What did I do wrong?

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Aug 20, 2007
Orlando Florida
Just wanted to say hello to everyone at THR this being my first post.:) I have been reading this forum off and on for a few weeks and just made an account because of this event this morning.

I was sick all last night :barf:and woke up with a not so nice word sprayed on the back of my truck along with a picture of a certain male organ. After washing that off and letting my neighbor know that the same happend to him and his mail box I went back to bed. I woke up to loud knocks at the door. My two german shepherds were going crazy and I was groggy. I grabbed a folding knife I had on my desk and go to the door. I looked through the peep hole and saw a mid sized black male at the door. He was wearing a torn t shirt with some stained jeans. I scream out and asked what he wants. He replys with something like I can't hear you. I open the door a crack and ask him again while my dogs are still going crazy barking. He said "come out don't let the dogs out." I couldn't really hear him so I put about half my body out of the door:banghead: still leaving it open knife in my left hand behind the door. He kept asking me to step out of the house and to close the door. I said no and asked what he wanted. He went on about some lawn mowing service I told him I wasnt interested because I mowed my own lawn. He tried to take a peak inside then walked off. After I realized how strange this was and was kind of mad that he got me to partially expose myself by putting my body half way out the door. I was planing on just letting my dogs out if he went for anything or stepped towards me. I was just glad that in the end it was me to open the door because my mom or sister wouldn't have thought a thing about it and would have walked out and closed the door. Any thoughts?:uhoh:
I wouldn't have opened the door at all. When someone comes to my door I don't know or am not expecting I don't even answer it. I can see the door and who is there without them seeing me. I just ignore them and let the dogs bark.

Oh, BTW, welcome.
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Welcome to THR!

In your case, all you can do now is to make sure you don't make the same mistakes twice. I think that you know enough to not open the door the next time. It is up to you to train your mom and sister not to do the same.

The first thing you may want to add is a peephole to your door so you can see out. Easy thing to get at the hardware store and install.

As for using a folding knife for self defense -are you trained in knife fighting? If not, then I'd suggest that you use something more intuitive such as a baseball bat, axe handle, 2x4. You always want to maintain distance between yourself and any BGs, a stick will be better for that. It will also be useful to keep him away from you so your dogs can help.

If it were me, I'd just shout "No" or "No thanks" and leave it at that, if you weren't expecting him, then you have no obligation to open your door. If he really is a salesman, then he's used to the rejection, if he's a BG, then you are keeping him outside. Don't forget to call the cops if he won't leave, you want to establish that you first tried to get official assistance before you had to use your dogs or defend yourself in any way.
Welcome aboard!
I also agree with the above sentiments. Should not have opened the door.
Tactical knife fighting is a complex discipline and takes many years to come close to mastering.
If you are of legal age to own a firearm, then you should have one in your home. Dogs are great ,but only a part of a well thoughtout personal protection program. I hope you come of age soon to get your CWP. Stay safe.
Thanks for the quick replys. I do have a pephole which I used but he looked sort of harmless at the time so I decided to hear what he wanted. I do have a bat but at the time I just woke up and saw the folding knife on my desk I didn't think twice to look for my bat. I already called up my sis and told her not to open the door anymore, currently she's living in a dorm at UCF so she is only home on the weekends. In response to revjen45 I wish I could but currently in florida i'm just under the age to buy a firearm. But I do have a 22. cal air rifle! rofl. My mom is sort of a sheep in the way that she thinks having a gun for HD is ridiculous even though someone was shot in the head execution style after they robbed his house. Sadly enough I live in a really nice neighborhood and yet horrible stuff still happens.
I think you ought to give your dogs a big heaping helping of their favorite treat, as they probably saved your bacon. Glad nothing serious happened to you.
You never should have opened the door, much less partially expose yourself to danger. Why would somebody ask you to come outside to talk to them?

I think you dodged a bullet of some sort... just.
I probably would have gone outside if it were a white woman. I know I would have, that's why I don't answer my door.

I used to feel bad about just letting folks ring the bell while I just watched TV and ignored them, occasionally just turning the tv up and letting the dog bark himself silly....then I discovered that I can put a toggle switch on the doorbell at the chime. I haven't turned it back on since.

Would you show up at your friends' houses without calling first? If you did, wouldn't you call them from their front porch if they weren't answering the door but the TV was on? I know I would.
"I probably would have gone outside if it were a white woman." I'm a bit confused at the context were you speaking about me or about my mom and sister. I'm a guy. I guess there is no option to put male/female on my profile.
Welcome to THR!

Pretty brazen dude, to stand there and keep up his patter with a couple of good-sized dogs going off behind the door. Most people are a little more... careful... than that. Of course, he did want you to come outside where you were away from the dogs- maybe he was being careful after all?

Sounds suspicious to me too- far as I can tell you were right to have your 'spidey senses' tingling after that one. Now you just have to listen to them a bit earlier in the encounter.

