Unconstitutional Committee In Oklahoma House of Reps Kills Open Carry Bill

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Mar 15, 2006
The Oklahoma House Public Safety committee has killed legislation to allow concealed carry permit holders to carry weapons openly
This is quite curious since there is nothing in the Oklahoma Constitution to allow the House of Representatives to have legislative committees, and the Oklahoma Constitution, Section V-34, requires that ALL bills be read on three different days in each House, and if it has a number, it's a bill.

The Oklahoma Senate may have legislative(standing) committees per Section V- 28, but nowhere in the Oklahoma Constitution is the House authorized to create such committees let alone to grant such committees the power to kill a bill. Such power would be in violation of Section V-34.

Now, if the House wants to create committees to DRAFT legislation, I can see where such power would not violate the Oklahoma Constitution, but once drafted, submitted by a representative, and assigned a bill number, like all bills presented and assigned a number(each Rep is allowed to introduce 8 bills each session), it should be read three times on the House floor and given an up or down vote. Period.

I had the opportunity to ask Kris Steele(Speaker of the House) about this today, and he stated that the "committees" are created under the House's "legislative powers", but could not reconcile that with the requirement in the Oklahoma Constitution to read every bill on three different days in the house (unless two-thirds of a quorum present vote to dispense with the reading per Section V-35, which does not negate the requirement for an up or down vote. A committee with 17 members is hardly a quorum.). He said he'd get back to me.

As I say in a local Oklahoma forum, the OK government is and has been ran by a bunch of good ole boy self serving Fudds, regardless of party.
The Oklahoma legislature is almost totally corrupt. They even have a senator who was having sex with the lobbyist that he gave a state contract for millions to. The AG investigated and couldn't find anything wrong.

The legislators supported open carry for the election, but were really against it.

Gov Fallin said she would sign the open carry bill. There was however a backroom deal to make sure it never got there!

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I was born and raised in Oklahoma (OU grad) and lived there for 50 years. I thought it had the most ignorant, corrupt government imaginable. Then I move to Texas!!!
As I say in a local Oklahoma forum, the OK government is and has been ran by a bunch of good ole boy self serving Fudds, regardless of party.

Bingo. Last year the bill passed both houses and the governor vetoed it. Last fall the gun loving politicians promised us an open carry law this year. Then they decided to kill it off.

The Oklahoma legislature is almost totally corrupt. They even have a senator who was having sex with the lobbyist that he gave a state contract for millions to. The AG investigated and couldn't find anything wrong.

Fallin herself had a naughty little affair with her state trooper bodyguard while she was Lt. Gov. Some refer to her as Gov. Fallen.

A fine OK scandal.

Sounds to me like a good cause for a lawsuit.

Like that would get anywhere.

The thing about Oklahoma is, this is the first time Republicans have controlled all branches of government at once in the state's history.

Our constitution came out of the early 1900's and is a document filled with -isms. It is bloated and convoluted.

Most major issues the politicians just kick back as public questions so they don't have to do any work.

In short, if you want to run a political machine, move to Oklahoma.

P.S., don't even get me started on Tulsa

Further edit: Did I mention they are self serving? While we can't get any sort of open carry (I don't even care about open carry!), they are trying to pass a bill that would allow themselves to carry a firearm anywhere. http://www.newsok.com/oklahoma-sena...ers-to-carry-weapons-anywhere/article/3554230
Another gov or Pres - who says they would sign something that never gets to them? A progun bill that runs into committee blocks. So did this spread from TX to Oklahoma or vice versa?
Committees of legislative bodies are generally formed under the theory that the bodies have power to set the rules governing how they work. Usually those rules permit the body to act as a committee of the whole to overturn the actions of a committee on a bill -- so the whole body could act on the bill if enough members wanted to.

I bet OK's house allows such actions.
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I haven't heard from the Speaker, Kris Steele, so I sent him the following e-mail:

Mr. Speaker;

Last Friday, April 8, 2011, at the High Noon Club, I asked you how you can reconcile a bill being voted down in a committee when the Oklahoma Constitution clearly requires that all bills shall be read in each house on three different days, and the question upon final passage shall be taken upon its last reading.

There is simply no way around Section V-34 of the Oklahoma Constitution. All bills shall be read three times. The vote to answer the passage question shall be taken upon its last reading.

Allowing a bill to be killed in committee is contrary to the Oklahoma Constitution. It would be no different than stating that a bill approved in a committee is passed. In either scenario, far less than a quorum of the elected representatives voted - let alone a majority of the elected
representatives, and every district lacking representation on such a committee would not have been represented in the decision process. That's legislation without representation.

It is clearly a miscarriage of the Oklahoma legislative process to kill a bill in committee, and I would like to know when you as Speaker of the House of Representatives shall rectify this miscarriage? By right, all bills not read all three times and not voted on by the whole of the House of Representatives must be placed back on the docket for completion of the legislative process as proscribed by the Oklahoma Constitution.


Bruce "Woody" Wood
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