(vpc) U.s. House Bans Gun Possession By Sex Offenders

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Someone needs to get the word out as to what this amendment actually means, and fast. It's very, very dangerous.
Is there such a thing as a misdemeanor sex crime? Please explain.
Mooning the other team.
Taking a leak behind a tree at night in a "public" place.

Both involve "exposure" or "lewd" behavior and are classified as "sex crimes" in some jurisdictions.
Is there such a thing as a misdemeanor sex crime? Please explain.

Indecent Exposure (thats where mooning and urinating in public come in)
Slap a woman on the behind could be misdemeanor sexual assault ... if she's under 18 then she's a minor.

Plus there are TONS of "misdemeanor sex crimes" on the books in most states that are out of date ... like "leering at a woman on Sunday" or "two unmarried people of the opposite sex sleeping in the same bed" or in Texas I understand that sex toys are illegal.

In some states "fornication" (sex outside of marriage) and "adultery"(sex outside of YOUR marriage) are misdemeanor sex crimes.

Now this provision appears to only count misdemeanor sex crimes against minors

Okay, so if you come on to an underage girl (even if you never touch her, and you didn't know she was underage) you've committed a misdemeanor sex crime against a minor in most states.

If a minor interprets your touching them as "sexual" then you've committed a misdemeanor sex crime against a minor in most states (this has been used against teachers who have grabbed a child to dicipline them).

If a minor thinks you where "leering" at them that could be a misdemeanor sex crime against a minor in some states.

I'm sure some lawyer type could come in here and give you the fancy names the state uses for each of these offenses.

One of my big concerns is that in general sex crimes allegedly committed against minors are the toughest crimes to get a fair trial on ... I would venture to guess that there are more people wrongfully convicted of sex crimes then any other crime (the husband of a lady I used to work went through all this mess ... he had an iron clad alibi and plenty of character witnesses but he was still advised to plea bargain it down to a misdemeanor just because according to his attorney "the facts don't matter in child molestation cases" ... don't believe for a minute that this is not the primary reason this law came up)

Again ... read my sig!
Remember that guy who recently grabbed a 12-year old's arm because she ran into traffic and almost got hit by a car? I remember reading about that a few months ago. He's a sex offender now because of that, and under this law he would not be able to own a gun for the rest of his life.
Mooning the other team.
Taking a leak behind a tree at night in a "public" place.

Both involve "exposure" or "lewd" behavior and are classified as "sex crimes" in some jurisdictions.

FOFLMAO!!! My computer chair has bad spring underneath and a loose back. After reading this, I "literally" fell over backwards. But I'm ok. I couldn't help myself to think some places around the country would consider these to be sex crimes.

Thanks Henry ;) You have brought humor to an otherwise dull day ahead. :)
Taurus 66, I fail to see what is so funny about being able to lose a constitutional right (and basic human right) all because you pee on a tree in a park? :confused:
The Democrats show their true colors by supporting propaganda-based legislation like this. They work to try and erase laws that make sex offenses out of things consenting adults might do in their own homes--but they're the first on the bandwagon to manipulate it in order to deprive people of their basic civil rights.
Zundfolge, it's so funny because it's so damn stupid a law. It's like something you'd read from a "stupid criminals" report, only it's "stupid legislators, lawmen, DAs and judges". The crime committed was hardly worth the time of the DA, judge, and whoever else. They are clearly demonstrating to us they have wayy too much time on their hands. That's all.

From today's paper:

News of the weird

Unclear on the concept: Charbel Hamaty, of Lebanese descent, spent six months in jail in Raleigh, N.C., after being arrested last year for ''molesting'' his infant son, with the evidence consisting of family snapshots of Hamaty playfully kissing the nude tot's belly button. Only after a protest campaign did a judge finally dismiss the charge, according to a July report by WRAL-TV.

Not so lucky was Fitzroy Barnaby of Evanston, Ill., who angrily grabbed the arm of a 14-year-old girl whom he almost ran into as she was playing
dangerously in traffic. He was convicted under the state's ''restraining a minor'' statute, which requires that its violators be listed as sex offenders (even though the trial judge and, in June, the state Appellate Court, both discounted any sexual motive). - Compiled by Chuck Shepherd
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