What did I do wrong?

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I might just walk down to his house and have a talk with him. Maybe if i'm lucky I will get him to apologize to the 20 or so houses but I doubt it. He's one of those skate board punks and I know for a fact he does many drugs including crack so I might just keep my distance.

This is a nip it in the bud story if I've ever read one. Easy, no, but needed, yes. Don't let him get away with it or he'll think it's okay.

On the original topic. I don't know how many times I've answered the door to have to explain to dummies what NO SOLICITING actually means.
This is why I have a fense around my entire property.

If you are knocking at my front door then you climbed a short fence (you can stand on the bottom rail and step over it if you have long enough legs).

And I will be telling you to get the blank off my property.
First: Welcome.
Second: Don't feel too bad right now. Few of us have gone through life without someone getting the drop on us. I once opened the door after midnight for a drunk guy looking door-to-door for his friend's place.
The key is to learn from it. The people here are likely some of the most experienced people when it comes to practical defensive paranoia. If the firearm isn't availiable due to age or other restrictions, the ol' Louisville Slugger requires no background checks and is cheaper in the long-run.
The proper mentality is the most important part. It's kind of sad, but to be safe today, you need to be cautious of everyone you're not sure of. You also need to be able to tell when something is out of the norm.
The caution part comes with experience, as many of those here have. In my job, I see a lot of different people, so I've taken to sizing them up as to what they're carrying (cell-phone, knife, wallet, occasional gun), practicing remembering features for descriptions, and reading demeanor. I'm not claiming to be greatly experienced in these, but I do have a spidey-sense on which people are stealing.
Above all, practice. Someone knocks on the door at 3am or high noon, you answer it the same every time, reasonably alert and ready, just in case....
:uhoh: I think you already know what you did wrong! I've got an attack-trained Pit Bulldog; and I, still, wouldn't open the door. If you want to talk to me, I'll force you to stand in front of a side window. Whenever the doorbell rings, I go first to the window - Never the door!

Couldn't help, but, notice you didn't have a gun readily available. Don't rely too much on your dogs. A shotgun or a 45 acp could easily take them out of your home defense equation! The most practical way to use a dog is to back him up with a gun of your own. ;)

Oh, yeah, of course you realize that by mumbling and speaking softly that guy suckered you! You should never allow yourself to get within arm's reach of somebody like that; and, you certainly do not want to let him succeed in isolating you while you're engaging him.

The only mistake you seem to have missed is the, 'well, thanks a lot handshake'! :eek:
He said "come out don't let the dogs out."
I would take that as a cue to close and lock the door (if it weren't already), arm myself (if I weren't already) and call the police.

Pretty much everything he did sounds very threatening to me.

By the way, knives (statistically speaking) offer the best chance for coming out of a self-defense scenario INJURED. Firearms (again, statistically speaking) offer the best chance for coming out of a self-defense scenario UNinjured.

The statistics say your chances of coming through a violent crime uninjured are better if you comply with the attacker rather than use a knife to resist.

Ok, I said (statistics/statistically) three times to make it clear that it was provided as information, not worded as advice. I'll bet I still get hammered for advising someone to comply with a criminal even though I tried to make it clear that's not what I'm saying.
Locked storm door

If you can swing it, have a plexiglass storm door with a decent lock installed. I love mine. When somebody I don't know comes to the door I leave the storm door closed and locked. Panhandlers, troublemakers, and salesmen hate it. Most just give up and leave. I just smile, say "No thanks, have a good day", and close the primary door. I also have a pistol in a holster for backup (concealed).

Frankly, I think it's obnoxious for people to drop in on me and expect me to drop what I'm doing. I wouldn't even answer the door except it makes my wife anxious if I don't.
All I can say is, when someone knocks on my door and I do not recognize them, or they are easy to identify as an LEO, UPS delivery person etc, I do not answer the door period. They can knock all they want, they wont get a response. If I don’t know you, I don’t wanna know you…..this is not all about security either, though that is part of it. I simply have no interest in the occasional religious types, people offering services, etc who may knock on my door. It seems to be human nature that if someone is knocking on your door you are required to answer it. I feel no such urge. Anyway, you know what you did wrong I think, so no reason to point it out. You did have large dogs, a knife, and an aware attitude, so you did as well as you could after opening the door. My advice would simply be to not open the door next time.
First off...nobody but a policeman or God himself is going to tell me to "step out and close the front door" at my house...

I dont answer doors for people I dont know. period. although I have had a hard time keeping my children from doing it. I am trying to fix that.

I have a pit bull dog myself...shes a small little female, sweetest dog ever. But she has a big dog bark and I appreciate it when she barks at the door when someone is there. I have...in the past...opened doors for suit and tie salesman. But not before yelling, "Get back Satan!" to the dog a couple times. The salesman usually just leaves a card and walks away. :)

I work at a local county jail and my wife is a deputy sheriff so I never know who is showing up at my house and for what reason...not that I live in a bad neighborhood...cause we have the best nieghbors ever...but I am very cautious of strangers in the neighborhood.
Next time answer the door with a .45 and don't open it.

