Uncle Ted

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For a board that constantly bashes the NRA for being too soft in promoting shooting, I am suprised that so many worry that someone promoting a hard line on firearm rights is coming off as crazy....
i have always been a fan, and do beleave in most every thing he stands for, says it the way it is

It takes more than one approach to convey ideas succinctly to all people and Ted's is a valid and necessary one although not in all situations and for all people. Tactful he's usually not, but some people need to be hit with the truth like a dead fish between the eyes, and Ted does that quite well. He also can be quite elegant as well as on target, just check my sig.
As a musician he is mediocre. As far as advancing the gun rights agenda he is probably not good for our cause as he is only good at preaching to the choir. I would think that he would turn off fencesitters which does us no good.
...And 'Journey to the Center of the Mind' is why I learned to play guitar...

I was never impressed with Hendrix, but I always liked the Nuge.
uncle ted is a man. he is living a life that most of us envy. he speaks his mind and doesnt care who is offended. im sure most people wish they could say that of them selves. +1 for uncle ted
ted nugent is not the worst musician out there. in a house dedicated to rock and roll, thats saying something (all you have to do to get my dad to scream in pain is play bosten!)
as for his being pro RKBA, i think he does make a good spokesperson, especially being that so much of the music industry is not pro gun(damn you R.E.M). i think ted is a good example of the fact that those who support RKBA are all kinds. and yeah, so he's a bit crazy. he's a rock star, thats not the sanest group of people in the world. at least ted can speak (unlike ozzy!)
We need more like Uncle Ted

Having met Ted myself, I can say that his arguments for RKBA and hunting are spot on. Away from the spotlight and TV, Ted's toned down a little, but still unabashedly NON-PC about these issues. His views are stated in an intelligent manner that's still easy for the "regular guy" to absorb while being able to go toe-to-toe with anti-hunters and gun control nuts. Certainly some of his "schtick" is obvious (after all, he is a performer), but overall his arguments are fact based as opposed to the "anit" crowds regurgitation of the same old tired talking points and bumper sticker sayings.

His music is alright enough... Ted's not the greatest slinger out there, but he is better than most.
Ran for president of the nra. I voted for him. He is the exception, rather than thr rule when it comes to rock stars. He has had waaaaayyy to much "sweet poontang" for his own good, but he is a conservationist, and rocks hard on Stranglehold, Wang Dang Sweet Poontang, motor city mad house, as well as his biggest hit-"Cat Scratch Fever" Rock on uncle ted!
Where would this world be without "Whack 'em and Stack 'em" or "Kill 'em and Grill 'em" ?? Besides, he's the ultra antidote to anti-gun lunacy. Only Ted could rehabilitate that old Fudd dude after he publicly prayed for a renewed AWB.

He's over the top, unnecessarily vulgar, and a dyed in the wool patriot. Not a perfect man nor a perfect representative but I'll take him any day of the week.
There seem to be two opinions, (1) he's loud and obnoxious, and (2) he is an outspoken 100% supporter of RKBA.

I agree with both.

If I had a large audience of committed pro-gun folks and wanted someone to come in and get them charged up, Ted would be a great spokesman to hire.

If I had a roomful of legislators trying to decide on a bill, most of whom were sitting uneasily on the fence ready to tip over and join the anti's at the slightest excuse, I'd try to keep Ted out of the room.

Sometimes outspoken brashness is called for. Ted is good at that.

Sometimes soft-spoken diplomacy is called for. Ted doesn't do too much of that.
I've never been that big a fan of his music, but I've admired his chutzpah from day one, and his unapologetic attitudes about hunting and the RKBA.

What interested me most recently though about Nugent was that he appears on the newest David Crowder Band CD as a featured guitarist. For those that don't know Crowder, he is a Christian music artist and worship leader out of Waco, Texas who has quite a following.
What he tries to do is certainly not without merit, but, even as a person who agrees with his stance on the Second Amendment, listening to him speak is like reading something written in all caps with no punctuation of any kind. Since excessive hyperbole is not my thing, I tend to appreciate the fact that the Nuge is doing what he's doing without caring much for him at all.
I think Ted is over the top in alot of cases, and that works against his goals. For example, in the video above, Ted goes right off the deep end. Look at his eyes. His message is just, but his demeanor steals away some of the potency (ironically). Too easy to just wave him off as a nut job because he looks and acts like a nut job.

He is great with the kids though. That speaks volumes about his character.

"He is great with the kids though. That speaks volumes about his character." seriously, you need to research his history re: underaged girls. i don't want him to represent me for anything.
seriously, you need to research his history re: underaged girls. i don't want him to represent me for anything.

*heh* I meant like little kids. 5-year-olds and what not. Introducing them to hunting and shooting sports. With little kids, he's a pretty good guy.

But I'll admit that you do have a point. Teddy's drug of choice has always been young girls, eh? He makes a big deal about his sobriety, but who cares when compared to what many would consider worse sins.

I've said it before, Ted Nugent is a First Amendment champion. Does little for the Second, mostly due to the aforementioned "nut job demeanor".

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