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Water bottle improvised defensive tool perfected

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I think strike bezels are gimmicks anyway. I don't want people to begin to identify the things I commonly carry like lights and water bottles as weapons, so am resistant to deliberate efforts to weaponize them.

Especially when they work just fine for improvised impact tools just as they are. Train hard, and be confident in you, not that extra little thin lip of metal on your light. :rolleyes:
I prefer to use my hands. You can grapple and use control holds with hands but not with a blunt instrument. Now, as for lawful weapons, I prefer a roll of nickels. If you lose it, you won't lose much.
I'll point out again, if you're going to carry water then carrying water in a stainless steel container allows you to get a SD use as well as just fundamental hydration.

You don't have to carry a water bottle at all, but if you do this provides a secondary use.
4v50 Gary,

Good point about using hands...
A roll of Nickels cost money. *snicker*

To me it boils down again to mindset, skill sets, "then" tool sets. I do not have a problem just having hands, as I have, and I don't have a problem again, using whatever is handy.

Heck, I started out using a 6 1/2 ounce bottle of Coca-Cola I paid a nickel for, and then would later refill with tap water, and use a cork for a stopper. So the "correct basic fundamentals" apply to this new stainless water bottle of which this discussion is about.

I rib JShirley about "Water bottle vs. Dr. Pepper./RC", but I really do refill Dr. Pepper, and RC plastic soda bottles with water ( the plastic is heavier and does not "break down" as fast).

Funny, I was at CVS Pharmacy today and looked at "water bottles" including a stainless one, which I almost bought, and might later.

I have been there, done that, and have used my brain, and hands, and glass bottles, plastic bottles, metal coffee thermos, clip board, legal pad, spiral notebook, ash tray, car antenna, flower vase, mop, broom...etc.
Gone to gun and knife too...which belongs in another forum...

Ain't it great we have Internet and gun forums to inform us what "skill-n-targets" we can buy today?


*glad-to have been -born-in the last great generation*
SF/knifemaker buddies of mine have recounted the uses one can put a bottle to in a bar fight without having to break the thing and risk getting cut (cap the top with your thumb and use with hammer strike).
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You don't have to carry a water bottle at all, but if you do this provides a secondary use.

As well as a tertiary use.You have a vessel in which water can be boiled if you should ever need to disinfect water.

I got lucky and found Guyot Designs/Nalgene stainless bottles on clearance at my local Dick's Sporting Goods about six months ago. I bought four for less than $30.00.:neener::D
Boiling water in them is what started my looking for the 38 oz Guyots over the 32 oz ones. The ability to pack the thing full of emergency supplies AND boil water in it appealed to me a lot.
A plain full water bottle works great. Doesn't weigh much, and can be taken almost anywhere.
Even my old "unsafe" plastic Nalgene bottle full of water would put one hell of a hurtin' on someone if you cracked them a good one with it.
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