Virginia Tech Anniversary coming up

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They are, aren't they.
"No. He sounds like has was raised to have morals and values."

What, and I don't? Is that the best you can do for an insult? Would you say that to my face?



JohnBT - Why must you take a statement of mine and twist it so you can internalize it in a negative fashion? I was never trying to imply that you don't have morals and values. I don't know you, so how could I make that assumption?

Tribal made a statement voicing his disapproval of using the VT anniversary for political gain.

You countered accusing him of thinking he owns the school and story, which IMO was an entirely irrelevant comment. It is obvious that he doesn't "own" any of those things. He simply seems to think that using such a horrible event to push our political agenda is out of the realm of ethically acceptable. Your comment essentially tried to say that he isn't entitled to think that.

I disagreed, and simply said that it sounds like instead of Tribal feeling like he owns any of this, it sounds more like he was simple raised with morals and values that have guided him to feel strong disapproval of using this event.

I never said he has morals and you don't. I don't think I even implied that I feel you don't have morals. If it came off that way it was entirely unintentional and I apologize.

Before you get so upset as to call somebody a jerk, please try to take a step back. I was not, and am not trying to insult or attack you, so please do not attack me.

And to answer your question, I would happily say to your face that Tribal's comment reflects morals and values, why? Because it wasn't meant to imply anything about you. Relax.
Actually, inaction won't make us look "better."

It'll make us look indifferent and uncaring to the plight of the poor students who were slaughtered by the guns which possessed one of the other students.

But hey... I'll shut up now. No use trying to counter the spew that the Brady folks will have all over the news.
"I was never trying to imply that you don't have morals and values. I don't know you, so how could I make that assumption?"

Why? Let's look at the statement that was made.

"No. He sounds like has was raised to have morals and values"

What else could it mean. He has morals and values (and therefore I don't.) This is the classic form used to imply that the person responded to doesn't have the qualities listed.

You know type of statement I'm talking about, the one that leaves the unspoken conclusion hanging out there.

Why is she going out with him? Well, he has money and a car (and you don't.)

Why is he so rich and successful? Well, he works hard (and you don't.)

Why does she get good grades? Well, she studies a lot (and you don't.)

Maybe you didn't intend it, but that's precisely how it came across.

JohnBT - I really think you're looking too far into my statement.

I'm not going to argue about it. You can think what you want, you have every right to do so. If you want to think that's what I meant.... ok.
Tribal said:
Please be careful about using the deaths of my fellow Hokies for political gain.

I'm going to wear my Virginia Tech sweatshirt, class ring, and an empty holster to my grad school classes.
We're not. The Brady camp and are.

We're simply suggesting that they not be the only ones heard. They're using the death of your classmates for their gain. It makes me sick, honestly.
I'm a lot closer to this issue that I care to get into over the internet. Having said that, to do nothing is to let all those that fell that day die in vain.

The bigger issue here is the basic God given right to self defense. It's been almost a year since this nightmare happened, yet we have made very little progress into ending these ridiculous Gun Free Zones. Whether it be shopping malls, hospitals, or anywhere else that is open to the public, no one has the right to deny us our second amemndment rights. Private business is not above the Constitution, neither is the State.

I'm no expert on how CCW would work on college campuses, with the abuse of drugs and alcohol and so much immaturity. I do know that alcohol related incidences kill far more people on college campuses that guns, yet no one wants to ban alcohol.

So we're still faced with the same two options. Do we carry all the time and obey the spirit of the law, the Constitution; or, like most of us probably do try and obey unjust laws and not carry putting ourselves and families lives in danger?
Show no quarter to those domestic enemies(many of whom are also America's enemies): they must either join you to help you spread the word of self-government and individual liberty, or be ruthlessly eliminated from your path.
Okay, so far people have advocated advocated terrorism in the form of shooting President Steger of Virginia Tech with red paintballs and have advocated the "ruthless elimination" of our political opponents.

This thread makes me sick, and I'm done with it. I truly don't trust certain of you to make level-headed enough decisions to not end up looking like tools on national TV and crippling our side.
Shooting someone with paintballs is terrorism? I better go turn myself in... Along with all the kiddies who are joyfully shooting each over about two miles from me at the local paintball park.

Yeah, it'd be assault. Not good. It'd be very graphic. Good.

But TERRORISM? Ye gods, will you turn down the hyperbole? Then again, if you're that against it, maybe it's a good idea...
I hate to say it, but this one really needs to be (excuse the tongue-in-cheek pun) locked down.

Having just read through some of the extremely asinine things (which unfortunately eclipse the level-headed, reasonable things) written here, I don't see this thread ever merging back onto the high road.

Shooting the University president in the middle of delivering a speech with paintballs is terrorism. This is a school that has gone through hell, and by shooting someone in a way meant to mimic the real thing... all you're doing is terrorizing people that are trying to move on. The Brady Bunch's lie-in is at least organized and expected, despite being in ABSOLUTELY poor taste, and demonstrating a disgustingly high level of disrespect for the victims of the massacre.

If you truly cannot see the difference between this, and a friendly game of paintball, you need to head over to the nearest psych ward and have yourself checked out.
The school administrators, by maintaining their HEAD IN THE SAND approach toward security, are facilitating more assaults in their victim-rich gun-free-zones.

I'm worried about the victims of the NEXT massacre. Because these learned people seem to not be too into actual learning. As I said, paintball might be a little over the top, but it's not that far from the milder activities of outfits such as PETA.

If nobody counters the crap that the Brady folks will hand to the media, that's what the millions will be fed.

Look at Treo's debate. If he hadn't been prepared, and had gone up there with just emotion, or if he'd gone up there blathering about constitutional law, that class would have gotten a completely different message.

We KNOW that the Brady folks will do something. We have a good idea what their general strategies and activities are. We have a chance. I'm here, asking for ideas, maybe blue-skying a little, and I'm getting the same kind of head-in-the-sand mentality that got those folks killed, and which will get MORE folks killed.

You gonna call the Homeland Security folks now?
In my part of Virginia, VA Tech is worshipped as if part of the Holy Trinity. Everything the school does is golden. Even after the tragedy no one pressed the really hard questions to the school. Tech is a media darling here and I don't see that changing.

Let there own words damn them.

"I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the
General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students,
faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker on House Bill 1572 that would have allowed Concealed Carry on college campuses.
Would anyone like that on a bumper sticker? Just got a note from a guy who bought some of my campus carry bumper stickers - they got peeled off by campus security... He's getting some free replacements.
I will say the only group that attempted to stand up to Tech, the Governor, and the State Police, was the Virginia Citizens Defense League.
Color copies cost $0.50 each at my local fedex/kinky's...

You may be able to scarf cheaper on campus. That'd be a nice image to have on bulletin boards around where they're doing their Brady protests.

And now several folks will tell me that it's in poor taste.


It's time to shock. It's time to FORCE people to think.

Homeland Security still hasn't kicked my door in - would you guys like my address?
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