone but GWB's website only discusses the RKBA in terms of sportsmen and hunting

I've heard the man speak about CHLs...hint: He doesn't advocate them for hunting 4 legged critters.
The DNC and RNC platforms regarding the 2A are completely different. The Democrats had all the BS about sports and collective right of the government to own guns but not individuals.

The Republicans at least said the 2A was an individual right and a basic human right. Go look for the earlier thread comparing the two party platforms and you will see the difference right away.

John Forgery Kerry either has no comprehension of Constitutional law, or is purposefully wanting to violate it.
"I am a hunter and I'm a gun owner and I have hunted since I was about a teenager and I respect it ... and I believe in the Second Amendment," he said. "And I'll tell you this, as a hunter, I've never ever thought about going hunting with an AK-47 or an Uzi or anything else. Never."

He should try it, he might enjoy it. The link between hunting and the 2nd Amendment is so clear, it's what the framers of the Constitution intended - but forgot to write in. Kerry is not only going to lose, he's going to lose big.
If I recall correctly, this is one of the issues that cost the Democrats the house back in the mid-90's. Why does Kerry think that pulling this major-league BS at this point in his campaign is a good thing for him to do?

Didn't Clinton basically write in his autobiography that he underestimated the voting power that gun rights advocates had? Why is Kerry ignoring this?
If not carefull, Kerry will step into a gigantic pile of dukie on this.
HE KNOWS that taking serious issue with guns during this election WILL COST HIM THE ELECTION.

His handlers must be stupid fools.
Yes, Sodbuster, he is. Calling you, and me, and every real American who owns a gun or wants to a terrorist, that is.

All through the Nineties Bill Clinton used the word "patriot" as a synonym for "terrorist." Whenever he heard or spoke the word "terrorist," what he thought of was an angry white male conservative Christian gun owner, or maybe a talk radio host. I believe he referred to the NRA as a terrorist organization.

Kerry is the same, only more so.

Kerry now strikes a pose of opposing the Patriot Act, even though he not only voted for it, but actually *wrote* parts of it.

If (God forbid) Kerry is elected, the Patriot Act will not go away. The only difference will be *who* its provisions will be used to target. Here's a hint: they won't be looking for guys named Mohammed anymore (if they ever were); they'll be looking for born-in-the-USA guys named Bubba, just like they did all during the D.C./Beltway sniper spree.

“Profiling†is fine and dandy until it’s used on you. :neener:

Back to your regularly scheduled anti-Kerry thread …

~G. Fink
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