Training course for gun-neutral wife?

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Dec 23, 2003
My wife enjoys shooting maybe once a year and for no more than about 50 rounds...but I know she's just doing it to make me happy! (as a husband, there are worse problems to have than this one, for sure)

The other day, my Mom asked her if she would shoot an intruder in our house. Although we've talked about 1) read the situation 2) retreat 3) if pursued, don't hesitate and 4) center-of-mass...her response to Mom was that she'd try to shoot him in the leg. D-O-H.

So, I'd like to take her to a a low- to medium-intensity class. I do *not* want to go "tactical" or commando-style with over-hyped testosterone-driven bubbas discussing their .50 BMG head shot kills back in Desert Storm. There must not be stupidly unnecessary profanity or statements about her attractiveness.

She needs to know -- and practice -- procedures, risks, real-life stories, and time-constrained decision-making as pertains to firearms and BGs. I want a course that discusses law and prudent means to end confrontations. I want her to shoot at least 500 rounds. And the class must be in TX preferably; close to San Antonio.

And all of this needs to happen in an environment that does not threaten her or offend her intelligence. I will plan take the course with her for support and encouragement.

Any ideas? Thanks!

Scroll down to Womens Programs, click on "Refuse to be a Victim" training seminars, see if they've got one scheduled in your area. 500 rounds is 10 years of her regularly scheduled shooting. Maybe a bit much? Ease her into the water. Maybe your Mom (or another female she's familar with) could also attend?
Shooting in the leg, while noble in one aspect, might allow said miscreant to resume his nefarious ways once he's recovered and paroled (as I'm sure you're aware). Ending his career might save another woman's family a life of tragedy. It can also be said that Mother bears don't have to worry about lawsuits when protecting their cubs.
When your wife joins you in shooting, does she have her own .22 for "fun" shooting or do you jump into the centerfire stuff right away?

Hope all goes well.
Give TJ Pilling a call. He runs Tiger Valley, which is in the Waco and Dallas area. I have taken a course with him. Excellent. He is a Swat guy, so could go tactical if he needed to. I will say this...the course I took was very untactical, just good shooting skill training. He is not overbearing or intimidating (despite his size) and is VERY knowlegeable. From now on, ALL of my training will be with him. He will custom tailor something for you most likely. If you contact him and let him know exactly what you want, I am certain he can put a low intensity course of fire and training together for you.

Good Luck
All the above being said, I taught my wife and daughter to shoot revolvers. Neither has any interest in firearms and they view them as a survival tool, not a hobby. Both have learned a modified weaver stance. Both have seen the last ten minutes of "Silence of the Lambs" and know to keep shooting until the threat ceases then do a tactical reload. Both have stated that if a few 158 gr +P LSWCHPs to C.O.M. don't get it done then it must be their day to die.
As an aside, I've told them if the perp is deceased, he'll never get more deceased and that I will deal with the detritus in such a way as their lives are not ruined by the system. Sometimes it's nice to have a van and property in the country.
In Texas, around San Antonio [actually Austin], I highly reccomend KR Training. Karl & Penny Rehn are both very knowledgable, skilled and humble. I know that you and your wife would get a lot out of spending time with them.

Of course, if you want something closer.....:)

[edited to include link]
Somewhere in your circle of friends has GOT to be at least a couple ladies who can do the training that you wnat done......And I suggest STRONGLY that it be a lady.

My bride taught me. Ok I don't have an ego, but I have too many friends whose brides WERE anti- or -phobic until another lady taught them how the world worked.

Good Texas Schools

I can highly recommend two:

1. Texas Pistol Academy - Dallas area.... The owner is a real gentleman, and treats students with respect and consideration.

2. Thunder Ranch - Near Kerville... offers a women's only class...though basic classes are good too.


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