Wasn't the best day at the range...

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chris in va

Mar 4, 2005
Louisville KY
...but we made do.

Packed my Cherokee with all the usual targets, ammo and guns, got the drinks at Sheetz and 'headed for the hills'. 45 minutes later my friend and her daughter are unloading the truck, so I go to get the muffs and glasses...uh oh. :cuss:

"Hey, where's my range bag?". :rolleyes:

Considering the younger one would be shooting I made a point to bring the two .22's...in the bag. So no mild guns or hearing/sight protection.

But you know what, we did alright. I found some napkins and stuffed our ears with them, wore sunglasses and we had a good time with the carbine and 9mm anyway. Blowing up the butane lighter refill was a big hit. :D

Oh, and the guy running the place said next time he would save some Tannerite for me. :eek:
Wouldn't the guy running the range have had some (extra) protection? Or at least beg/borrow from other people there? Especially for the younan. Napkins? Ouch.


At least fun was had...
Get spares. Natchez has Remington glasses and plugs cheap, cheap, cheap and they're decent. Keep a spare set of hearing and eye protection in the vehicles.

Problem solved for a measley investment...
Spares are good!

+1 Smurfslayer!! Harbor Freight currently has Peltor NRR 30's (About as good as you can get!) for about $24! I believe that's called Cheap Insurance.

And hearing destruction is cumulative, and so slow you never notice it. I hate to say it, but with the napkins stuffed in ears, you've started yr friend's daughter down the long, slow road to deafness.

The damage is gradual, irreversable, incurable, and permanent.

Remember when "tough guys" @ the range put a .45 ACP empty in each ear? Well, now those tough guys are all elderly, and rock music doesn't bother them much any more.

Sorry to be such a downer. Get and use proper hearing protection. BTW, good on you taking a young'un shooting.
Go to Home Depot and buy a box of disposable ear plugs. Keep them in your truck, and you'll have ears for the rest of your days. I have a spare set of eyes and ears in my range bag (cumulatively cheaper than renting) as well.
I carry a couple of packs of foam ear plugs in the glove box, and usually have eye protection in the container in the trunk. Comes in handy once in awhile...
I'll just leave the foam earplugs in the truck from now on. The napkins actually did a pretty good job if you can believe that.

I was just miffed my 22 got left at home which left me with the carbine and CZ. Stuff still got blown up though. :cool:
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