Weird story. Opinions please?

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Jul 12, 2007
Glorious Motherland California
I live in a nice neighborhood: nothing too fancy, but not bad either. My neighborhood has been relatively crime-free. Last summer, at approximately 2:00 AM, my mother was awakened by three loud bangs coming from the front door. She barely woke up (she is a heavy sleeper), assumed she must have been dreaming, and fell back asleep. She later got up to use the bathroom and noticed that the front door appeared to be cracked opened. After further investigation of the door, she discovered that the door frame had been splintered from repeated blunt impact and noticed that somebody had toilet-papered our front lawn. My mother awoke my dad and they assumed that whoever had cracked the door was part of a crew of overzealous toilet-paperers (possibly my cousins or some of my brother's friends).

The next morning, we all inspected the front lawn and discovered that the door had actually been kicked in almost entirely. The door frame was severely splintered to the point that a forceful shove would have pushed it open (there were large boot-looking prints on the door). We are the second house from the opening of a cul-de-sac, and there were tire marks across our neighbor's lawn, onto ours, and nearly up to our front door. We discovered that the toilet paperers were not involved in any way. Our neighbors had seen them at 1:00 AM and recognized them as some of our close friends. We know the the toilet-paperers very well and they would never seriously vandalize our property. I slept through the entire incident (I sleep through everything :mad:). My parents notified the police and nothing like it has happened around here since.

So long story short, somebody drove up onto our lawn, attempted to kick the door down, nearly succeeded, then left. What does this sound like to you guys? Home invasion/robbery? Drunk/high person mistaking my house for his? Why didn't he/they kick the door just one more time and gain entry? I propose that our house may have been targeted because we were clearly all asleep, due to the fact that we had been toilet papered and failed to notice. Maybe he/they pulled the car up so close to the door so he/they could quickly load it up with loot and leave in a hurry? Perhaps he/they planned on the door failing after one kick and left because they assumed we had all been awakened by three kicks? What do you guys think? :confused:
Teepeers punished.

Forced entry perps hunted.

I dont mind a little tee pee... all kid stuff. But forced entry not kid stuff.

If that was my house, they re in for a SURPRISE when they do breach that door frame with 911 on the line and LEO's on the way.

Not much heavy sleeping going on these days, just enough to get enough rest and be strong the daytime.
I think you should seriously consider some kind of low cost alarm to wake up the head of the house if this kind of think ever happens again.

When do you want to wake up?

After half the family is killed and they're finishing their rounds?
Just to clarify, the TP'ers were definitely not the door-kickers.

Why are you so certain of this...because they denied it? Because they're good boys and would never do such a thing? Or simply because it would make you uncomfortable to believe that somebody you know would treat you this way?

The coincidence of these two malicious acts is more than just a little suspicious.

I should add that I and two friends (all 14 at the time) TP'd a neighbor's house. He knew exactly who did it, and we were busted within minutes of arriving at one of our homes. We were required to write an essay about what constructive thing we did that Summer. I learned that disrespecting and vandalizing other's homes is not considered funny by the victim - and that we were not as slick as we imagined.
Well, you know his motivation -- to gain entry. And you know he was not lawfully permitted on the premises. So he was a burglar. The question is, was he out of his mind drunk? Probably. Does that make him harmless? Not at all. Scary stuff. Years ago, before we beefed up security, we had a drunk kid wander into our building, banging, hard, on interior doors. These were old doors, not too hard to break through. I "ambushed" him, non-violently, from behind, and he fled. But he sure wanted in. Had I been a shrinking violet and simply cowered in my apartment until he eventually forced the door, he'd probably be dead.

Get a better door.
Possibly a drunk confused and angered that his or her key wouldn't open the front door, so kicked it and it opened. Hmmmm, then again, tire tracks say someone was angry at someone in the house. Yours might not even have been the right house.

Go to walmart or similar and get one of those cheap (but LOUD) door warning alarms.
Sounds like the Chihuahua needs a friend to help out.

Seriously, this is why God invented dogs.

And yes, file a report.
Why are you so certain of this...because they denied it? Because they're good boys and would never do such a thing? Or simply because it would make you uncomfortable to believe that somebody you know would treat you this way?

Our families have been close friends for over ten years from school, church, and Boy Scouts. We have known them all to be of impeccable character.

The coincidence of these two malicious acts is more than just a little suspicious.

I agree; however, I believe the second incident was possibly a result of the first.

I think you should seriously consider some kind of low cost alarm to wake up the head of the house if this kind of think ever happens again.

I agree 110%. If only my parents were as convinced. I'm working on that ;).

Did you report the incident to the police? If so, what did they say?

Yes. The police suspected that (as mainsail suggested) the kicker had been drunk and mistook our house for his own (maybe attracted by the toilet paper). Also, FWIW, the police told us that someone had run over a road sign the same night.

Get a better door.

The front door is much sturdier now.

Thanks for all the advice/opinions so far, everyone. If anybody else has further suggestions, please let me know.
In high school, a bunch of us TP'd a friends house. We all were having fun until one in our group decided to break all the glass set in the door.

We weren't there to rob or vandalize, but sometimes someone can get carried away and do something really stupid before he or anyone can stop it.

The tire marks on the lawns also sounds like what a bunch of dumb friends will do without thinking.
I hate to admit it but I did my share of tping and or mild vandalizing as a teenager. Teenage boys do really stupid stuff even to people they know especially if alcohol is involved. Beer makes anything sound like a good idea!

As someone said before it's too much a coincidence. And these kids of supposedly impeccable character obviously tped your house? Maybe you don't know them as well as you think. I know it's hard to believe but I saw it and participaed in it a lot growing up.
Stop sleeping so heavily.

Seriously. If you can't have anything besides a lap rat for a dog, you need to condition yourself for response. (I don't like Chihuahuas)

At this point, it's not like they're going to bring out a forensic team to look for prints and make casts of tire tread/bootprints. It's just a failed B/E. Fix the door. Get on with your life.
Stop sleeping so heavily.
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