What did I do wrong?

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Welcome to THR, I'm pretty new here too.

My thoughts while reading your post.

I wouldn't have opened the door.

I would have asked him what he wanted through the door like you did in the beginning.

If the guy can't hear you that's his problem.

Alot of times criminals will use lures to get you where they want you.

They'll use your being polite against you.

They'll ask for help, to use your phone, say that they're broken down in front of your house, whatever just to get in your house or get you to come out of your house.

If it feels wrong, then it probably is wrong. Trust your senses.

After asking him a couple times what he wanted I would have just left him at the door.

If he kept on knocking after 5 minutes or so then I would have called the police and let them take care of it.
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