What effect will the new explosives law have on the availabilty of Black Powder?

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Jan 14, 2003
Grand Forks, ND
I noticed yesterday that my local gunstore has a sign up stating after the 24th of this month civilians will not be able to purchase black powder without a federal license. Does anybody have any more info on this, sounds like it might cause some problems for flintlock shooters.
I have heard rumor of this, but haven't found any facts to back it up. However; as soon as my local guy tells me they have it in again, I am going to get several pounds. I haven't been able to fire my new flinty Lyman Trade Rifle yet, 'cause no one locally has the 4Fg grade on the shelf.:rolleyes:
When I was at the log cabin shop (back in december) one of the owners told me that if the law passed, you would have to do all kinds of paperwork to buy black powder because it was considered a high explosive. Black powder subsitutes are considered a solid propellant and don't fall under the same category and can still be bought free of hassle.
They didn't mention any specifics about the paper work. I think I remember reading somewhere that it would be the same as class III firearms and related stuff.
The new law basically equates buying a pound of blackpowder to buying TNT.:rolleyes:
The law will not change things for blackpowder shooters, only those who are using it for non-sporting purposes, such as stump removal, etc. Straight from the ATF website...

4. Does the new law affect the black powder exemption for sporting,
recreational, or cultural use in antique firearms?

The exemption at 27 CFR 55.141(b) for black powder is not affected by the new law.


Print out the FAQ and show it to him, it might save some hassle.

It doesn't sound like it affects the purchasing of Black Powder by private citizens, but if may play hell with the suppliers of BP. Doesn't do much good to be able to purchase it if you can't find anyone that is selling it. Also I didn't catch what effect this would have on shipping BP, In the past we used to be able to order it from Track of the Wolf in Minnesota in 25 lb lots, I have a feeling that may be over with now.
Good point, hadn't thought of it that way. I am fortunate enough to have a store that stocks goex right here in town. You might have to look into what it takes to get a license.
Hi, foghornl:
Don't leave that new flinter collecting dust just because you don't have any 4f. Lots of folks prefer 3f for hunting in damp weather, since it doesn't draw moisture as fast. The old military flinters used 2f for everything. A good, sharp flint is more important than the pan powder. Yes, ignition might be slower, but get out and shoot it.

Have fun
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