Vandalism and stupid kids

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Ahhh... another good situation with an easy pepperball solution.

They really need to start selling these things to all of you non-LE types :)
You did fine and after all even what the wife did is a instinct reaction .

As far as taking the gun while , using it against a simple Vandal is a no no but , had they chosen to attack your wife rather than run away then it becomes a different ballgame .

You and your wife as the lawful residents/owners are perfectly within your rights to tell anyone for any reason to leave your land and you never know how they might react . If they become violent you have every right to protect yourself or a third party "the wife" if the use of deadly force would have been justified had their actions been directed at you .

This is how the Deadly force statues read for the State of Missouri but check your states laws .
+1 on the mailbox thing--my grandfather kept having problems with kids playing mailbox baseball with bats from cars, so he had an internal 1/4 plate steel sleeve the exact shape of the mailbox made (a perk of owning a manufacturing company with a large machine shop and some downtime) for his mailbox. Would've broken both wrists of anyone who ever tried it after the little "modification"... ah, the maiming of redneck teenagers: makes the the heart glad :)
Probably wasn't a great idea to run outside, unarmed. Like others have said, yeah it worked out okay, but that kind of thing is dangerous.

Might not be a bad idea to get a disposable camera in case they come back. The gun is nice to have in case it's more than just kids and petty vandalism, but next time it happens, charge up the flash and take a few snapshots.
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