UK Gun Laws....OUCH!!!!

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Here in the U.S. we're citizens. In the U.K. you're subjects. Perhaps that's the difference.

Yes,we are subjects of comerade Blair and his socialist misfits.Not even he or the queen,can own a pistol or an assault rifle,thanks to his and the previous Tory governments efforts.

Are those polititions totally insane,to deny us and themselves,the weapons that they prohibited?
Madness... Guns were designed to kill... efficiently and effectively... and no one should ever mistake or forget that. May I remind you, that if certain people didn't deploy guns on your behalf, in service to your country, TO KILL PEOPLE...

You sir, are correct. BUT, you have to realise that this (Sensible) line of thinking would get you labeled as a mentally unstable (OMG Wite narzi supreemarsisst terrororororist fashistt babee-kiling murdurrererrrererereer!!11) person here in Britain.

Oh, and German is a great language. You're using a (admittedly reworked/evolved + Latin influenced) 'cousin' of it now...

I love that sharp-whitted and sarcastic British attitude. Filled with truth, yet intended to be hostile but only slightly so.

Love it.

P.S. I speak German anyway...4 years of it in highschool and I was an exchange student my senior year. What I found interesting in Germany is that this generation of youth completely immitate US culture, yet they find it 'cool' to root for communists and terrorists. I found it kind of strange/hilarious to hear a german kid saying "The US capitalist imperialism is the cause of all the world's evils" in between his sips of Coca Cola, while wearing Nike shoes and a KISS shirt.
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