Video games and guns, good or bad for 2A?

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Video games experience a large "anti" sentiment just like guns do (just google Jack Thompson).

From the same perspective, they also share the same simple truth: video games don't kill people - people do. Just was our guns are protected by the second ammendment, video games are protected by the first.

While I'm not into most of the "army" games, I will admit to loving a lot of RPG and strategy type games (Warcraft, Starcraft, Baldur's Gate, Neverwinter Nights, Mass Effect, Planescape: Torment, Mass Effect, Dragon Age, Final Fantasy, Grandia, etc).

So, if you're asking if as one wrongfully attacked group we should distance ourselves from another wrongfully attacked group just for PR value, then I'd say definitely no.

Haters gonna hate :).
So, if you're asking if as one wrongfully attacked group we should distance ourselves from another wrongfully attacked group just for PR value, then I'd say definitely no.

Can't say I disagree.
I'm a guy that grew up on 80's movies that helped get me into guns. They displayed horrible safety, blatant violence, anti gun rhetoric and who knows what else.

With all of that, I think today's generation will do just fine with call of duty.

More important than movies or video games is us. WE need to be good parents and teach our children the values of respect, discipline and hard work. Many people don't, and I feel that is the root cause of everything wrong with society today.
"The CoD effect" : good, bad, or ugly?

Just saw a comment, and a link, in another thread pertaining to the "CoD effect" and it's effect on gun ownership at large, got me to thinking about how FPS video games have influenced modern gun culture, thought i'd share some experiences.

When i bought my PTR 91, i took it to show it off to a friend of mine, whose 5 year old son commented, "That looks like a G3." Eyebrows went up, and we explained that for all intents a 5 year old woul understand, it was.

Went shooting with a buddy who brought an IT friend who had never so much as touched a gun in real life, wanted to see if he'd like it. He did. 2 days later he called asking about a list of guns he wanted to buy, most of them NFA or import-restricted.

Think we've all seen the kid who walks into the gun store wanting to know where he can get a Glock 18...

Share your experiences, and discuss whether you think the video game culture of guns is a good or bad thing. Think any of these kids will grow up into politicians who want to buy machineguns? Lol
It's good, bad, and ugly. Many kids (and older people, too) are recognizing guns they've seen in video games and thinking they're cool, not scary. However, like you said, many don't know what's actually legal or not. A combination of ignorance and the desire to own can lead to trouble unless we try to educate CoD-ers about the more realistic side of gun ownership. It'd be nice if they ended up pro-MG politicians, though. :D
Ugh. Video games. Combat without consequences is a bad intro to gun ownership, IMHO.

[Edit] To be fair, I did do pretend battle with the Axis in the fields and orchards as a youngster. Maybe I just havent fully kept up with technology.
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Sorry, missed this thread. Thanks for the pertinent move, mod.

Back on topic, when i was a kid, in the age before shooting video games, i'd play "army" with the neighborhood kids. We lived in a woodsy, politically-incorrect mountain town. Later we moved to a California suburb, and i went out with my cammo and toy rifles in a field behind our house with my brother and a neighbor. Rode home in a police car after someone called in a report of "men with guns" in a field. Ugh. Screw CA. lol

Sorry, that wasn't really on topic...
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