Also you might want to have a chat with the ladies in the house and give them some direction as to how to handle this, because you mentioned that they would have thought nothing of it.
I already have spoken with both of them. We just decided as a group there is no need to answer the door at all unless it's a friend etc. As to the gun for HD as mentioned i'm getting atleast 1 shotgun from my grand father to use for HD and will practice how to use it heavily at the range. :)
Would you show up at your friends' houses without calling first? If you did, wouldn't you call them from their front porch if they weren't answering the door but the TV was on? I know I would.

I show up at friends homes all the time without calling first and they show up here without calling first. Actually (and this sounds bad) if someone rings the doorbell, it is usually a small child that beat the parents to the door or it is someone I don't know.
I have a pit bull dog myself...shes a small little female, sweetest dog ever. But she has a big dog bark and I appreciate it when she barks at the door when someone is there. I have...in the past...opened doors for suit and tie salesman. But not before yelling, "Get back Satan!" to the dog a couple times. The salesman usually just leaves a card and walks away.

:D :D :D Thanks, Glockafella! You absolutely made my day! For more than 14 years I had two superlatively trained Pits - 'Dancer' and, 'Sadie Jane'. But, to most people on the block (especially the teenagers) they were known as, 'Skull' and, 'Bones'.

We had this one overly protective (read, 'anal retentive') mother who used to walk her kids past the house on her way into town several times a week. Trust me when I tell you that she and the kids were in absolutely no danger at all. (Dogs were too well trained for that.) Everything was fine for awhile; but, then one day, while the television was all in an uproar over, 'land sharks' she suddenly called out to me; 'Are those Pit Bulls?'

I told her, 'Yes!' and watched as she threw a complete fit! She mumbled something about this being a, 'family neighborhood' before running off screaming about calling the police! Because she annoyed me, whenever I saw her after that, I called out to the dogs, 'Skull, Bones, come in the house!' Then I'd look at her and say; 'OK, lady, it's safe for you to pass!'

Apparently she made good on her threats to call the police; and, even, wrote a letter and made appearances before the town council, too. One evening my next door neighbor - the town's retired judge and father of the current presiding judge - knocked on my door. We sat down, together, on the porch while he petted Dancer's head as was his custom.

Suddenly he said to me; 'So, is this good ol' boy called, 'Skull' or, 'Bones'? I laughed and promised him I'd stop tormenting the woman. He said, 'they'd' appreciate it because she was driving the town council crazy with her repeated demands for protection from my, 'land sharks'. ;)

This was particularly funny because - as the judge well knew - my opposite neighbor's young children used to ride my Pit Bulls as if they were small ponies! They did this all the time. You'd never see the, 'other side' of those creatures unless I changed them into, 'working collars' and/or gave them a specific command. (I used to work with them for up to 10 hours each week.)

The male, 'Dancer' actually saved my life during a home invasion back in 1990. If it hadn't been for him rushing to attack this huge, filthy dirty, guy who just walked into my home, I doubt I'd be typing this right now. I lost the female, 'Sadie' in October of 1999; this is the only time I've ever cried over any death. 'Dancer' lost the will to live after she was gone; he only survived her by, about, 3 1/2 months - The last month of which he stopped eating.

Ihopewewin, it really is a good idea to always be ready to backup your dog's move with, at least, a pistol. Since that home invasion I have never been out of reach of a firearm - Never. It was a real, 'wake up call' for me! ;)
"The male, 'Dancer' actually saved my life during a home invasion back in 1990. If it hadn't been for him rushing to attack this huge, filthy dirty, guy who just walked into my home, I doubt I'd be typing this right now. I lost the female, 'Sadie' in October of 1999; this is the only time I've ever cried over any death. 'Dancer' lost the will to live after she was gone; he only survived her by, about, 3 1/2 months - The last month of which he stopped eating.

Ihopewewin, it really is a good idea to always be ready to backup your dog's move with, at least, a pistol. Since that home invasion I have never been out of reach of a firearm - Never. It was a real, 'wake up call' for me!"

I know for a fact if either of my dogs died I would cry for a while. I know both of them would give their lives for me which is more then I can say for most people I know even some I call friends. :(
I have a pit bull dog myself...shes a small little female, sweetest dog ever. But she has a big dog bark and I appreciate it when she barks at the door when someone is there. I have...in the past...opened doors for suit and tie salesman. But not before yelling, "Get back Satan!" to the dog a couple times. The salesman usually just leaves a card and walks away.

OK... now you reminded me of one of the funniest stories I have from college.

My roommate and I were at spring parties at our fraternity houses all week tying a good one one for most of the waking hours. Sleep essentially meant going home and passing out.

Well, on Saturday morning we get a knock at the door at 9:00 AM sharp. We had probably only slept about 3 or so hours, and both of us looked rode-hard and put up wet.

