Video of a taser being used in a traffic stop

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That taser saved the other man's life.

In an earlier day, he simply would've been shot for resisting with force like that.
That guy resisted pretty well - I have seen them fall like poleaxed, and stay there. The alochol was helping. We are not allowed to cylce more than twice on a single shot, and must reload. TASERs do work well, but there is a small percentage of the population that is immune to it - I've seen one of them, too.
I'd say that worked! What amazed me was that the guy wouldn't shut up and kept trying to screw around.
What a moron. I think the government legalized the wrong drugs...
Or the government needs to illegalize stupidity...but that would be too simple. <_<
Couldn't help but think the video was a bit funny, the suspect got exactly what he deserved.
*Edit, spelling. I don't think I've made a single post I haven't had to edit so far. =(
Alcohol has never made anyone smarter.

Having taken a hit from a Taser I will tell you that it isn't a lot of fun.
It was good to see that the other guy lived no matter how much of a window licker he mite be and that the officer did what needed to be done with the least amount of force needed.
Good use of a TASER always brings a smile to my face. My dept keeps saying we are getting them but I've been hearing that for a year.
pansy tests enforced by pansy tasers.

Close to being enforced by pansy firearm.

Good call by the officer
I dont think the guy deserved to get shot. He certainly deserved to get Tasered, arrested, and have his license revoked for about 20 years. He wasnt violent per se, just really drunk. His judgement left a tad to be desired as well.
Wow, that was great!
Anyone know how many times a Taser could be discharged before it's charge runs out/low?
Another Sadist

If enjoying that video is the qualifying factor, I must be a sadist, too. I enjoyed it so much, I had to watch it twice. :evil:

In fact, I think I'm about to watch it again.

The video does show that some people just have to learn the hard way, repeatedly.
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