Turning an anti gun person on to guns

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Trying to convert an anti is like trying to push water uphill with a broom - and moreover, if the anti is a girlfriend or wife, they're going to revert to "why do you have a gun? Get rid of it!" when they feel like it, and the whole process has to start over again.

Also realize that after you get married and have kids, it's going to come up again - "either the guns go or me and the kids go" - and you'll have to decide. Moreover, all it takes is one little "I fee threatened, he has guns" and you lose your firearms rights forever.

Oh, and BTDT.
From the website recommended by RoadkingLarry:
A huge percentage of American women are selfish, flighty, insecure, needy and psychotic, and quite capable of concealing those traits during the dating phase.

Bottom of the barrel---white American chicks. Yecch.

I wouldn't even consider dating an American women, the majority are bitchy prudes that only put out when they think they can cash in. I for one will never spend a huge amount of money of some stupid bitch just to get laid. Mexican and Asian women are a much better choice and they look better than American chics too.

If you can find a woman to be your companion who is not treacherous, a deceitful little actress, a sly whore or a manipulative nag or a shrieking hag, then you are among the lucky few. Congratulations. I hope your luck continues to hold out.

My problem with marriage isn't a fear of divorce; it is that the whole thing sucks divorce or not.

[Women] aren't insane. They are infinitely selfish and manipulative, and incredibly clever about disguising their manipulation. They think that men are just tools to use and discard as needed.

I see most women below the age of 40+ as having unrealistic expectations, bitter, angry, extreme emotional and mental problems, unpredictable behaviour, difficult to be around and just have a plain old good time with, difficult to please, moods that vacillate constantly......taking exorbant amounts of medication, not able to keep a goal in mind and complete it, complain and nag, highly negative and far too masculine in my humble opinion......eat too much, enjoy fast food far too much, expect for the guy to pay everything, base most of their joys on going out clubbing, purchasing clothes, and finally: status
Most of them invest a lot of effort into making themselves appear pretty, special, and different than other females, but it is completely transparent.

The modern American female is an empty shell of a human being, and apparently there are few exceptions.

PS: Most of them act like they are ****ing 15 years old.

If you had linked to a site that spewed that kind of vitriol about another race, the moderators would have yanked it.

But it's perfectly acceptable to trash women on this site.

Amusing, especially because the OP is asking about one of those "ideal" Asian women so highly recommended by the nutsoid misogynist who wrote [name of site removed by Mal H]


RoadkingLarry, that has got to be one of the single stupidest websites I've ever seen on the internet.

I feel nothing but pity...

Well, and disgust.
And I yanked the link, because pax is right. If that thread was about a race of people, we would yank it the same way.
Awww Crap

You know, the last time I looked at this thread, I thought, "this will require further attention down the road."

I wake up, handle a phone call from the East Coast ad hoc emergency team (that's our team in the field that makes up emergencies as needed), then handle another call from somewhat closer to where pax lives, and then log in . . . to this.

As LawDog would say, "Key riced all my tea!"

What the hell is wrong with the lot of you??

It's not like we haven't seen the outcome of femme-bashing here before.

The THREAD TITLE is nothing to do with women, and yet it seems at the first opportunity it seems every Pendulous Richard has just got to get in some cute dig, or a link to some "really deep wisdom" on the evils of the distaff side.

Unhappily, I don't have time to get out my surgical machete for this, being as I have to get back to the ad hoc emergency team, so I'm just going to lock the thread.

Hopefully, one of our more merciful mods will be along shortly and administer the requisite tenderness.

If, by the time I get back, there's been no other action taken, I will do what needs doing, as distasteful as that may be.

See you all then.

I see that in the time it took me to write that, Larry jumped in.

Larry, it's all yours. I have work stuff to handle before I can do more here.

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