Trying to replace MSH with S&A 1-piece magwell

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Nov 10, 2011
Little Rock, AR
I'm attempting to replace the MSH on a Baer Premier II (9mm, shouldn't make a difference) with a Smith and Alexander 1-piece magwell. This is about my third time to successfully do this on a my other 1911's and I never had this or any other fitting problem before - call me lucky.

The problem: when fitted into the frame and ready to drive the MSH pin in place, the pin will NOT "seat" the final amount though the right side of the frame - this is about 1/8-3/16 of the way home. I've hammered far harder than should be necessary to seat the pin and I decided to walk away and think it over. "Eyeballing" with a good light and cannot see any alignment problem - the holes appear to line up fine but the pin with NOT pass through that part of the frame regardless of which side I try it from. (When I try to insert the pin from the right side it only goes in about an 8th of an inch before stopping so the problem is definitely on the right side.)

Clues: The leaf spring is in the slot in the frame properly seated. The hammer strut is in the concave top of the MSH properly seated. The pin will go all the way into (and through) the frame without the magwell in place - the holes seem to have plenty of extra room on both sides. The pin will seat in the magwell with it out of the frame.

My assumption is that this is some kind of alignment problem between the right side of the magwell and the right side (hole) of the frame. Can it be anything else? Any suggestions or help?
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