I will be traveling "through" NY State as the second leg of a cross-country-ish trip and would prefer to have a handgun available to me for as much of this trip as is legally possible. Itinerary is as follows:
- Leaving CO and flying to TX
- Fly into NYS (not the NYC area) from TX
- Spending night in NYS with family, then picking up a vehicle and driving back toward CO
- Expected stops in OH/IN and MO/KS
I have CCW permits from my home state as well as FL, so aside from NY and IL I appear to be covered. I could potentially skirt the bottom of IL and head through the KY/MO border instead, but as I have no plans on stopping in the state I assumed I would disarm and lock up on the border and do the opposite on the other side. Sticky wicket seems to be the overnight stay in NYS - does this constitute a "destination" under FOPA (and/or will NY jackbooted thugs care..)? Obvious easy answer is drive the speed limit and don't do anything stupid that will get my vehicle searched if stopped, however I would rather not risk becoming a test case. Thoughts (and preferably supporting law)?
- Leaving CO and flying to TX
- Fly into NYS (not the NYC area) from TX
- Spending night in NYS with family, then picking up a vehicle and driving back toward CO
- Expected stops in OH/IN and MO/KS
I have CCW permits from my home state as well as FL, so aside from NY and IL I appear to be covered. I could potentially skirt the bottom of IL and head through the KY/MO border instead, but as I have no plans on stopping in the state I assumed I would disarm and lock up on the border and do the opposite on the other side. Sticky wicket seems to be the overnight stay in NYS - does this constitute a "destination" under FOPA (and/or will NY jackbooted thugs care..)? Obvious easy answer is drive the speed limit and don't do anything stupid that will get my vehicle searched if stopped, however I would rather not risk becoming a test case. Thoughts (and preferably supporting law)?