I peek out the window and it is some missionaries from a certain denomination that will remain nameless-- it wasn't Mormons. (I've got no problem with missionaries). I tell Casey who is at the door. He does a combination of a stagger and a wobble towards the door while putting on his glasses. His hair is matted and caked to one side of his head.

The next things I heard had me on the floor. He opens the door and light floods into our dark cave of an apartment. Casey squints and hold up his hand to the light as if it is painful. (knowing how his head MUST have hurt, I am sure it did)

The missionaries say "Hi... can we talk to you about ______?"

With the most dead-pan voice Casey responds "I'm sorry, but we worship the Dark Lord." :what: And then he gently closes the door.

Those guys just stood at the door for a few minutes staring with their mouths open before they left.

Casey is now a Pediatric Physician.

-- John
Originally posted by, Ihopewewin
I know for a fact if either of my dogs died I would cry for a while. I know both of them would give their lives for me which is more then I can say for most people I know even some I call friends.

:) Amen, Brother!
Next time answer the door with a .45 and don't open it.

that's what I do, the family thinks I'm nuts to have a gun with me while I'm IN the house.

I say, "It's not going to be of much help locked away now is it?"


A) Dogs are great, knife is good, gun would be better for future reference. Or at least pepper spray.... in other words, you DON'T want to have to get close to any attacker if you can avoid it.

B) If you could hear him clearly, then he can hear you clearly. You should not have had to open the door.

C) Get a chain bolt if you don't already have one. A sturdy one. Use airplane wire (steel braided cable - thin gauge) to tie links together (MULTIPLE TIMES) to shorten the chain just enough that the door can open a crack and no more and that you can of course still lock and unlock it. OR

D) Get an intercom/doorbell system so you can talk to somebody at the front door without opening it.

E) Educate your mom and sister on being safer. Luck that you were there, not them, isn't good enough.

F) Did I mention having something better than a folding knife and some dogs?
I was just in Orlando last weekend visiting my daughter ! I have to think you were being cased !! that being said he probably wont be back because of the dogs ,but you never know ! if you cant have a gun for whatever the reason go over to bass pro shops and pick up a can of the Bear repellant pepper spray !! it isnt as good as a gun but it is a lot better than a folding knife !!Like someone else said put a peephole in the door and an intercom ! dont open the door !!:cuss: I hate these scumbags !! About the Skater brat !! call the police , file a complaint for vandalism and encourage your neighbors to do the same ! tell the police what you know about the kid even if your friend wont step up ! if he is as bad as you think ,they will likely know more about him than you do !! If the vandalism occors again they will likely go ask him what he knows about it ,and that might be enough to scare the little twit !!
Man, these are getting all too common nowadays and it is scary especially when you have little kids that like to answer the door no matter how many times you tell them not to.
I have decided to take on a new approach with people who knock on the door I don't know. Is it tactically smart, not exactly but then again I get a kick out of it and get the drop on them.
While they are at front door knocking with my dogs going crazy, I go out my side gate and around the front of the house. My front door is kinda blocked in between 2 concrete walls so in reality they are trapped when I present myself to them from behind them. I am a pretty decent sized guy and don't exactly have a nice-person face or voice so I like to see them squirm. I can tell within half a second what the intentions are.
"I go out my side gate and around the front of the house. My front door is kinda blocked in between 2 concrete walls so in reality they are trapped when I present myself to them from behind them. I am a pretty decent sized guy and don't exactly have a nice-person face or voice so I like to see them squirm. I can tell within half a second what the intentions are."

I can't really say much with the stupid move I did but.... That doesnt sound like a great idea because if shtf and you had to use force agaisnt that guy at your door, it would be ALOT harder to defend yourself in court because you were no longer (inside) your house. In florida we have the castle doctrine(sp) which would pretty much save your ass if you were inside your house but outside is a whole different game.
I am pretty sure I am up to date on the law in Florida and whether I am inside or outside does not matter one iota, nor does it matter if I am on my property or not. If the shtf and I had to use deadly force according to FL statutes, I can do so anywhere at any time except in a government building, school, bar, etc.. per Florida Statutes.
Like I said before, it's not the tacticool thing to do and I know I should triple bolt my doors, break out the mp5, and dial 9-1-1 and have my finger on the send button when someone knocks on my door :rolleyes: but sometimes I like to mix things up.
Just saying that his lawyer could make it sound bad. "He came around back with a gun, ambushed my client at a point where he couldn't retreat and he had to defend himself with (whatever). "kinda blocked in between 2 concrete walls so in reality they are trapped when I present myself to them from behind them."
i too would not have answered the door, i agree with the peep hole, or maybe something along that lines, depending on where you live, answering a door with a .45 is not really a problem. think about getting something for home protection, either no letal or much bigger then a knife like that, just keep away you can't trust anyone know a days, anything could be a trap.
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