Weird, but ever notice?

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Sep 12, 2010
After a day at bp matches, or a day at the range shooting black powder, does your own "discharged gas" resemble burnt sulfur? My wife almost made me sleep in another room. I got her shooting and solved the problem.
Can't say that I have. My offgassing is usually pretty bad on its own merit though...
My wife has come to love the smell of black powder in the morning but I can not say she has noticed it when I rip one off
Well folks, there goes the forum. It was nice while it lasted but it's all downhill from here.:rofl:

JK. Seriously, though, don't worry about it. The BP condenses in your mucus membranes and you will get hints of it throughout the next day whenever it gets stirred up. You think your, uh, vapors smell like sulfur because the sulfur is in your nostrils already, and there's a certain similarity between the two in that both have a rotten egg odor to them. Your wife is probably just smelling it on your clothes, in your hair, etc.
Fart at will! The sulfur smell is nothing to worry about. (if you're not the one smelling it :D)
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We used to eat match-heads to repel mosquitoes. 2 or 3 a day, the bugs are repelled by the
sulfur exuding from your pores. Needless to say, while you're in the woods it's OK, but you
weren't popular in elevators or at parties. It always screwed up my digestion, though. Not really sure if it
put any additional oomph in the stern-blaster, though.
Baby sitting my sons 8 year step daughter, she gave me a hug and announced I smelled like "gun powder". I had been to the range earlier that day shooting cap and ball. Her gran parents are shooters so assume its a familiar odor.
OMG! Funny, funny FunnNy! Thanks. ANd I thought I came up with weird thoughts. Now I can show this to my Wife and tell her see! It's not just me! usually research is a good idea, now... dunno. thanks for making my day!
OMG! Funny, funny FunnNy! Thanks. ANd I thought I came up with weird thoughts. Now I can show this to my Wife and tell her see! It's not just me! usually research is a good idea, now... dunno. thanks for making my day!

Least it be misconstrued my clothing smelled like gun powder, I'm not in the habit of breaking wind in front of lady folk.
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I never noticed, but then our well has enough sulfur to make the devil himself feel at home so the odor is just a fact of farm life.
Way off thread, but good to see you posting again. Lived in a farm house in southern Ohio. Our house well was good pure water bust had a tendency to dry up if the summer was long and dry. An auxiliary deeper well lasted longer but wasn't close to the house it too would dry up. Another hand dug well, located some 1/4 mile from the house never went dry but was so sulfured even the cows avoided it until it was the only thing available. Hauling up buckets full for the livestock was a daily chore until the rains came and the creeks flowed again. The house did with hauled in water by tanker truck. Course no indoor plumbing, out house and baths on Saturday night only, so didn't need a lot of water. Perhaps my point being as Officers wife put it, off odors was a way of life on the farm. A little black powder smell and I feel young again.;)
After a day at bp matches, or a day at the range shooting black powder, does your own "discharged gas" resemble burnt sulfur? My wife almost made me sleep in another room. I got her shooting and solved the problem.

I have also noticed the same unusual phenomenon after cleaning a mess of quail. I know....I'm not making it up! My old Quail hunting pard and have talked about this before. We decided we had been Quail hunting too much, and were beginning to turn into Quail ourselves.
Armored Farmer my bud and I have said the same thing for years. After cleaning a mess of Doves the next time you toot your own horn it smells just like Dove cleaning all over again. And eating a lot of smokey BBQ does it too. You can almost set off the smoke detector.
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I have never noticed that but I did inhale a ton of smoke when a headwind blew the smoke right back at me!

I was a kid and don't think I had even tried smoking a cigarette yet. Burned like hell and coughed out a pretty big plume.

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