It's a favorite tactic of home invaders to get the door unlocked by the homeowner/resident with some ruse or other, then rush it- push it open by force. If that's what this dude was thinking to do, likely the dogs changed his mind. I think the extra treats are well deserved.

As far as there being a woman at the door- some home invaders work in teams, and the use of 'decoys' is not unheard of. An inside/outside intercom at the door might not be a bad idea at this point, to go along with the peephole. Definitely get your mom and sister to get over the 'it can't happen here' mentality, if you can. They are at risk if they will open the door to any stranger's knock, IMHO.


I agree, you dodged a bullet

It's a favorite tactic of home invaders to get the door unlocked by the homeowner/resident with some ruse or other, then rush it- push it open by force.

An LEO buddy also said this is a favorite tactic for burglars to determine if someone is home. If they don't get an answer, they kick the door and are inside in about 2 seconds. Although I don't think that is the case here. I agree with those who say answer the door armed, but do not open it. Just say go away we're not interested. I think you just got "cased".
He was just saying that a white woman would not have pushed his level of alertness as high as a black man. Take it for what you want.
In my neighborhood there are a lot of different minorities, except for black people. So when a black person knocks on my door I know they are not from the neighborhood and I don't answer the door. If a hispanic or asian person knocks on the door my alertness level is slightly lower. Either way I don't expose myself. If I decide that there is a reason to answer the door the gun is drawn and ready, just out of their sight. Call it paranoia, I call it preparation. Some day someone might just try and let themselves in and I'll be ready.
Thanks for the responses guys. I guess i'll play it safe, keep the door locked and tell them to beat it. Better to be a little rude then suffer the consequence's.
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i live in the country on a dead end street with amish farms and me or my wife wont answer the door without my shotgun (LOADED). glad your not in the papers. i would take a class on home defence if i were you. its your home your rules remember that. criminals play on making you feel guilty or rude!
First welcome to THR. Now to the lecturing :D JK Well first don't open the door like that if is a friend he/she will call. You probably were lucky there thanks to your dogs. Another good thing that I have at my door is a NO SOLICITING sign, if is a salesman he/she should know how to read if it's a bad guy he/she will try no matter what with any lame excuse to get you to open.
Besides if I'm not expecting nobody and somebody rings the bell I'll answer with at least my snubbie on me, that's just me. I know you don't have anything at the time that's why just look out, you don't know who's there simple, don't open the door.
And again welcome to THR
I personally have a terrier that turns into a snarling demon at the door when he doesn't know someone for that reason I don't open if I don't know you. I don't want to deal with getting sued over a dog attack. I bought a new house that has a narrow door length window by the door and it really annoyed me for quite a while because salespeople, missionaries etc. would look in to see if anyone was here fixed that with some fake stainedglass stuff from Lowes and put in a peephole. Now they'll ring the bell hear the crazy dog and leave eventually.
This story is odd, and definitely suspicious. No legitimate salesman would have come around at night (which I surmise is when this happened), much less have asked you to come outside. A real salesperson's job is to make you comfortable, so as to better part you with your hard earned money. This was a very thin pretext to compromise your personal and house security for unknown reasons.

It almost sounds like this was some sort of "scouting" expedition; to see your house, as much of its layout as possible, and your reaction to strange events.
Help your mom and sister by putting up a decorative metal security "iron work" door or install a simple intercom for you and them to use so that opening the door isn't required to have a discussion with a stranger on the other side of the door.

If either had been in place you would have had a relatively secure barrier between you and the fellow on the other side.
I agree with the sentiment of not opening the door and getting a firearm.

I lived in Orlando for 5 years before moving back home. I have an idea of what you saw from personal experience.

One quick note:

He said "come out don't let the dogs out."

Maybe its just me, but I don't take too well to strangers coming to my door, and telling ME what to do.

Red Flag there.

-- John
Not sure the vandalism and thug at the door were related, but yup you got "interviewed." The perp wanted to size you up. Sounds like the neighborhood is going down hill in a hurry.

He said "come out don't let the dogs out."

He kept asking me to step out of the house and to close the door.

This is terrible, no offense. Red flags should have been screaming in your head. An unwelcome, shady looking visitor shows up and he is giving you instructions? :fire:

He said "come out don't let the dogs out."

I'm sorry but some ass---- shows up at my door making demands like this, I'm coming out WITH THE DOGS (and armed) just to show him its MY HOUSE.

Might be time to move.

Oh and like someone else said- ditch the "folding knife" and get a .45.
Well I found out who did all the spray painting all through my neighborhood. Not sure what to do about it atm. I got it from a friend who I wouldn't want to make him testify agaisnt the kid. I might just walk down to his house and have a talk with him. Maybe if i'm lucky I will get him to apologize to the 20 or so houses but I doubt it. He's one of those skate board punks and I know for a fact he does many drugs including crack so I might just keep my distance.
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