Took a young lady shooting, hope the wife doesn't get mad

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Dec 27, 2002
Del City, Okla
One of the nurses I work with is a cute petite young lady who lives by herself in not that great of an area. She carries a little can of pepper spray on her keychain that I make fun of every chance I get. A few weeks ago we were all sitting around showing off pictures of our children and such when she noticed my CCW. So she started with the questions, at first in a rather confrontational matter, then curious, and then this morning it finally happened. We had a pretty nasty night on the unit and she said, "I suppose you're going to shoot your guns now?" I told her that yes, I was planning on doing just that. Then on the walk to our cars she asked, "Can I come?" Well I've never turned down such a request, especially from such a nice looking requester. So we took off in my truck, stopped by my house to pick up my Mitchell pistol, my Rossi snubby, my box of Contenders, and enough ammo to make anyone proud. Had a quick lesson on safety on the drive to the range, then a longer one when we arrived, and then the fun began. I couldn't get her to put the Mitchell down. The reddot made it easy for her to hit the target with, and she was surprised by the lack of recoil and noise. I finally got her to try the Rossi, which once she got used to it she handled pretty well. Even managed to keep all the shots on a paper plate at 10 yrds in SA. Not bad for her first time out and with a snubby no less. I managed to talk her into taking one shot with the 357mag Contender, but that's all she wanted out of that for now. Then we went to look at guns at a local shop, and we're going back next Friday to pick up her first gun, a Browning Buckmark. Then I dropped her off at her car and she gave me a kiss on the cheek.
Now don't get me wrong, I prefer to shoot alone, I can concentrate on breathing, trigger pull, always chasing that perfect group. But my favorite days at the range are always those days when I'm showing a new shooter the ropes.

BTW, nothing makes you realize just what an old man you've become quite like a kiss on the cheek from a pretty young girl.:(
Well, she is single, and I met her last boyfriend, he was a snake, so Skunk would be a trade up. And she has admitted to a fondness for banjo music (I never said she was perfect). But she's very white and blonde, you think Skunk would go for it?
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Nothing makes you realize just what an old man you've become quite like a kiss on the cheek from a pretty young girl.

Nothing like being a teacher. That's quite the gift. As a elementary/middle school teacher, I can tell you that she just gave you her deepest thanks. The kids don't kiss me, (thank god for that, grimey little ... uh never mind :D ) but they hug me like a big brother/father. You know you are appreciated when the 7th grade boys respect you and defend you to other school's students and the 8th grade girls hug you when you help them out with a breakdown.
Good on ya'!!


BTW, nothing makes you realize just what an old man you've become quite like a kiss on the cheek from a pretty young girl.

I feel your pain. I'm not even that old, but at some point I quit being percieved as a threat to a pretty young lady. How'd that happen??
Great job! To took a "pretty young thing" on a rally ride, ( motorcycle), and the wife was OK by it, even commented that she was cute! Said she could not see whay everyone esle had a problem with it.
Take a girl to the range month!
She carries a little can of pepper spray on her keychain that I make fun of every chance I get

Why do you make fun of her pepper spray?
I make fun of her pepper spray for the same reason I make fun of her reading material, choice of automobiles, and generous use of make up. She makes fun of my redneck accent, musical taste, and lack of personal hygine. It's a high stress environment, you'd be surprised at some of the conversations that occur.
And I told the wife I was taking her before I got to the range, I have made it 11years as a married man by being a numbskull. Her biggest concern was that I was going to shoot up all of her 38 reloads. She knows me all too well. I don't know whether I should be proud that she trust me so much or be insulted that she knows I have no chance.
unfortunately i am still a threat to the pretty young girls. (and especially so to one who would be fond of shooting!) Just as much an unfortunate occurance... my gf of several years would have my ball carrier were i in a similair circumstance... hehehehe

Great job on getting someone to shoot tho! We need MORE women shooters .... they are the real power in the country ya know... <grin>

The "range" was actually the dam of my uncle's pond out at Minco. I had to drop off some books for my cousin and thought I'd do some shooting while I was there. Stopped at Outdoor America to look at guns. Hard to beat their prices. We'll probably check Mustang Gun and Pawn for a used pistol before we buy a new one.

Maybe the wife will get mad, but you need to explain to her that it is the duty of gun pushers to get new shooters into the group. Otherwise, we would run out of gunnies!

Its not like they are being encouraged to take marksmanship and gun safety lessons in the public skools. ;)

Young and single, and starting to get into guns. Sounds like a winning combination.
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