What do you think is the worst guntrope in media?

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I read a book - can't recall, just some kind of pulp fiction - where two doctors determined a knife wound came from a bayonet...yeah...right.

One thing you always know is that the guy with the flame thrower is going to take a bullet and explode. Ditto for the black guy in most horror movies - no matter how great the guy is, he's going to get it.
That was done well enough, but you could tell the guns were fake, the guy handed off the pistol to the other guy, and there was no "click-click". Always a dead giveaway that the guns being handled are not real. Special effects people really need to learn to duplicate that properly.
Watch out guys, Obummer will probably sign yet another executive order outlawing cardboard guns, and especially high cap cardboard magazines! Can't have people buying cardboard bullets now can we?
In Shooter the shot-through-the-eye was right towards the end when they were in the mountains/snow. Marky Mark is hidden, looking for the BGs as the BBEG's chopper was just landing.
Good catch/video link. Sure enough...there it is.

And I forgot how choppy that movie was with the cut scenes
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