Well I'll be ding-danged.

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Dec 15, 2005
Indiana, PA
Yesterday, while waiting for dinner to be ready, my wife noticed my 8-year-old daughter reading a small pamphlet-type coloring book to my 6-year-old son. She was curious about it, and walked on over, and it turned out to be an Eddie Eagle coloring book / workbook for the kindergarten-1st grade set.

She asked where it had come from (obviously, not in a way to make them feel like they shouldn't have it), and it turns out that the school was giving them out to the students. Needless to say, I was very pleased. I'd just taken both of my kids out shooting for the first time, and they enjoyed it (and were very safe), and I think this is a good, positive reinforcement for them.
Good, now go to the school and tell both the teacher and principal what a pleasant surprise the coloring book was, and how the message will make your home and the kids much safer... and so on. You can be sure that some parents of the Progressive kind aren't going to like it, and the school staff will need all of the backing they can get. :uhoh: ;)
No... It _is_ a progressive and educational work, and it's really great that they've given the kids the coloring books, so that the repressive and antiquated notions of "if we pretend it doesn't exist" do not get furthered.

Remember - if you go to a meeting, keep calling it progressive. At the very least, it'll confuse the heck out of 'em. If you're lucky, they'll wig out in public.
Old Fuff's right -- that's worth a pleased call to the teacher and the principal. :)

(They get plenty of the other kind of contact ...)

Superb idea. I'm usually hot to send messages to my reps/other authority types when they do something I don't like, but I rarely think of sending a letter when they do something I do like.

Good ideas, all.
I'm a Dope

I had to Google Eddie Eagle to get a grip on the conversation. Oh Well now I know. Great news for you and your kids. It sounds like an excelent teaching tool. Lets hope it isn't bastardized or convoluted to = guns are bad.

Good, now go to the school and tell both the teacher and principal what a pleasant surprise the coloring book was, and how the message will make your home and the kids much safer... and so on.

I cannot recomend this enough. Let them know that this is a good thing and how pleased you are. You must let them know that this is a good thing, because it will only take one idiot to complain to ruin this progressive move
i had to do a google search to find out what everyone was talking about as well. That is certainly alot better than the Brady coloring book.
Folks, do remember that "Progressive" (with a capital "P") is the left-wing Democrat's new word for Liberal. Too many voters were starting to associate "Liberal," with "Socialist." Therefore be careful when you use the P-word. ;)
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