Virginia couple fight companies using politically correct term 'holiday'

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Yeah, I don't mind a Happy Holidays. Its a well-wishing on your holy days. I'm Eisenhower enough to be cool with that. Seasons Greetings isn't a phrase that really works for me in terms of grammar or anything else. I have friends of different religions so Happy Holidays is what I stick with unless I know something about the person religious background.

But on the other hand nothing cheeses me off more than leaving Christmas out of the season entirely. Several years ago I remember the TV stations in Philadelphia transitioned from "Happy Hannukah from Channel 57" straight to Happy Kwanzaa without hitting Merry Christmas in there at all. That pissed me off. Something like 90% of the people in America are nominally christian, why leave us out?
"However, in spite of your anecdotes, it's really kind of disingenuous to suggest that there is no effort to hush references to Christianity in American life."

I never claimed that Romulus.

What I have said, however, is that there has been an effort at inclusiveness.

Wishing the collective populace includes everyone who celebrates holidays at this time of year.

What's wrong with that?

Is that an attempt to "Crush the Christian?"


I'm not so stuck on myself to believe that I'm the only one who celebrates at this time of the year.

I'm also not so paranoid to believe that this is all just some nefarious plot by Jews, Arabs, agnostics, athiests, and liberals designed to eradicate Christianity from America.

But, this evening, I've been smitted with the desire to self-marginalize, so I burned the Christmas tree, broke the wings off the angels, and unscrewed the 25-watt bulb in baby Jesus' stomach and replaced it with a Schlitz.

I figure when Santa flies over tonight, I'll also pot myself a couple of fat deer for the winter larder.

Have a Happy Holidays, Romulus -- Hannukah, Kwanza, Ramadan or even a Merry Christmas... :p
"But, this evening, I've been smitted with the desire to self-marginalize, so I burned the Christmas tree, broke the wings off the angels, and unscrewed the 25-watt bulb in baby Jesus' stomach and replaced it with a Schlitz"

hahaha....I think I just pee'd a little!:D
But, this evening, I've been smitted with the desire to self-marginalize, so I burned the Christmas tree, broke the wings off the angels, and unscrewed the 25-watt bulb in baby Jesus' stomach and replaced it with a Schlitz.
Howling laughter...the Schlitz part was cruel.

Happy Holidays back atch you....

To all of you. May the blessings of the New Year be yours and find you in the best of health and prosperity.
"Joking, right?"


There are 4 beers that start with letter S that I could get in Pennsylvania while I was in college that were decent, didn't cost a lot, and were lighter pilsners, which I preferred: Stoney's, Sheaffer's Straub, and Schlitz.

Schlitz was my least favorite of the 4, but it's one HELL of a lot better than Carlings or Michelobe.

And baby Jesus seemed like it, too...
Legal & Political is for discussions of legal aspects of weapon ownership and civil liberties. Anything centering on religion, abortion, homosexuality and other topics which have reliably generated flame-fests over the last year are prohibited. Despite our hopes, these important but contentious issues simply do not get discussed in a civil manner.
pax, wearing the grinch hat

In the old days, it was not called the Holiday Season; the Christians called it 'Christmas' and went to church; the Jews called it 'Hanukka' and went to synagogue; the atheists went to parties and drank. People passing each other on the street would say 'Merry Christmas!' or 'Happy Hanukka!' or (to the atheists) 'Look out for the wall!'" -- Dave Barry
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