Wanting to order a Yugoslavian 24/47 rifle....

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Dec 21, 2005
have recently got the bug to purchase a surplus rifle and I see that Samco has some 24/47's in stock that are listed as being in excellent condition. Has anyone purchased one of these lately? I searched at a few more wholesalers and it looks like Samco is the only one that has some in stock in excellent condition. All of the other wholesalers list their 24/47's as being in very good condition. Does anyone know if the ones from Samco are in fact in better condition than the ones from the other wholesalers. The main reason that I ask is that Samco is also the highest priced wholesaler, but I don't mind paying the higher price if in fact I am getting a rifle that is in better condition (cosmetically and functionally) than the ones available from everyone else. Also, I see in another post from a year ago or so, the 24/47's that were available from Samco at that time had been restocked in elm rather than the original walnut. Does anyone know if this is still true? I just looked at Southern Ohio Gun's webpage and they are saying that their 24/47's have a "hardwood" stock...so does that mean that their rifles probably no longer have a walnut stock either? Is there other wholesalers out there that has 24/47's in stock that are in excellent condition that I may not be thinking of?
Yeah, I went ahead and ordered the "collector package" 24/47 from Samco. I called them twice trying to decide whether I simply wanted to order one in excellent condition or to go ahead and order the "collector package". The first time I called, the woman (foreign?) who answered the phone said that the only difference between the excellent condition and the collector package was that the collector package also came with new accessories. She said that the rifles were the same. The second time that I called, the woman who answered the phone (probably the same woman?) said that the collector package came with a rifle that was graded as the best of the excellent condition rifles along with the new accessories. So, I don't know if the extra $40 was worth it or not. I am mainly interested in obtaining the best condition rifle with the accessories secondary. We'll have to wait and see what I actually receive. The woman said that I should receive it in about two weeks, but I'm not holding my breath because I have read that Samco is not known for their quick shipping out of product.
I believe the collector grade is same as excellent, just has the accessories. I went through the same thing and ended up ordering from Classic. For 10 bucks they hand select and I ended up with a decent rifle. The stock was black with soaked in cosmoline, but that comes out with a little work. It appears to have a new barrel. Shoots high and left with surplus ammo, but still high on the fun factor.

Enjoy your new rifle. Unfortunately there isn't much for 8mm surplus ammo out there anymore.
From my dealings with Samco:

-Their grading system is very conservative. Something described as 'excellent' condition by Samco will not disappoint you. I go as far as to say that if you ordered something described as 'very good' from Samco, it will be in much better condition than something described as 'excellent' by another major importer whom I won't name, but who's name rymes with 'wrenchery.'

-The 'chica' who answers the phone for Samco isn't the easiest person to talk to.

-Shipping times for Samco are fairly long, but have always been worth the wait for me.
Samco has long shipping times and it's hard to talk to their customer service, but their prices are right and the goods are top-notch.
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